
Where to go on vacation with a child?

Family vacation is one of the brightest pages in the history of each of us. He will be remembered for a lifetime. To keep these memories warm, parents want to plan their long-awaited vacation with their child as best they can. But already at the planning stage, many difficulties and questions arise. This is especially true of the resting place. We will talk about where to go and what to do on holidays or weekends in this article.

Purpose of the trip

The choice of a vacation spot depends on many factors. It is important to consider the financial side of the issue, because all families have different budgets. It is equally important to clearly understand what exactly you and your child want from this vacation. It can be a "lazy" beach pastime, an active holiday in a sporty style, an educational vacation, during which the child and his parents can learn a lot of new and interesting things. The purpose of the vacation can be wellness treatments that will be equally beneficial for all family members.

Before choosing a vacation spot, you should find out from all household members what they would like to see this vacation. As soon as this becomes clear, you can start choosing a specific location and preliminary planning of expenses.

Beach vacation

The most popular type of recreation is the beach. If a family with a child already has extensive travel experience and has the necessary funds, you can choose any foreign resort. It is important to take into account the age of the child.

The younger your baby, the harder it will be for him to endure the inevitable acclimatization (especially if you go to tropical countries, to exotic places where the climate is very different from the usual for your territory). Changing time zones can also play a cruel joke.


Knowing the health features of your baby, you can plan a vacation on the beaches of Bulgaria or Cyprus. There is soft sand, a fairly mild climate, a lot of Russian-speaking staff. The resorts of Greece are perfectly adapted for children's recreation.

A well-thought-out infrastructure can be noted as a plus of foreign beach recreation. Almost every hotel offers a children's menu in the restaurant. Most of the hotels have children's rooms and at any time are available the services of babysitters, animators, guides.


The Russian south cannot yet boast of excellent service at resorts, but it is most preferable for families with small children (due to acclimatization, which passes more smoothly and quickly in the conditions of the native country).

The most popular seaside destination is the Black Sea coast. Vacation in Sochi and Anapa will be quite expensive. Somewhat cheaper - in Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Loo, Lazarevsky. Almost all of these cities and towns have additional entertainment for older children: water parks, dolphinariums, amusement parks, and zoos.

Rest in Crimea is still more affordable financially than a vacation in Sochi, but prices on the peninsula are already rapidly approaching the level of Sochi. However, if this direction is chosen, you can please several family members at once who have different goals and expectations. Crimea can be a great place for both beach and educational and sightseeing recreation, for fans of extreme sports and beautiful landscapes.

If the financial capabilities of the family are more modest than a vacation on the Black Sea coast requires, it is worth considering the opportunity to spend a vacation on the coast of the Azov Sea. In Yeisk, the village of Golubitskaya, as well as Dolzhanskaya, you can enjoy the silence for the whole family, which is especially pleasant if you go to the sea with a baby. Older children will be bored there, because a pure beach vacation will quickly bore fidgets. They will want to go to the park, to the attractions, and with the entertainment industry on the Azov coast, everything is pretty sad - there are almost none.

Rest by the Caspian Sea can still be considered quite affordable for families with a wide variety of incomes. In the sanatoriums and boarding houses of the city of Kaspiysk, as well as in many settlements of Dagestan located by the sea, they do not “break the price”. Among the undoubted advantages is a fairly clean coastline. The disadvantage is the same as that of the Azov coast: the lack of modern infrastructure.

For residents of the northern regions of Russia, who decided to go to the sea with a baby, the Baltic is ideal. There, the sea is warm, and the sun does not beat down as mercilessly as in the Black Sea resorts, so a vacation in the Kaliningrad region will not be accompanied by long acclimatization. Everything is quite well with the infrastructure here.

Whatever the destination, parents should remember that for a comfortable child's rest it is necessary that the descent into the water is smooth. So the child will not drown and not overcooled, because the water in shallow water warms up better and faster.

It is desirable that the beach is sandy or small pebbles. If this is not the case, you should worry in advance about purchasing special beach shoes for your child. It will protect the legs from sharp stones.

The selected hotel must have a children's menu (or the restaurant must offer special meals). A variety of entertainment - at your discretion, depending on the age and interests of the child. It is worth paying special attention to the presence of a separate children's pool on site. Well, if there is one.

Beach holidays can be not only seaside. Recently, river and lake camp sites and recreation centers have become quite popular.

The most suitable places for family recreation are bases on the Volga, in Karelia and Adygea, as well as on Lake Baikal. Needless to say, such outdoor recreation can be planned by "savages" too! Overnight in tents and freshly caught fish soup, cooked over a fire, fresh air - all this will benefit both adults and children of almost any age (except, perhaps, babies). If you like such a vacation, you should think over the children's leisure in advance, because you will also have to organize it yourself.

Excursion tours

If a little erudite, inquisitive fidget grows in your family, he will prefer an educational vacation, and such a vacation will give adults a lot of pleasure. You can go on a sightseeing tour to Europe. Family excursions are thought out to the smallest detail in Germany, Czech Republic, Sweden.

The routes will really appeal to all family members: the amusement park will appeal to the child, exciting shopping - to the mom, and the Bavarian BMW Museum to the dad.

If you don't have a valid Schengen visa, and you don't want to apply for it, you can take advantage of the numerous offers of Russian travel agencies or draw up an educational route yourself. As for the ready-made proposals, the most popular directions for the last two seasons are excursions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, along the Golden Ring of Russia, excursion trips to Altai, to Adygea.

Self-planning excursions will cost significantly less, but will also require much more effort from parents.

You will need to carefully study all the articles available on the Internet about certain attractions of the selected city or region. You will also need to book a hotel or rent an apartment, think about where and what you will feed your child and eat yourself, ask about the opening hours of the selected museums, galleries, parks, and also think about how to get to the selected place.

