Good to know

How to properly wash children's knitwear

Many mothers buy comfortable and practical knitted clothes for their children. It is soft, does not restrict movement, babies feel warm and comfortable in it. It is not surprising that these are the things that go to the wash more often than others. In our article we will talk about how to keep track of them so that the knitwear looks beautiful and will serve your children as long as possible.

Every caring mother and skilled housewife should know several rules for caring for this type of fabric.

1. Preparation

Of particular interest to you should be the mark on the label. Inscription "Hand wash only" means: the product is made of natural materials that cannot be machine washed; it has piles or adornments that are often damaged by mechanical stress.

Do not forgetthat knitted products can lose their shape, so you need to "arm" yourself with a needle in order to avoid negative consequences - so that the sleeves and collar do not stretch, make a basting around the edges of the jacket with contrasting threads.

2. Choice of powder

Textiles directly touch the delicate skin of the child, so you should choose a high-quality detergent. For hand rinsing, you can use regular baby shampoo or soap shavings. If the water is too hard, add a teaspoon of baking soda to it. When machine wash, choose non-bleach powder and neutral softeners, and avoid rinses and conditioners to reduce the risk of chemical allergies.

3. Hand wash

Most parents are sure that clothes for babies should be washed only by hand and exclusively with household soap. If you prefer the same method, then soak your pants and dresses in warm or cool water for 20 minutes.

The temperature for such a delicate fabric is very important, since soaking in hot water can lead to deformation of the fabric: it will simply shrink or fall off. An important nuance: do not rub the blouse, but gently squeeze and unclench it with your hands, and do this only along the length. To preserve knitted items, rinse them in water at the same temperature as you washed them.

If you notice stubborn stains on a knitted dress, remove them with gentle methods. It is not necessary to wash, it is better to soak the dirt with a concentrated soap solution and leave it for a quarter of an hour.

4. Application of the washing machine

You can also wash dense textiles in the automatic machine. Almost each of them has a mode for gentle cleaning at temperatures no higher than 40 degrees. Turn things inside out, place them in special bags or ordinary pillowcases. Perform several rinses and then spin at the minimum number of revolutions.

5. Drying

Be sure to remember that jerseys cannot be twisted. When excess water has drained into the sink, spread the sweater onto a clean sheet and gently roll it up with the washed item. As soon as you get rid of excess moisture, place the jacket on a towel and leave it flat to dry. By the way, our grandmothers at one time put the washed in the so-called string bag and placed it above the bathroom.

6. Removal of pellets

Unfortunately, this is an inevitable defect in knitted suits that occurs even with the most gentle care. You can restore the beauty of the fabric with a simple razor. Try to touch lightly so as not to damage the structure of the canvas.

If you follow our simple recommendations, then children's knitwear will retain its wonderful appearance and bright colors for a long time and will delight you and your offspring with softness and warmth.

Watch the video: Sweater Care 101: How to Wash and Depill. Martha Stewart (July 2024).