Things for baby

How to take care of baby clothes (washing, drying, ironing, storage): tips and tricks

Caring for children's things has its own characteristics. Not only the neat appearance, but also the comfort and health of your baby depends on how correctly the mother washes, strokes and dries her baby's clothes.


When a baby is just born, he is susceptible to many diseases. His skin is very delicate and sensitive, so the baby must be dressed in rompers and a blouse made of natural materials only, so that he does not sweat, does not freeze, and does not rub anything, and is in size. For a baby of the first month of life, sliders, blouses and other things must be washed at a temperature of 90 degrees. Previously, mothers even boiled the newborn's diapers and not only them, but also all underwear so that microbes and bleach would not remain in the water.

Underwear for children under six months old is recommended to be washed by hand with baby soap and rinsed very well under water. The generation of our mothers and grandmothers did not know what a washing machine was, nevertheless they raised us strong and healthy. Do not be lazy to wash your hands for the first month. Wash as needed. After all, you never know how many sliders a baby will need for a day.

Young mothers should know that baby diapers, undershirts, sliders must first be washed only with laundry soap and ironed on both sides. Later, you can do with one stroking (the first month of life - on both sides, later - on one)

After six months, you can try powder washing. You need to start with children's, hypoallergenic, odorless and watch the baby so that he does not develop a rash or irritation on the body. Children's powders are fundamentally different from powders for adults in their composition. The main component of baby powder should be soap. Children's laundry detergent should not contain soda and chemical bleaches. The powder should contain no more than 30% phosphates. And ideally, of course, if it is phosphate-free. Necessarily the absence of fragrances. It is desirable that the powder does not have pronounced odors, but it is better that it is odorless.

When buying a powder, see the label on the packaging "Suitable for sensitive baby skin", "Dermatologically and clinically tested", "Does not contain synthetic additives and dyes", etc.

If the mother finds an allergic reaction on the baby's body, then the powder must be replaced. If there are no problems, you can safely wash things in the machine. Of course, without deviating from the general rules for washing. White should be washed with white, and colored items with colored items. It is imperative to wash children's clothes separately from adults.

Rinse your clothes responsibly, because the more thoroughly you rinse your clothes, the lower the probability of negative consequences will be. Many modern washing machines are equipped with a special mode for washing clothes for babies with an extended rinse interval. If your washing machine does not have such a mode, it is enough to turn on an additional rinse mode after washing. When rinsing by hand, you need to change the water several times until it becomes completely clear. There should be no powder smell after washing.

Outdoor clothing. How to take care of her?

  • Jumpsuits. Street clothes are often difficult to wash. The main reason is that it simply may not dry out until the next walk. And you don't need to wash it so often. If there is dirt on the overalls, you can wait until it dries up and remove it with a sponge.
  • The dirtiest places are usually the sleeves and legs. They can be washed and dried with a hairdryer. But there are times when our fidget children get smeared so that no sponge will help. There is only one way out - washing.
  • Mittens or mittens. To prevent children's gloves from shrinking, it is better to wash them in warm water. Under no circumstances should it be washed in hot water.
  • Children's clothing can be made of different materials - accordingly, things will require different care. It's good if mommy understands materials and knows what kind of care they need. If not, then there are tags on things that will help new mothers cope. Therefore, do not rush to cut them. And if they cause discomfort to your baby, cut them off. But remember, or better, write down the composition of the fabric, the mode and temperature of washing and ironing.
  • New baby clothes must be washed before putting on. After all, it is not known where she was before and who else tried on her. It may contain germs and dust, any substances left after sewing clothes. You need to wash it separately from other things, because it can dye and paint all the other things of the baby.
  • It is recommended to rinse wool items after washing in cold water so that the clothes do not lose their former shape.

How to remove a stain?

Once a child has switched to adult food, stains on clothing are normal. Before feeding your baby, it is better to put a bib on it so as not to stain your clothes. If it was not possible to avoid stains, then it is best to remove it with laundry soap (for the best effect, wait until the stain gets wet and spreads, then feel free to put things in the machine). When the child is older, you can use the stain remover. A stain remover spray is perfect for spot spots. It is enough to treat the stain and wash your clothes.

