
41 weeks pregnant

Your expected due date has passed and you are still pregnant. Since the absolutely exact date of conception is rarely known to anyone, it means if you have not yet given birth at 41 weeks, then this is the norm. The child has already grown to 49–52 cm and weighs ~ 3.5 - 3.7 kg. You still have a little time to better prepare for the long-awaited meeting with your baby.

How many months?

The 41st obstetric week of pregnancy is the eleventh month of pregnancy and the 39th week from the conception of a child (here is a detailed description of the timing and methods of counting).

Fetal development at 41 weeks gestation

Your baby is completely ready for birth. All his organs and systems are ready to start performing their functions outside the mother's womb. Being in the tummy, the baby gets stronger, gains strength and adds weight. He looks like a newborn baby.

Internal development

All major organs - the heart, kidneys, liver and pancreas - do their job properly. Light crumbs have accumulated the required amount of surfactant - a substance that helps to straighten out the lungs for respiratory functions. The intestines are filled with the first feces, which will be released on the first day after childbirth.

The development of the central nervous system is suspended, it will continue after the baby is born. The vocal cords are strengthened, which will soon be used to attract your attention. The bones of the skull continue to harden, which can cause the mother's birth canal to rupture during childbirth.

The membranes of the placenta that separate the fetus from the woman's body are weakened and become more and more permeable, which allows the mother's blood to mix with the baby's blood. The baby receives your antibodies to protect the baby's body from the onslaught of infections after birth. In this way, the mother passes on her immune experience to the child.

External development

At this time, the baby looks much more beautiful than one and a half to two months ago. His body has already been cleared of the original protective lubricant, which remained only in the most delicate places - in the armpits and groin. The fluff is gone, and the hairs on the head and marigolds on the fingers continue to grow. Therefore, the birth of a baby with decent hair and long nails in the forty-first week is not uncommon.

Your baby's body shapes have become more rounded and the ear cartilages denser. He gains 30 g of fat per day, and his skin looks smooth and pink. The fetus has already grown, there is not enough room in the stomach, so the baby is quieter and makes fewer movements. But you should still feel at least ten tremors a day.

If the child does not have enough air, his movements and spasms begin to intensify. This can cause bowel cleansing. In this case, the meconium enters the amniotic fluid, which turns greenish, and the baby can swallow it. In such a situation, it may be necessary to connect the child to a breathing apparatus.

How the fetus is located in the uterus

Normally, the child at the end of pregnancy is located along the uterus, head down. This ensures a comfortable passage through the birth canal. If the baby has taken a transverse position or is located with his head up, then the pregnancy, as a rule, ends with a cesarean section. When the fetus is not very heavy, doctors admit the likelihood of natural childbirth with a breech presentation.

Feeling a woman at 41 weeks

Every expectant mother spends this week in anxious anticipation of childbirth. Chances are, you often have the same thought: "It's already 41 weeks old, why doesn't labor start ..." But if you're under the watchful eye of your doctor, don't worry.

Pregnancy is considered to be post-term when the 42nd week is reached. Usually the 40-week line is crossed by women carrying their first child.

The cervix continues to be saturated with hormones, becomes short and loose, the cervical canal opens. The height of the bottom of the uterus can reach 40 cm, and its elevation above the navel - 20 cm. The amount of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid) decreases, and your body's work is aimed at preparing for the upcoming birth process.

Childbirth is approaching - harbingers

  1. Training bouts. Most women in the position experience the so-called Braxton Hicks contractions, accompanied by pain as during menstruation. Usually, uterine contractions begin several weeks before delivery, and for some, they begin to bother only a couple of days before them.If the contractions are more intense than usual and occur at regular intervals, this means that prenatal contractions have begun, and you need to immediately get ready for the maternity hospital!
  2. Removal of the cork. The mucous plug, which closes the entrance to the uterus, comes out immediately before childbirth or a week or two before it starts.
  3. Abdominal prolapse. The belly sinks several weeks before the baby is born. The fact that he has already gone down can be understood by a decrease in pressure on the stomach, lungs and the disappearance of heartburn.
  4. Weight loss. On the eve of a significant event, your body gets rid of excess fluid, which is why you may observe a slight decrease in weight.
  5. Excretion of colostrum. A mother-to-be may find stains on clothes at chest level. This is a secret secreted from the mammary glands that newborns feed on the first day after birth.
  6. Frequent urge to use the toilet. The growing child puts more and more pressure on my mother's belly, which makes her constantly run to the bathroom.
  7. Rupture of amniotic fluid. The discharge of water is as sure a sign of the onset of labor as true contractions. Therefore, the appearance of colorless discharge in any quantity on the underwear, grab everything you need and go to the hospital.

If you do not have any signs of an imminent childbirth, this is not a big deal. Each woman's pregnancy is different, and many harbingers can appear right before the onset of labor.


