
Rubdown with vodka at a temperature in a child up to a year

The people are widely known for a way to help bring down the high temperature. To cope with it, people wipe themselves with alcohol, vodka, vinegar and try to cure children in a similar way. Some people think that methods that have been successful for many generations cannot be questioned, and do not even think about how they work. Meanwhile, rubbing, disrupting natural thermoregulation, can lead to disastrous consequences.

Baby's temperature

When to bring down the temperature

Doctors recommend bringing down the temperature of the child when it exceeds 38.5 degrees. In this case, you need to focus on the state of the crumb:

  • Do not rush, if the baby is vigorous and active, it is necessary to give the immunity the opportunity to fight the infection;
  • If the child already at 38 degrees does not feel well, does not get out of bed and refuses to eat, you can give him an antipyretic.

It is also better to bring down the temperature of the baby to 3 months, without waiting for the thermometer to show 38.5.

Remember! For children under one year old, an indicator of up to 37.5 degrees is considered normal.

When mom sees a temperature of 37 or 37.3, there is no need to worry. First of all, you need to watch the crumb. He may be hot and may need to remove excess clothing or ventilate the room. The temperature can rise if the baby moved too actively or cried for a long time.

Some children have a painful fever. If a child has already had seizures once, then they may recur, the parents should be ready for this. At such moments, one should not panic and leave the child alone. You need to be nearby and make sure that the baby does not harm himself with an awkward movement. Such babies are too sensitive to an increase in temperature, therefore, it is necessary to knock it down as soon as it rises above 37.5. Usually, children outgrow this reaction and the seizures stop as they get older.

Antipyretics should immediately be given to babies with heart and kidney problems, as well as those who have been diagnosed with neurological disorders. Any chronic pathologies require closer attention to the child, especially during the period of infectious diseases that significantly weaken the immune system.

Note! The high temperature approaching 39 degrees must be brought down in order to prevent complications. At such values, the metabolism is significantly accelerated, the load on the heart increases, due to the fact that the heart rate increases. Against the background of a jump in temperature, dehydration of the body may begin, which is especially dangerous for children in the first year of life.

Do vodka and alcohol lower the temperature?

If the baby's temperature rises, then the vessels located at the surface of the body expand. It starts producing more heat, which is released into the environment. As a result, more sweat is generated, and its evaporation leads to a decrease in temperature. This is a natural process that can be intervened by offering the baby as much fluid as possible. It is necessary to make up for the losses incurred, avoid dehydration and speed up recovery.

Drinking regime

When rubbing alcohol is rubbed onto the skin, it mixes with the sweat. Liquids evaporate, together with them heat leaves the surface of the body. As a result, blood flow slows down, vasospasm occurs, due to which the skin becomes very cold and very abruptly, the temperature of internal organs does not change, and may even increase. It turns out that alcohol does not get rid of the heat, but only cools the skin, it can harm the body, disrupting its work.

Is it possible to rub a child with vodka

There is an opinion that at the temperature of a child, rubbing his skin with vodka can quickly raise the baby to his feet. This is a delusion that people are guided by out of ignorance. They do not understand how thermoregulation works, believing that if the skin becomes cold, then the baby is no longer in danger.

Note! In addition to absorbing alcohol through the pores, your baby inhales it as it evaporates with sweat. Thus, poisoning cannot be avoided.

It doesn't matter if alcohol or vodka is used, and in what ratio they are diluted with water for rubdowns. Even a small amount of alcohol-containing liquid can harm the body. Therefore, you need to think carefully before you start wiping the child with vodka, remembering that a violation of heat transfer does not lead to a relief in the baby's condition. Parents are responsible for his health and must avoid dangerous activities.

Moms and dads, choosing rubbing, usually refuse to use drugs. They want to protect the child from the possible side effects of medications, thereby causing the baby even more harm. Antipyretic drugs are approved for use from birth, the main thing is to observe the dosage and maintain the recommended interval between doses of the medicine.

How to reduce the temperature by rubbing

Rubbing can be used as an auxiliary way to lower the temperature when using antipyretic drugs. The main thing is not to use vodka and alcohol, which in any volume lead to vasospasm. Such rubdowns are harmful even for adults, but for newborns they are dangerous.


