
Psychosomatics of arthritis in adults and children

Joint inflammation is a painful and sometimes disabling condition. To a greater extent, arthritis occurs in adults, but there are also cases of the development of pathology in children. Since the causes of pathology are not fully understood in medicine, arthritis is carefully studied by specialists in the psychology of diseases. This ailment also has psychosomatic causes.

General information about the disease

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. A disease can be either an independent disease or a symptom of another disease. Any joint or several at the same time can be affected (and then it is called polyarthritis). In recent years, the number of patients with arthritis has been increasing. Every sixth sick person gets a disability, cannot work, and therefore the economies of different countries have already recognized arthritis not only as a medical, but also as a medical and social problem.

Official sources and medical encyclopedias indicate that the causes of arthritis are not known for certain. The most mysterious is rheumatoid arthritis, which is attributed to immune and genetic origin. With it, healthy joint cells are affected by the body's own immune cells.

Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, septic arthritis, gout, juvenile arthritis (in childhood), and spondylitis are considered independent forms of arthritis. Diseases that are symptomatic of an inflammatory process in the joint include purpura, systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, and granulomatosis.

For all types of pathology, a painful course is characteristic: pain in the joint, redness of the skin over the affected joint. The joint loses its former mobility; under load, a click or crunch is heard.

Psychosomatic causes

Psychosomatics studies the disease not only from the point of view of physiology and anatomical changes, but also in connection with the emotional and mental state of a person. In psychosomatics, it is generally accepted that all inflammatory processes are caused by such negative emotions as anger and intense irritation. Usually, a person tries to hide these feelings for a long time, drives them into secret corners of the soul, which is why it is not the external structures of his body that are affected, but the internal ones: the joints.

The joint is a symbol of movement forward towards the goal. Therefore, inflammation in the joints is a sign that a person with anger and irritation perceives the need to move, to do something.

Rheumatoid arthritis indicates a high level of aggression in a person. These are quite strong, self-confident people, accustomed to achieving goals. They stop at nothing, break and destroy the world for themselves, for their own interests. But one day such people have a misfire: the world refuses to break, the obstacle cannot be removed. This is where arthritis starts, as a symbol of aggression, directed not to the world from the outside, but to oneself.

People who are used to going ahead often experience aggression when they batter concrete blocks with their foreheads. It accumulates, and, like salt, is deposited in the joints. Psychotherapists have come to the conclusion that arthritis more often than others suffer from stubborn, rigid and cruel people. These qualities do not always manifest themselves outwardly - sometimes a person does not at all give the impression of being stubborn, but with diagnosed arthritis he is almost always just that.

Joint inflammation begins in people who do not want to be flexible in life, are not ready to seek compromises, like when everything is done as they say, as they think it is right. They do not accept anything new, they deny the benefits of the achievements of technology and science. Exacerbations with pain and swelling occur at moments when a person is faced with someone's resistance (someone did not want to obey, someone did not support a person's brilliant idea, someone doubted his correctness).

A forehead slam into a concrete block (in a metaphysical sense) creates an almost instantaneous projection of anger and irritation onto the joints. Arthritis develops in people who make the wrong choice of profession. They are quite active and aggressive by nature, they need work related to adrenaline, the release of aggression in a positive direction (lifeguard, military, climber, athlete, stuntman, aircraft tester), and they listened to their parents and became accountants and lawyers, office clerks or teachers. In this case, aggression does not find a way out for many years and is directed at itself, destroying the joints.

At the physical level, irritation and anger lead to changes in the hormonal background, a large amount of stress hormones are produced, which leads to metabolic disorders. Constant stress leads to tension in the muscles that fix the position of the joint and all its parts. The joint is stiff, movement is limited, blood circulation is impaired and the inflammatory process starts.

Shoulder arthritis usually indicates that a person is experiencing severe irritation and anger while performing their duties. The load he has shouldered is too great. Arthritis of the fingers - irritation over household trifles, in the family, in everyday affairs. Inflammation of the joints of the legs is the wrong way, unwillingness to walk along it, elbows are affected - self-criticism, unwillingness to accept others as they are.


To treat adults and children with arthritis, an integrated approach is recommended, in which there must be a place for water procedures. The water element and contact with it allow you to partially relieve a huge aggressive tension, partially neutralize the aggression itself. Swimming makes a person more flexible not only in a physiological sense, but also in a metaphysical and psychological sense. It is very important for people with arthritis to learn to forgive.

To do this, you should master several techniques for managing resentment, anger. It is equally important to learn to ask forgiveness from others. It is important to understand that the path to the goal at any cost, straight ahead, is not always the shortest and most correct. It can be very useful to practice giving up some goals, the mere thought of which causes an adrenaline rush. Such goals invariably cause an increase in the level of aggression, and arthritis flares up again.

The most versatile piece of advice that psychotherapists give to arthritis patients sounds simple, but it's the hardest piece of advice that psychotherapists give: learn to be kinder. People, events, information, the world around you need to be treated from a philosophical point of view.

Before getting angry, or better instead of anger, you should look at the situation from the outside, evaluate everything soberly and positively, with goodness and a desire for good for others.

It can be very difficult to independently change your old, and sometimes congenital, attitudes. Therefore, very often a person needs professional psychological help. To reduce the level of aggression towards others, it is important to learn to see the shortcomings in yourself. The second step will be finding forgiveness and self-forgiveness. Without psychocorrection, neither ointments, nor lotions, nor anti-inflammatory drugs will have a special healing effect. They will only temporarily relieve the symptoms of joint inflammation, but with each outburst of anger, the disease will worsen again and again.

Watch the video: Rheumatoid Arthritis Of Hands: Symptoms, Signs, Treatment (September 2024).