It is difficult for a woman in a position to endure the forty-first week, since during this period she may be disturbed by various painful sensations:

  • due to the position of the fetus, the abdomen pulls and the lower abdomen hurts, when it drops, the pain intensifies;
  • the expectant mother is increasingly worried about the training contractions, which is why the stomach periodically “turns to stone”;
  • the child presses on the lower body, which causes pain in the perineum, as well as in the legs and lower back;
  • the baby does not move very often, but his movements and blows to the stomach and liver can cause quite severe pain;
  • itchy skin of the abdomen;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pinching of the femoral nerve, as a result of which painful sensations in the sacrum are observed;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases and pain characteristic of them.

At this time, the woman feels clumsy and clumsy. She is uncomfortable sleeping in almost any position, which can lead to restless sleep. A frequent occurrence at term 41 is swelling of the extremities. The well-being of a pregnant woman is also worsened by bouts of irritability, which appear, it would seem, from scratch.

Discharge at 41 weeks

At the forty-first obstetric week, light discharge without any pungent odor is considered normal. The appearance of mucus with brown or red streaks is also normal. This is a mucous plug that can come off in one go, or it can be released in parts.

Just before childbirth, you may lose amniotic fluid, which looks like a clear, thin, odorless liquid. Often the waters leave in the form of a gushing stream. There are cases when the amniotic fluid only leaks. If you notice a green liquid discharge, then this may signal that the fetus is infected or that meconium has entered the amniotic fluid. The latter indicates hypoxia. In any case, when the waters drain, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Bright red blood found on the panties indicates a threat to your child's life. To avoid placental abruption, see a doctor immediately!

What to do if labor doesn't start

When the pregnancy has already crossed the line at 40 weeks, and the baby still does not want to be born, the mother is afraid to "carry" the baby. But doctors do not consider a 41-week pregnancy post-term. The PDD displayed by the doctor is only the estimated date of birth, which is calculated by the date of the last menstruation.

[sc: rsa]

But the exact date of birth depends not only on menstruation, but also on a number of other factors, such as the time of release and the time of fertilization of the egg, the age of the expectant mother and the number of pregnancies suffered by the woman. Therefore, birth is considered the norm in the period from 38th to 42nd obstetric week. If there are no contractions and no signs of labor, your doctor may consider prescribing stimulation or a caesarean section.

In the absence of contraindications, stimulation methods can be used in the case when:

  • as a result of an examination of the state of the fetus and the blood flow of the placenta, clear signs of prolongation were found, that is, the placenta is no longer able to provide sufficient nutrition for the fetus;
  • if the waters have already departed, and labor does not begin;
  • there is polyhydramnios;
  • the pregnancy is multiple, and the uterus is already highly distended.

Medical methods of inducing labor include the administration of medications (eg, prostaglandins, mefipristone) to the female body, opening the amniotic sac, and mechanical methods. But you may also be advised to self-stimulate, which includes the following methods:

  1. Intimacy with a husband whose sperm contains prostaglandins that soften the cervix.If the mucous plug has already departed, it is better not to have sex.
  2. Stimulation of the nipples, leading to the release of oxytocin, which increases the tone of the uterus.
  3. The use of herbal preparations for the purpose of emptying the intestines, provoking an increase in the tone of the uterus.

It is possible to apply any methods of labor induction only after agreement with the doctor. He will explain to you how to induce labor and how to give birth faster in your situation.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, and there is no need for labor induction, you can continue to expect a meeting with your baby. At this stage, the doctor will monitor your well-being even more closely. At the reception at the antenatal clinic, the indicators of your urinalysis, blood pressure, body weight and abdominal size will be assessed. You may need to have a daily cardiotocography (CTG) procedure to monitor the fetal heart.

Often, an ultrasound scan is prescribed at the 41st week. This study allows you to control the condition and size of the baby, the size of its head, the amount of amniotic fluid, the effectiveness of placental blood flow and the readiness of the cervix for childbirth. If you agreed to be hospitalized, all necessary examinations will be carried out at the hospital.

What's relevant at week 41

  • checking the availability of documents and bags for a trip to the hospital;
  • medical supervision;
  • proper nutrition;
  • limiting the amount of fluid you drink and food eaten;
  • daily routine and regular rest;
  • moisturizing the skin of the abdomen, chest and thighs with a special cream or vegetable oil;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • walks in the open air;
  • mastering a special breathing technique that will be used during childbirth;
  • general cleaning of the house by joint efforts;
  • distribution of household chores during your absence;
  • communication with the baby still in the tummy;
  • doing what you love that gives you positive emotions.

The 41st week of pregnancy is a great time for dad and mom, who can finish all the necessary things before a new family member is born - a daughter or son. Think of this week as extra time that your baby wants to spend in the closest proximity to you - in your tummy.

← Week 40 Week 42 →

Video: stimulation + maternity hospital fees

How to understand that labor has begun. How to identify contractions

Maternity hospital bag

Watch the video: 41 Weeks Pregnant - Thoughts on being Induced (July 2024).