
Soda for heartburn for pregnant women - PROS and CONS

Can baking soda be used as a remedy for heartburn during pregnancy? What is the use of it? What harm can this dietary supplement do to a pregnant woman's body? You will find answers to these questions of interest to many expectant mothers in our article.

For a pregnant woman, the issue of treating various painful conditions is of great importance. Indeed, when bearing a fetus, extremely unpleasant symptoms very often occur. One of these troubles very often becomes heartburn.

The most important thing in any treatment is not to harm the expectant mother and child. Many people consume baking soda at the first sign of heartburn. Let's see if it harms a pregnant woman and her baby.

Does baking soda help relieve heartburn?

In order to understand whether soda really saves you from heartburn, you need to remember the mechanism of the disease. A burning sensation in the esophagus occurs when gastric juice, which contains hydrochloric acid, enters it. This acid leads to unpleasant sensations, irritating the esophageal mucosa.

In pregnant women, this condition occurs more often due to an increase in the size of the uterus, which leads to the throwing of gastric juice into the esophagus. In addition, changes in hormonal levels lead to relaxation of smooth muscles, including those that contract the sphincter (a special valve that prevents acid from entering the esophagus).

Hence, to get rid of heartburn, you need to neutralize the acid. It is worth remembering that baking soda is a chemical compound known as sodium bicarbonate. All women use this substance in the process of baking - "quench" acetic acid.

READ IN DETAIL: Causes and treatment (drug treatment and treatment with folk remedies) for heartburn in pregnant women. Prevention of heartburn during pregnancy -

Similar processes occur when interacting with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the result is salt, carbon dioxide and water... This reaction actually neutralizes the acid, converting it into other substances. Turns out that baking soda can relieve heartburn.

Positive aspects of treating heartburn with baking soda

We eat foods made with soda almost every day. It is added to pies, cookies, pancakes and buns for pomp and airiness. Therefore, every housewife of the house must have a pack of this useful product.

Treatment of heartburn with baking soda has a number of positive aspects over other remedies.:

  1. Soda is an inexpensive remedy.
  2. She is always at hand.
  3. Soda relieves discomfort very quickly, in just a couple of minutes.

At first glance, sodium bicarbonate is really an irreplaceable remedy for burning in the esophagus. But in the normal state, people suffer from this symptom quite rarely, and in pregnant women it occurs very often, especially in the second and third trimesters. Therefore, before using this tool, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Cons of using baking soda for heartburn

We all remember very well what the reaction between soda and acetic acid looks like when extinguished: a lush, hissing foam is formed. This comes from the formation of carbon dioxide, it is he who is in the bubbles. This gas irritates the esophagus and can again lead to heartburn. In a normal state, the sphincter may well cope with the repeated release of hydrochloric acid, but during pregnancy this will lead to another attack of burning in the esophagus.

It turns out that soda for heartburn for women in an interesting position is not the best solution. In addition, there is still a whole a number of reasons why pregnant women should not abuse soda:

  1. Acid ricochet - recurrence of heartburn after 25-30 minutes.
  2. Sodium, which is part of baking soda, leads to swelling.
  3. Frequent consumption of sodium bicarbonate leads to irritation of the intestinal walls.
  4. Sodium salts formed during a chemical reaction, in large quantities, negatively affect the cardiovascular system.

It turns out that soda is not such a harmless product. Women who are carrying a child should stop taking soda for heartburn and replace it with less harmful drugs.... For example, a decoction of heather or yarrow.

To ensure the health of the unborn child, try not to abuse medications or treatment at hand. If heartburn hurts very badly, then it is best see a doctor... He will advise you on the right drug that will not harm you or your baby.

READ ALSO: When can pregnant women take baking soda? (thrush, heartburn, toothache, sore throat treatment, baking soda pregnancy test)

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