Things for baby

2-in-1 transforming strollers: features of strollers and selection rules

A stroller is an extremely important attribute that helps parents to provide complete care for their small child, which is unthinkable without regular walks in the fresh air. For walks to bring maximum benefit to the baby, the stroller must protect him from adverse natural factors: strong wind, direct sunlight, rain and snow, and must also be comfortable, functional and safe.

The stroller must be safe and comfortable for the child, which is why the choice of this vehicle must be approached with great responsibility and understanding. In a huge assortment of baby strollers produced by modern manufacturers, 2-in-1 transformer models are very popular.

What is a 2 in 1 convertible stroller?

Transformers are universal strollers designed for long-term (from the moment a baby is born to his third birthday) operation. Due to the design features, they are easily transformed, turning into a cradle for newborns, or into a stroller for already grown up babies.

Depending on the type of transformation (minimal and more complex), transformer strollers are usually divided into two types:

  1. In strollers with minimal transformation, the process of transforming the stroller into a cradle for a newborn is that the back is given a horizontal position, and a carrying envelope with a hard bottom is placed on top of this base (there are no latches and latches on it, since the high sides of the stroller securely hold it inside ).
  2. In strollers with a complicated transformation, this process requires the attachment of additional parts that make up the berth. Considering that they are fastened with zippers and buttons, the operation is performed in a matter of minutes.

Due to the fact that the complete set of the transformer stroller includes a voluminous hood, a mosquito net, a raincoat and a waterproof cover that protects the baby from wind and cold, it can be used for walking with a child at any time of the year.

What are the differences between transformers and other models of strollers?

  • High-quality transforming strollers are made so carefully that, when folded into a berth, they are practically indistinguishable from the classic cradles for babies in the first months of life.

What is a carrycot stroller? This is a spacious basket with high (at least thirty centimeters) sides, a deep foldable hood and a solid bottom, placed on a high wheel structure equipped with a shock-absorbing system that softens shocks that are inevitable during the movement of the stroller.

The main difference between the transformer and the cradle stroller is that it can be easily transformed into a stroller. This allows it to be operated for at least three years.... Parents refuse from a cradle stroller, which does not have such capabilities, as soon as the child learns to sit well.

  • The 2-in-1 transformer is often confused with the 3-in-1 stroller (also called modular strollers). Both the 2-in-1 transformers and the 3-in-1 strollers are of the universal type. Despite some external similarities, these are completely different designs. The 3-in-1 stroller package includes three ready-made units at once: a berth, a walking chair and a car seat (portable).

If the 2-in-1 transformer turns into a cradle or a stroller by modifying a single base unit, then to transform a universal (modular) stroller, one ready-made unit, removed from the wheel base, is simply replaced with another. Thanks to the use of modern technology, this operation is so simple that a block replacement is carried out in a few seconds.

Another fundamental point concerns the design of the handle. In transformers, it is a cross-over. Depending on the weather conditions, a mother walking with her baby can easily throw the handle and sit the baby facing her or turn it in the opposite direction, giving him the opportunity to observe what is happening around.

The modular 3-in-1 stroller also provides for the possibility of different seating positions for the child relative to the person carrying the stroller, but for this you have to remove the stroller and set it in the right direction, which is not very convenient during a walk.

Unlike the universal modular 3-in-1 stroller, the one-piece frame of which retains the same position, the 2-in-1 transformer folds up perfectly, it can be placed in the trunk of a car or entered the bus interior with itif you need to go with your baby to a remote part of the city.

We read in detail: What is the difference between a transforming stroller and a modular stroller?

Advantages of 2-in-1 transforming strollers

  • Long service life. Convertible strollers do an excellent job of transporting babies from the first days of their life up to the age of three;
  • Thanks to several sitting positions, the transformer allows the child to take any position that is comfortable for him (including an almost horizontal position of the body), making the walk pleasant and the sleep long;
  • The seat is equipped with reliable seat belts with soft shoulder pads that securely fix the baby inside the stroller;
  • Some models of 2-in-1 convertible strollers have two sets of removable wheels. One set (with small wheels) is intended for walking on a flat asphalt surface; the other - with inflatable rubber wheels - is indispensable for moving on dirt and snow-covered paths;
  • The design of the hood, as well as the presence of a number of additional protective equipment (anti-mosquito net, raincoat, waterproof cover for legs), allows you to reliably shelter your baby from adverse natural factors and all types of precipitation. The presence of a crossover handle makes the stroller even more comfortable and reliable. The designers have provided the ability to adjust the height of the handle. This is a convenience for families whose members have significant differences in height;
  • When folded, the stroller takes up very little space.


  • The prefabricated structure of the basket in some models is the reason that they have to be additionally insulated for walks in the winter months;
  • The shock absorption system in this type of stroller is more rigid than in classic bassinets. This reduces their cross-country ability and maneuverability;
  • The heavy weight (15-20 kg) makes some parents choose a different type of stroller;
  • The high cost makes the transformer unaffordable for low-income families.

