
Electronic constructors for children: selection criteria

The market offers a huge range of exciting and original toys that will not only entertain, but also improve the mental capacity of the child. Electronic construction sets for boys are at the peak of popularity. With the help of children's kits, you can attract a child's interest in physics in an easy and unobtrusive way.

What it is?

With the help of such constructors, you can understand the principles of electronics and electrical engineering, as well as discover the wonderful world of science and technology. Electronic constructor for children is an interesting, exciting and educational game. Its main task is to develop an interest in various physical processes and phenomena. Step by step, the child will comprehend science with the help of diagrams and visual aids, doing it with ease and with pleasure. After getting acquainted with such products, the designer can become a favorite toy for a child, especially if he is interested in electronics.

Such a purchase will also be useful for teenagers and high school students. Experts recommend purchasing this type of construction set for students in grades 6-11. Many schoolchildren face difficulties in comprehending the exact sciences, and the visual aid will help to learn many physical principles from personal experience.

It is worth considering the fact that for some students the school curriculum is not enough to obtain the necessary knowledge.

Modern schools that use advanced and innovative methods in the education process often use such constructors during practical physics classes. These constructions were highly rated by educational experts. The newest kits have been developed taking into account the latest advances in science and technology.

The manufacturers took care not only of the child's interest, but also of his safety. For the manufacture of parts, the highest quality plastic (environmentally friendly material) is used, as well as reliable connecting elements and modern electronic components, for example, such as speakers, LEDs, switches, capacitors and microcircuits, which will definitely be needed for assembling mechanisms.

Features and purpose

On the shelves of domestic stores, there are many different sets of children's construction sets for boys. An educational game for junior, senior and middle school students based on the laws of physics, radio control and electronics. Working with an innovative construction set is much more interesting than a standard school lesson. Electrical is an amazing and at the same time complex topic that will sparkle with new colors when meeting with electronic constructors.

Working electrical circuits are assembled from the elements included in the package. Depending on the goal, you can make a device that performs the functions of a radio receiver, bell, alarm and other automation.

The main feature of such constructors is that all connection processes do not require soldering. The child can assemble a full-fledged electronic mechanism without inhaling the harmful vapors released during the operation of soldering irons and without fear of getting burned.

Manufacturers offering a wide range of sets claim that this is not just a toy, but a base for experiments that will interest not only children, but also adults. Working with a designer will help to gain new and refresh the existing basic knowledge and skills in the field of engineering. Moreover, the process will be much more exciting and interesting than reading technical and educational literature.

For the convenience of buyers, age restrictions must be indicated on the models, which vary from 5 to 55 years. A scientific experiment carried out with a child will help to get closer to him, find a common language, and also develop in him positive male character traits that will definitely be needed in adulthood.

It is recommended that teachers from middle and high school pay attention to electronic constructors. With their help, you can conduct interesting practical work that will help problem students better understand the subject.

Using modern designers, everyone, without much effort and experience, has the opportunity to independently assemble about a thousand different electrical circuits, understand their principle of operation and understand the circuits. Children's kits include special manuals with pictures and clear text. With their help, the child will be able to assemble the mechanism without assistance.

For safety in the process of work, alternative energy sources are often used, for example, such as solar panels. Also, batteries and capacitors are included as power sources.


Taking into account the growing popularity of electromechanical constructors for children, the already rich and multifaceted assortment is replenished with new products. Innovative techniques and technologies are the basis for the development of new original kits that can surprise sophisticated modern buyers.

All products available in stock can be divided into separate groups depending on their characteristics.

  • Amount of elements. There are three main varieties according to this criterion: small sets (the number of schemes is from 15 to 40 options), medium sets - from 50 to 400 schemes in a package, and large (the minimum number of schemes is 500). The more details, the more opportunities for carrying out practical and research work at home and creating various devices, such as clocks, radio stations, alarms and other equally interesting things.
  • Visual perception. There is a separate kind of constructors. The set includes parts, the connection of which includes an exclusively functional background, without aesthetic effect. Such an electrical designer is aimed, first of all, at the development of mental abilities and obtaining new knowledge. The second type is more entertaining - these are play sets. After assembly, each model will be considered complete from both a technical and architectural point of view.

  • Child's age. When compiling smart kits, manufacturers take into account the age characteristics of a child or adolescent. In product catalogs, there are sure to be electrical constructors for elementary school students, high school students and even graduates. The higher the number, the more difficult it is to assemble and work with sets.

  • Functionality and features. Desktop builders may vary in build capabilities. The product description should include a list of experiments that can be performed with a particular set. There are also options with solar panels and other original details. Depending on the topic, you can assemble a typewriter, robot, switch or any other device.

If a child has a desire to develop in new directions, then the best solution to support his interest is to purchase a modern electronic construction kit.

The practical part will be more useful and exciting than studying school textbooks. For children with distracted attention, it is recommended to choose simple options, and for beginners - such designs so that the assembly process looks more like a game than a science project. In this case, you need to pay attention to kits for assembling various vehicles.

Popular sets

Among the rich assortment, some sets are in special demand on the Russian market. Below are the most popular and demanded options. The rating is based on customer reviews, as well as the opinions of experienced experts.


The domestic electronic game will not only interest and entertain the child, but will also help to reveal and develop his talent. This set is suitable for an inquisitive and active boy from 5 years old.

The main purpose of the designer is to draw attention to the technological world and clearly demonstrate that you can assemble a working electronic device yourself.

When compiling a set, manufacturers refused to use complex schemes, abstruse terms and other things that can alienate and take away interest. Everything is designed as simple, easy and understandable as possible. After getting acquainted with the construction set, the child will definitely show an interest in physics and will be happy to discover new sides of this amazing world.

