Things for baby

Top 5 Useless and Top 5 Necessary Things for a Newborn Baby

While expecting a baby, I bought all the things that young mothers advised on the Internet. Relatives also gave me a lot of things. It turned out that all these things take up a lot of space in the house. But what did I really need from this, and what lay idle? Now, when my child is already 5 years old, I have compiled a list of necessary and unnecessary things for mothers expecting a baby.

Things not everyone needs

  1. Breast pump... Fortunately, it was not useful to me. She fed the baby herself, so this thing bought for future use lay in the package. A breast pump can be very expensive, so I would not recommend purchasing it in advance. If there is such a need, buy (here we wrote about breast pumps).
  2. Bottle sterilizer... It was given to me by caring grandparents, but I never printed it. Probably, it would be needed for children on artificial feeding, but not for me. When my baby grew up to complementary foods, he immediately began to drink and eat from a spoon, so there was simply nothing to sterilize (no, of course we also had a bottle, but to sterilize one bottle in a special expensive sterilizer is too much). In my opinion, it is easier to scald the bottle and not buy another unnecessary device for the kitchen (top 9 sterilizers).
  3. Yoghurt maker... It seems like a useful device, but still useless. I dreamed that my baby would eat natural homemade curds and yoghurts. The funny thing is that my boy, seeing my homemade yogurt, completely refused to eat it. I tried to put my product in a regular store packaging, but the deception did not work. I tried it myself - I like it. But I don't want to cook like that for myself - a lot of fuss. Now my yogurt maker is standing alone. Perhaps it is convenient for someone, but for myself it is already easier for me to buy in a store.
  4. Bath and slide... Bought a pretty nice and large baby bath. I honestly boiled water and bathed the baby in it until the umbilical wound healed. A 10-liter "vat" was purchased for boiling. Bathing turned into torture. After the umbilical wound healed, we wanted to bathe in a regular bath. Now this huge baby bath takes up a lot of space on the balcony. It's the same story with the slide: we bought it a couple of times. For those who do not have a lot of space in the apartment, I advise you to think about such bulky and "one-time" purchases.
  5. Soviet-style undershirts and sweaters with buttons... They gave them to me, I didn't buy them myself. Modern bodysuits have long supplanted these “grandmother's” things of the Soviet type.

Useful and necessary things

  1. Electronic thermometer. Believe me, this is a miracle! It helps to instantly measure the temperature of a screaming and struggling baby. I don’t understand how mothers used to be able to measure it using an ordinary mercury thermometer :).
  2. Blender. When the baby was breastfed, I was somewhat carefree. But when the doctors allowed me to introduce meat complementary foods, I was baffled. Grinding boiled meat with a fork or something else to a state of gruel is very difficult! After all, the baby still cannot chew large pieces well, therefore, "porridge" is needed. Of course, it's easier to buy a ready-made jar of meat. But this is quite expensive and not always useful. Therefore, the blender is my lifesaver.
  3. Washer. When the baby arrived, there were five times more washing. Without a washing machine, I would have gone crazy.
  4. Developing rug. A really necessary thing for a toddler who is still crawling. I left my son on the rug, and he could stay there quietly for about half an hour.
  5. A circle around the neck for swimming. Find! It is scary to send a small person to "swim" in a huge bath. But with an inflatable ring, bathing turned into a pleasant procedure: both for me and for my son.

I am sure that my advice will be of little use to you. In the comments you can add a list of useful and useless things 🙂

Another opinion: I'm talking about purchases that were useless for us and very necessary .... (My experience, my opinion)
I forgot to tell you that a feeding pillow is a very handy thing))) and a water thermometer ……. without it, I cannot accurately determine the temperature of the water.

Watch the video: Baby Sensory. Bach for Baby. Brain Development. High Contrast Baby Video (July 2024).