Things for baby

How to buy baby clothes in an online store? What to look for

It is known that newborns cannot control their heat exchange as well as adults. That is why, in winter, it is extremely important to take care of warm clothes for the newborn.

A few practical tips for choosing clothes for your baby:

  • Try to avoid decorative elements in children's clothes. The only thing that really matters to your child is comfort and good mood
  • All fasteners in clothes must be soft and elastic, otherwise the baby may feel discomfort with a sudden movement
  • Avoid zippers and hard items in clothes - they can easily scratch your baby
  • All items of clothing should be quickly and easily fastened. Websites of online children's clothing stores offer envelopes (for babies), insulated overalls and cotton sets for the winter.
  • If in doubt which size to choose, choose the one that is slightly larger
  • Choose natural fabrics that are breathable and absorbent. Moreover, clothes for newborns must be of high quality. For example, an online children's clothing store with free shipping offers high-quality clothes for newborns of famous European brands
  • It's a good idea to make a list of the necessary things in advance, and then try to buy them before the onset of the winter season - some products in online stores of clothes for newborns can be cheaper than directly in the season
  • Large buttons and shoulder straps - a practical solution for toddlers

How should you dress your baby outside?

In the process of preparing a child for a winter walk, it is important to talk to him affectionately, to tell him something pleasant or interesting.

If you are dressing a baby, do not twirl it too much, change its position too often. Your newborn doesn't need extra stress.

Try to avoid clothes that need to be put on and taken off over your head. It is better to purchase such things when the baby is already a little older.

How to tell if a child is dressed correctly?

It is quite difficult to guess what exactly the baby feels, who does not yet know how to speak. And so I want to provide him with joy and comfort!

Some mothers, fearing that their child will freeze, dress him too warmly, which makes the baby uncomfortable. It is important to observe the newborn:

  • monitor the condition of his skin (is there moisture?) and occasionally touch his forehead or the skin of his neck near the vertebrae to determine his body temperature
  • be aware that when your baby is experiencing an uncomfortable temperature, his breathing quickens and he may cry
  • most newborns have cool hands and feet, but this does not necessarily mean they are cold. It's just that blood circulation in babies is not yet so well developed.
  • pay attention to how you are dressed. Try to imagine how you would feel in the same clothes (but be sure to keep in mind that a newborn's body cools at a faster rate than an adult's!)

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