[sc: rsa]

Popular models

  • "Hauck". Transformers 2 in 1 of the German company "Hauck", with excellent cross-country ability thanks to large inflatable wheels, are designed for almost four years of operation. A well-thought-out cushioning system provides the wheelchair with a smooth ride. The brakes are located on both sides of the front wheels. The width of the seat will not constrain even a child dressed in bulky winter clothes.
  • "Cam". Strollers of the Italian company "Cam", meeting all safety requirements, are very functional and comfortable for the child. Their design provides four positions for the backrest and two for the footrest. If desired, even five-year-olds can be carried in them.
  • "Baby Care". Polish 2-in-1 transformers of the Baby Care brand, endowed with all the advantages of this type of stroller, are distinguished by their special comfort and spaciousness of the berth. The cradle is perfectly insulated, and a deep hood with a visor will reliably protect the baby from bright sunlight, cold and bad weather.

Also pay attention to brands: “Happy Baby”, “Tutis”, “Tako” “ALIS MATEO“, “Bebe-Mobile”, “Lonex”, “Mutsy“, “Concordia” in online stores Babadu and Obstetrics

Selection rules

When choosing a 2-in-1 transforming stroller, first of all, you need to pay attention to:

  • The weight. Having received information from the seller about the mass of the vending model, you should try to lift it right in the store, ride it around the sales area. After this test, it will be possible to draw the first conclusions about whether you can do such a vehicle. At the time of assessing your physical capabilities, you should take into account several more circumstances: the floor to which you will need to lift the wheelchair; is it possible to leave her at the entrance at least until her husband returns home; the presence of an elevator (as well as its dimensions and trouble-free operation);
  • Frame material. The most durable are steel, reliable - cross. It is advisable to refuse plastic;
  • The size of the wheels. When choosing a stroller, you should be aware that large wheels have the best cross-country ability: they are not scary and poorly cleaned (the hardest time for walking with a baby is late autumn, winter and early spring), and a bumpy road. Small wheels (in addition, they will all the time get bogged down in slush or snow) are afraid of strong shaking. Quickly enough, they will start to creak and loosen. Before going to the store, you need to measure the width of the doorways in the elevator and in your apartment and compare the result with the width of the wheelbase. Perhaps the model you like will not fit into the dimensions of your home;
  • Wheel material. Rubber wheels are good for use in the warm season. Thanks to their excellent shock absorption, the stroller will roll smoothly without causing the slightest discomfort to the baby. In winter, they will begin to get stuck in the snow, while the plastic wheels will pass through it without any difficulty. You can consult the seller about the possibility of changing wheels;
  • Depreciation system. Preference should be given to a stroller, the basket of which is not suspended on springs, but on belts. Thanks to the soft suspension, the vehicle's maneuverability is improved: it is easier to turn it, overcoming curbs and all kinds of elevations;
  • The presence of a portable cradle. With its help, the sleeping baby can be taken out of the stroller and brought into the apartment without interrupting his sleep. Having gone on a visit with the baby, you can not worry about where he will sleep when he gets tired. Thanks to the cradle, which increases the thickness of the stroller walls, the baby will be much warmer during a winter walk;
  • Handle design. It is better to choose models that have a height adjuster: transformer strollers usually have a lower fit, so tall parents will not find it difficult to increase the length of the handle.

Typical reviews

Anna:I am delighted with our stroller Rico Driver. I have been using it for almost two years. Despite its solid dimensions, great weight and the difficulty of getting into the elevator, this stroller provided my baby with maximum comfort. In winter, it is warm and spacious even in a bulky overalls, and in summer the baby is reliably sheltered from precipitation and immune to mosquitoes. In terms of cross-country ability (through curbs, mud, snowdrifts and sand) I can compare it with a real SUV.

Vyacheslav:I want to tell you about the Happy Baby Ultra stroller. In general, a good model: not too heavy, quite maneuverable, it is not difficult to leave the entrance with it. It is very good for walking on smooth asphalt, which cannot be said about the path uphill along the road dotted with hillocks and holes. At the same time, the front wheels turn sideways, after which it can be difficult to continue driving.

Svetlana:I am very pleased with the Baby Merck stroller: stylish, comfortable, trouble-free. Each mechanism works flawlessly. I like the design very much.

Alla:I consider my Verdi Max stroller perfect and I cannot find a single flaw. Beautiful, agile, comfortable, functional. Thanks to its large wheels, it perfectly overcomes any obstacle. The baby is safe and very comfortable in it. I recommend to all.

Galina:I got a good impression of the Marimex Ross transformer. Pros: good maneuverability, room for the baby, a comfortable cross-over handle with a height adjuster (it makes it easy for me, the short man, and my giant husband) to handle it. Cons: squeaks; on a rough road sometimes skids to the side, very hard.

You can read reviews, find out prices, choose and buy a stroller (and accessories) in online stores:

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Watch the video: Besrey 2 in 1 Stroller Review! (July 2024).