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Mom's tricks: teaching the child to dress independently

It is possible and necessary to encourage independence in a child. When your baby seeks to button his jacket himself, put on trousers, tie a scarf - you do not need to interfere with him, and if something does not work out for the baby, you do not need to sharply correct mistakes and, moreover, scold. Just say gently what inaccuracies he made, and subtly help him dress correctly. Harsh criticism kills self-esteem and the desire to do something on your own. To make the learning process even more effective, you can turn it into a game. During it, the child will master the key skills of independent solution of many household issues, including dressing without assistance. Be sure to praise your little one for their successes and gradually set new, more challenging tasks for him.

Psychologists believe that teaching a child to dress independently can begin at the age of 3.

According to psychologists, you can start teaching a child how to dress independently from the age of 3. Young mothers need to be patient - the process can take several months. Especially boys will have to tinker with - as a rule, girls learn to dress faster and more willingly. If it seems to you that the training has already taken too long - do not despair - your baby just needs a little more time.

The duration of training depends on psychological, physical, emotional and other factors. For example, children who receive overprotection from adults do not particularly strive for independence. Therefore, it is worthwhile to connect imagination and come up with new ways to motivate the child to comprehend everyday skills.

It is very important to pay attention to the so-called sensitive period in time, which lasts from 3 to 6 years. The child at this time especially tends to do everything himself. Do not in any way hinder this desire - on the contrary, encourage it in every possible way. The author of the early development methodology and the famous teacher Maria Montessori divides the sensitive period of a child aged 0 to 6 into several stages:

  • 0-6 years - speech development;
  • 0-3 years - the beginning of the perception of order;
  • 0-5.5 years old - sensory development;
  • 1.5-6.5 years - perception of small objects;
  • 1-4 years - development of movements and actions;
  • 2.5-6 years - development of social skills.

Phrases to help your child learn

The first and most important rule is not to twitch the baby when he seeks to dress on his own. Do not scold or criticize him in vain. Naturally, he may not succeed the first time, but it's okay - he will succeed from the tenth. You need to be prepared for torn off buttons, broken zippers, worn pants and sweaters - in any case, do not scold the crumb, do not shout or grumble, it is better to show how to do it correctly! Otherwise, you can discourage the child from learning and try again. Your support is very important here. Here are some phrases to cheer up your baby:

And phrases from the series “Here you are a muddlehead, you can’t dress normally”, should in no way be pronounced, otherwise you can discourage the child from showing independence not only in dressing, but in everything else, since he ceases to believe in his strength. It will be much more difficult to awaken in him the desire to do something himself.

How to make the learning process more effective

The process of organizing training must be approached very responsibly. You need to devote at least half an hour to dressing, going for a walk or to kindergarten. This time is enough for the child to practice, and at the same time you will not be late anywhere.

Patiently explain where the back is and where the front is, what is the inside of the garment. You will have to repeat this information more than once. To make it easier for the child to remember, first choose things in which it is immediately clear where the front and back sides are. With complex fasteners and shoes with laces, it's worth the wait (you can choose shoes with Velcro for a start, and only then you should move on to laces).

If the child asks for help, do not refuse. Your rejection makes your little one feel helpless and lose confidence. Therefore, it is better to help, but unobtrusively. For example, help to put your legs in different trousers, and let the child pull and fasten them himself. Not only will it not hurt, but it will help the learning process. Better yet, try to buy those clothes that the child can easily put on himself.

Supporting games

  1. Dress up for a race. Arrange a competition with your toddler who will get dressed faster and assign a prize. It is worth giving in, but not too much to make the child more interesting.
  2. Dress up your favorite doll. Let the child wear a favorite toy the same way he dresses himself.
  3. Draw outfits. You can draw clothes with your child that he likes.
  4. To set a record. Buy an hourglass and tell your child to try to get dressed until all the sand has spilled out. At first it can be 10 minutes, then 5 minutes, then 3 minutes. Praise and encourage each record.
  5. Dress up games. You can arrange a home fashion show or ask your child to dress up with your favorite fairy-tale character. In the process of playing, the kid will gradually acquire the skills of independent dressing.
  6. Games for the development of fine motor skills. Get toys where you need to lace up, collect, string something. For example, plasticine, a construction set, a set "DIY decoration" (all these games develop the child's ability to use their fingers).

Should you develop obedience? Psychologist Rail Kashapov's opinion:

“Often times parents, in seeking obedience, think they have solved the problem. Of course, you can make children obedient, but at the same time they will be notorious, fearful, with a deep sense of guilt and inner suffering. Raising a healthy, mentally balanced child is more difficult than simply obedient, but downtrodden and with complexes, against the background of which this happy child may seem not very well-mannered. "

Raising a calm, balanced and self-confident child is more difficult than a downtrodden and notorious one. But a calm and self-confident child is much happier than an overly obedient and docile child, even if against his background he often looks less educated.

Stages of dressing skills in a child

Watch the video: 10 Hacks For Raising Toddlers. Jaimie from Millennial Moms (July 2024).