If you still want to go abroad, you can consider options that do not require a mandatory visa. These are Turkey, Egypt, Montenegro and a number of other states that are not part of the Schengen zone. There you can not only satisfy the need for a beach holiday, but also take part in exciting excursions that will be remembered for a long time by everyone.

Do not forget about Cyprus, where you only need to order a free provision to visit.

Wellness places

If there is a desire and need to use the vacation to solve the accumulated health problems, you can choose one of the sanatoriums, which are sufficient both abroad and in Russia. They usually specialize in certain groups of diseases. In some, ailments of the musculoskeletal system are treated, in others - ENT diseases, in others - neurological disorders. Several sanatoriums in Anapa accept children with cerebral palsy and other disorders of motor functions; in the Nizhny Novgorod region there are a number of institutions that offer to combine outdoor recreation with medical procedures for children with ENT problems.

On Lake Baikal, families are accepted in which often sick children with severely weakened immunity grow up. In sanatoriums and boarding houses of the North Caucasus (in Mineralnye Vody, Kislovodsk), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated. You can find out about this or that sanatorium from the doctors: usually they themselves recommend such places.

You will have to take care of the voucher to the sanatorium in advance. Six months before the check-in date, they are 10-20% cheaper, and immediately before the start of the wellness change of vouchers, in most cases, they are not on sale at all.

Parents should remember that this kind of rest will require significant preparation: you will have to collect certificates and extracts from the child's medical record and your own records, get recommendations from the attending physicians, take certificates about the epidemiological environment and pass a bunch of tests.

In boarding houses, the rules are somewhat simpler, but you won't be able to go there empty-handed either. If you want to receive wellness treatments, you will have to provide your local doctors with documented health data.


If you want to spend your vacation on the move, actively, it is worth considering such directions as Crimea and Sochi. On the peninsula, family cycling trips are developed, in Sochi you can go sailing, diving, and parachute jumping. The ski resort of Sochi is in no way inferior to similar resorts in Switzerland.

In Turkey, you can try your hand at rafting - rafting on mountain rivers. In Russia, this can be done in Adygea and the North Caucasus, as well as in the Urals and even in Siberia.

You don't have to go somewhere to spend an active vacation. Now in every region there are many interesting places where you can play paintball, shoot with carbines and bows, ride horses, go on a hike with a group of cavers or climbers.

The whole family can take part in a fishing tournament, a quest, a kite festival and so on.

Holidays according to seasons

In the summer you can go anywhere. Holidays in Russia and abroad will be equally exciting (if it is properly planned and meets the needs and expectations of each member of your family). It is more difficult to make the right choice if the adult vacation falls on the child's fall, spring or winter holidays.

It makes no sense to go to the sea in spring if it is not the coast of the Red Sea in Egypt. There, the swimming beach season can be safely opened at the end of March. It's cold to swim in Turkey in spring, but the beaches of the United Arab Emirates are already receiving tourists who miss the sea and the sun.

In the spring, if you focus on the statistics of travel agencies, excursion tours (both abroad and in Russia) are popular.

In the fall, you can also extend your summer by going to the beaches of Egypt, Turkey (until mid-October), and the UAE. Cognitive excursion tours to Europe and to Russian cities are also very popular this season, as well as outdoor activities. Due to the climatic features of a number of cities in Siberia, you can go bagels and skiing at the end of October.

In winter, beach lovers can go to Egypt. Swimming in the Red Sea at this time is quite cool (the water temperature is about 20 degrees), but the outdoor pools at the hotels will delight both adults and children. If you still want to sit on the beach in the middle of winter, it is better to fly with your child to Thailand, where you can safely swim even in January or February.

However, parents in vain think that the child will only enjoy swimming in the sea.

Children with great enthusiasm perceive both the warm sun and a large amount of snow, so you can safely go with the whole family to visit Santa (Lapland) or visit his Russian "colleague" Father Frost in the village in Veliky Ustyug.

Where can your family rest on vacations and holidays?

Sometimes it becomes necessary to plan a vacation for a relatively short period of time - for a weekend or vacation. The most popular destinations for the New Year are warm foreign resorts, which were mentioned above.

In recent years, trips to Veliky Ustyug have been equally popular.

On Shrovetide, if possible, you can visit one of the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia (for example, Vladimir, Yaroslavl). There, this holiday is celebrated with such a breadth and scope that the impressions of your whole family will last for a long time.

Spring break can be spent at one of the ski resorts in Austria, Poland, and for patriotic tourists - in Sochi.

Where to go with children 1-3 years old?

Doctors and psychologists do not recommend long flights, abrupt change of time and climatic zones for such little children. It is better when the kids are resting with their parents in their native region, in extreme cases - within the country in cities, the climate of which is as close as possible to their native, familiar.

Compliance with this simple rule will reduce the intensity of the acclimatization process in the child and will enable the whole family to have a good rest, and not to be treated during and after the vacation.

Active recreation and entertainment by "savages" in campsites and tents are not suitable for small children, it is better for them to choose quiet places with fresh air and a measured rhythm of life, as well as the obligatory presence of infrastructure. Among the seas, it is better to give preference to the Azov and Baltic ones. However, you shouldn't even go there at the height of the tourist season, when the beaches are packed with people. The ideal option is the sanatoriums of the Volga region, the Caucasus, the Urals.


  • Do not pass up the opportunity to spend a vacation with your child, even if you have a "full set" of grandparents. This time is priceless, as it gives you the opportunity to communicate with your own child more.
  • Approach planning wisely, take into account the age of the child, his tastes and match them with your interests and capabilities.

TOP 5 places for families with children - in the video below.

Watch the video: Where Do Elves Go On Vacation? by Kim Ann - Videobook For Kids (July 2024).