There are some stains that are very difficult to remove, and some are simply impossible. For example, apple and carrot juice. If you have stained your favorite costume, then think of how you can hide the stain. You can sew on a button or come up with another option, for example, sew on a patch. It is better not to give children's things to dry-cleaning - the ingress of chemicals on the body of a small person can cause an allergic reaction. And ecological dry cleaners are very expensive.

If there are a lot of stains, sometimes it's easier to say goodbye to your favorite sliders or leave them, but only wear them when you eat.

Olga tells 2 ways to remove stains from children's clothes:


Previously, pediatricians advised drying clothes on a balcony or street, but this drying option is only suitable for residents of ecologically clean areas: in a village or in a country house, far from factories and highways, pollution and harmful substances from which instantly settle on drying things, but not like not large industrial cities. In this case, you should dry your clothes in an apartment on a special dryer, away from dust and dirt, otherwise everything will settle on wet clothes again. If you dry things on the balcony, then only on the glazed one.

Many people dry their clothes in the bathroom. This is permissible, but you need to ensure that mold does not form on the walls, because it can cause various diseases in babies to aggravate.

[sc: rsa]

In winter, the baby's things can be dried on the battery, firstly, they will dry faster, and secondly, if the air in the apartment is dry, moisture, evaporating from wet clothes, will help to moisten it. The battery must be clean and not rusty.

The most basic rule for maintaining the original form of clothing is not to squeeze much, otherwise you risk stretching the fabric. Also, do not hang wet clothes on a rope to dry, especially woolen and knitwear. If you wash by hand, then the things must first be dried (for example, first spread out on a terry towel, the towel will absorb excess water like a sponge), and then put on a dry, flat surface (on a table). This will dry the clothes without changing their previous shape. If you wash in a washing machine, then the spin should be gentle. To prevent the thing from deforming, only semi-dry clothes can be hung on a rope or dryer.


Ironing is a particularly important hygienic requirement for children's clothing. For the purpose of additional disinfection, the child's things must be thoroughly ironed, and ideally steamed with an iron. In the first month after birth, when the umbilical wound has not yet healed, it is necessary to iron things from both sides. This will keep your child safe from infection. Thanks to ironing, the seams on clothes become softer, which is much more comfortable for delicate baby skin.

  • Woolen and knitted items do not need to be ironed at all. It is enough to dry them properly. If, nevertheless, the things remain wrinkled, then you need to iron on a special mode for wool at a minimum temperature;
  • It is recommended to iron things made of natural cotton slightly damp;
  • Velor is advised to iron on weight with steam. After ironing, things are allowed to dry completely;
  • Openwork must be ironed from the inside out through gauze;
  • Viscose must be ironed without sprinkling and at a temperature of 110 degrees;
  • It is best to iron the synthetic winterizer with a slightly heated iron.


Surely some of you have come across a situation when children's things, which are already small, have to be distributed to friends due to the lack of storage space, although deep down it’s a pity to part with them. Perhaps you are planning to replenish your family in the near future, or your closest relative is planning to give birth to a baby in a couple of years.

  • Special vacuum bags and vacuum cleaner. These bags greatly save space, several large boxes of clothes can turn into two neat "pancakes" and can be safely stored on the far shelf without disturbing anyone. The principle is simple: things are put into bags, from which the air is completely pumped out by a vacuum cleaner. For these purposes, ordinary dense bags can also be used, but there is a possibility that air will nevertheless leak into them, and they will gradually increase in volume;
  • Before sending clothes for storage, they must first be washed, dried, ironed (otherwise you risk getting a breeding ground for germs, moths and other troubles). Do not forget to inspect things before sending them for storage, because most children's things at the end of the season may have to be sent not to the closet, but to the trash bin;
  • Do not hang fur products next to delicate items. The ideal option for storing any clothes is a cover;
  • If a child needs to appear at a matinee in a beautiful and unwrinkled suit, then a garment bag is perfect for such an occasion. In it, clothes can be folded in half for easy transport. In such a case, clothes perfectly retain their shape.

Organization and storage of children's things

Watch the video: Cleaning, Organizing u0026 Laundry Hacks for Baby! (July 2024).