Everything you need to assemble devices and conduct exciting experiments is collected inside the package. Here you can find sensors, lamps, diodes, microcircuits, buttons and other required elements. It will take just a few minutes to assemble the simplest device.

There are no adhesives or soldering here. The elements reliably adhere to each other due to special elements. If a mistake was made during the assembly process, then it will not be difficult to disassemble the structure and reassemble it.

Small parts, LEDs and wires come with a margin - they will be needed in the event that one of the components is lost during the experiment.


To help the child, the kit includes a cognitive book with colorful and understandable illustrations. The tutorials tell you how to design devices on a breadboard. Also, the manual will help to correct mistakes in the process.

Each structure, assembled using elements from the set, has interactivity. This is a reaction to external actions, such as touching, pressing and other types of manipulation. A total of 20 experiments are available, differing in complexity.


The set is intended for schoolchildren from 8 years old, but it will be interesting for senior pupils, as well as students. It is the perfect gift for those looking to understand the world of modern electronics. All elements are assembled on the board without soldering. A 9 V Krona battery is supplied as a power source.

The main goal of the designer is to teach the user the basics of electrical engineering. The book that is included in the kit indicates the principles of operation of electric current, resistors, circuits, transistors and other elements. The collection also contains reference material, which will definitely come in handy in the process of work.

Equipment and capabilities. The construction set includes 140 real components, including sensors, wires, capacitors and other necessary elements. Each part can be inserted and removed from the board an unlimited number of times.

The kit is completely safe to use. Carefully selected materials were used to make each part.

Working with the constructor will be not only useful, but also interesting. Using the set, you can conduct more than 30 exciting experiments.


If you plan to study the field of radio engineering and electronics, but you don't even have basic knowledge in this area, you should pay attention to the "Matryoshka" constructor. The kit contains a breadboard, various radio components, and the Arduino Uno platform. As a presentation, the manufacturers supplemented the products with a training and understandable brochure. With its help, you can independently assemble an electronic device from scratch. The instructions indicate the basic concepts of electrical engineering and the theoretical part in this direction.

This set is presented in various configurations. Constructor "Matryoshka X" has everything you need to assemble from 8 to 20 working devices. This is the simplest and most compact version of the line. The manufacturer also offers two advanced configurations for customers to choose from: "Matryoshka Y" and "Matryoshka Z". The kits contain more parts, which means more opportunities for assembly and experimentation.

All of the above kits are manufactured in Russia. It is the goods of domestic production that are recommended to pay attention to when choosing products.

China offers a huge selection of constructors. Foreign sets attract attention with low prices, but the quality of most models leaves much to be desired.

How to choose the right one?

Practical and fun, construction sets have many positive qualities. They develop thinking, creativity, motor skills, logic, form and strengthen technical thinking. To get the most out of it, you need to choose the right set. Given the growing popularity of construction sets, new sets with different functions and tasks are appearing in stores.

There are certain criteria based on which you can choose one or another option. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them without fail before going to the store or placing an order online.

  • The number of models. As noted above, the more parts, the more possibilities for assembly. This is the most obvious criterion when evaluating products. A large set will be a useful purchase not only for the child, but also for the whole family.
  • Colour. When choosing a set, you must pay special attention to the color of the parts. Due to the huge demand, not only responsible manufacturers who adhere to GOST standards are engaged in the manufacture of products, but also small unscrupulous companies. For greater expressiveness, firms use overly bright dyes. Catchy shades negatively affect the psyche of the child and can cause nervous irritation.
  • Quality. This criterion must be taken into account, regardless of the price of the set, its functionality and subject matter. It is necessary to demand that sales consultants have a corresponding certificate for a toy - an official document confirms the quality of the product. It is also recommended to give up cheap products. Most likely, these are fakes or designers, in the manufacture of which they used dangerous and untested raw materials. Manufacturers from Russia, Belarus and Europe are at the peak of popularity.

If you plan to make a purchase in a stationary store, then you need to evaluate the product. Every detail should be neat and smooth. If the painting process was carried out correctly, then the dye will not leave marks on the hands and smell bad. Also, the elements must be connected easily and without much effort, otherwise there is a risk of injuring your fingers.

  • Age. The age of the child is not only a criterion for dividing products into subgroups, but also an important characteristic for choosing a set, because the smaller the child is, the simpler and easier the designer should be. The parts in the models must be strong, large and comfortable. For a child of elementary grades, it is not recommended to immediately buy a large set - it is better to choose a simple option for 15 parts, because in this matter it is necessary to attract the student's attention, and only then start buying additional elements.
  • You can also buy a set "for growth". In this case, it is necessary to assemble the mechanisms together with the child, carefully monitoring his actions and helping him in the design process. By studying a complex set with parents, the student will gradually delve into the essence and use it independently. Middle school students (10, 12 years old), with knowledge and experience in the field of construction, are able to cope with sets designed for high school students.

A child at the age of 7 can choose a toy for himself.It is advisable to go to the store for the designer together. In this case, you can be sure that the purchase will not gather dust idle.

  • Interests. For a constructor to attract the attention of a child, it must be interesting and engaging. When choosing a model, be sure to take into account the interests and preferences of the baby, even if the toy is purchased for a small child. Before buying, you must definitely communicate with the child. You can offer him several options to choose from - let him suggest what he liked.

Some parents mistakenly believe that they can figure out a wide range themselves, not paying attention to the wishes of the child. However, today's children grow up quickly and have personal preferences and interests at an early age.

Review of the electronic constructor "Expert 180 circuits", see the next video.

Watch the video: 130-in-1 Electronics Playground (July 2024).