In case of heat, you can rub the child with water, following the recommendations:

  • It is impossible for the baby's skin to come into contact with the cold one. This applies to compresses, wrapping in sheets, applying a towel to the forehead. The efficiency and safety of the procedure depend on the correct temperature of the liquid. Water, in comparison with air, has a high thermal conductivity. Therefore, when it begins to contact the skin, it will instantly lose heat. This applies specifically to cold water, the use of which will lead to vasospasm. It is allowed that it be a couple of degrees cooler than the body temperature of the crumbs. Otherwise, vasospasm will occur, which occurs when using alcohol-containing liquids. If the water has the same temperature as the patient's body, then heat transfer will not occur, which means that the procedure will be meaningless;
  • You can wipe it off with a clean, soft diaper or cloth. It is better to gently apply it to the skin so that the baby does not feel unpleasant sensations and irritation once again;
  • The child should not be afraid of the procedure. If he starts to shiver, pushing, crying, stop. Before rubbing, you need to undress the baby so that he lies naked for 2-3 minutes.

If the child has cold extremities, then they need to be warmed. You need to put on socks on your feet. You can rub your baby only if his body is warm. If the child has had convulsions earlier at a temperature, then it is necessary to forget about auxiliary methods of normalizing the condition. In this case, it is important to give the baby an antipyretic in time. If the medication does not work, call an ambulance.

Rubbing makes sense only when the temperature reaches 38.5-39 degrees. If such indicators are recorded in a child under six months of age, it is better to call a doctor and refuse self-medication.

Doctor call

Note! Cold compresses can be used in an emergency and only in a hospital setting. Medical staff can rub the baby with water when an urgent fever is needed to stabilize the baby. At home, such methods of dealing with temperature are considered prohibited.

Among the recipes for traditional medicine, there is another well-known way to lower the temperature - rubbing with vinegar. This method again leads to vasospasm and can cause intoxication. Acetic acid poisoning is no less dangerous than alcohol.

Komarovsky's opinion

The famous children's doctor Komarovsky confirms that many mothers are constantly interested in how to rub a child with vodka at high temperatures. They are trying to find out the proportions of breeding based on the age of the child. The saddest thing about this is that children's doctors recommend this method of getting rid of the fever without thinking about the consequences.

When rubbing with vodka, it will only harm the baby. The smaller it is, the more serious the consequences will be. Alcohol evaporating from the surface of the body along with sweat actually lowers the temperature of the upper layer of the skin. She becomes cold due to a violation of thermoregulation. The illusion is created that the heat has receded. Alcohol in contact with dry skin intensifies the poisoning caused by the toxic effects of bacteria and viruses. Alcohol is absorbed through the pores and spreads throughout the body, making the baby worse.

If you want to help the child overcome the fever, then you can rub it, but not using alcohol, vodka, vinegar for this. During the heat, it is important to adhere to simple rules in order to speed up the recovery of the baby:

  • Make sure that the air in the room is cool and fresh. It is imperative to ventilate the room, it is better to dress the child warmly so that he is comfortable. It's good if the temperature at home is kept around 18 degrees;
  • Water the baby abundantly. Any liquid will do, preferably warm;
  • You cannot force-feed a child. If he has an appetite, then only light food should be offered. The forces of the crumbs are aimed at combating infection and restoring the body. It is better to save them, and not direct them to digest food;
  • Stick to bed rest. Some illnesses accompanied by high fever, such as sore throat, cannot be carried on the legs at all. It can lead to serious complications, in particular to the heart.

Bed rest

Note! Komarovsky emphasizes that the World Health Organization categorically prohibits rubbing children with any means containing alcohol.

Rubdown with vodka at a child's temperature is a dangerous procedure that is in vain popular. She is not only unable to relieve the baby of the heat, but can harm the health of the baby. There are many antipyretic drugs suitable for both children of the first months of life and older babies. For infants, it is more convenient to use rectal suppositories, which are quickly absorbed and immediately begin to act. After 11-12 months, syrups are usually used, equipped with convenient dispensing syringes. It happens that the temperature does not drop, in such a case there should be a drug at hand based on another active substance. If this does not help, you need to call a doctor or ambulance.

Watch the video: 8 Best Home Remedies for Fever in Babies (July 2024).