Newborn health

Can or can I not bathe the child after vaccination? The opinion of pediatricians and mothers

As a prophylaxis against various viruses and diseases, babies are vaccinated from a very early age. After vaccination, many parents try to refrain from water procedures with a child, as there is an opinion that it is impossible to bathe a baby after the procedure for at least 48 hours. Some doctors confirm this opinion, believing that the child really should not be bathed for 2 days. But more and more pediatricians deny this point of view, claiming that there is no connection between vaccination and child's contact with water.

Why children are vaccinated

Vaccination is an injection to increase the immunity and the ability of the child's body to resist various infections. Together with the vaccination, a very small amount of weakly active bacteria and viruses enters the bloodstream, from which the body must defend itself. The child's immunity is activated, causing a response to the vaccine, which prevents the development of the disease in the body.

Vaccination calendar for children under 1 year old (in Russia) - what mothers need to know

Why you can't bathe after vaccination

There are experts' recommendations that it is better to bathe the baby the day before the intended vaccination, and then refrain from water procedures for 2-3 days. By such actions, they want to protect the child from even the smallest possibility of contracting any infection.

First of all, you need to be guided by the state of the baby in order to understand whether you can bathe him or not. If the baby has a fever or simply does not feel well after the vaccination, then it is better not to bathe him. If the child is cheerful, active and cheerful, then there are no special restrictions for bathing after vaccination.

It is believed that children should not be bathed immediately after vaccination, because the body is weakened and it is believed that there is a risk of infection due to water, since running water is a source of pathogenic microorganisms and is not sufficiently purified (in fact, water does not pose any dangers to the crumbs). It is also believed that you can overcool and catch a cold. Therefore, many parents do not bathe their children for 1.5-2 days after the injection.

At first, the body's defenses are indeed slightly weakened. The amount of antibodies produced is still not enough to actively fight infections that enter the body. In the first 24 hours after vaccination, children may have a fever, a sore throat, and a cough. Bathing can provoke all of these negative effects due to temperature changes.

Due to the fact that the body is weakened, doctors also recommend limiting exposure to fresh air. Immediately after the injection, you are more likely to catch airborne viruses or catch a cold accidentally.

Bathing a child is contraindicated if there are signs of flu or colds:

  • lethargy;
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • high temperature;
  • general deterioration in well-being.

After vaccination, some children become ill due to the fact that the immune system cannot yet fully fight the disease and needs support. Therefore, if a child becomes ill, limit the baby's communication with other children, reduce or completely eliminate water procedures (except for washing hands) and limit being outdoors.

Can I bathe my baby after vaccination

Studies have been conducted on this matter. They showed that contact with water after vaccination does not pose any threat to the health of the child. Moreover, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures. Therefore, you should not completely protect the baby from the usual water procedures - just monitor his health and measure the temperature periodically. If the baby feels normal, you can bathe him absolutely calmly.

If the child has a fever, give him a quarter of a pill of analgin or another drug prescribed by your pediatrician. The same is sometimes done even in the absence of temperature for prevention purposes. But only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Remember, children should not be given aspirin. In its composition - acetylsalicylic acid, in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, this substance reduces the viscosity of the blood, which is harmful for a fragile child's body.

After what vaccinations the child can bathe

There are injections, after the injection of which there are no prohibitions about bathing the child. These are vaccinations against the following diseases:

  • polio;
  • rabies;
  • flu;
  • BCG;
  • Pneumococcus;
  • yellow fever;
  • rubella;
  • tetanus;
  • whooping cough;
  • measles;
  • DTP;
  • viral hepatitis B;
  • haemophilus influenzae;
  • mumps;
  • diphtheria;
  • cholera.

Can't wet Mantoux - everyone knows about it from school. This does not mean that you cannot wash your hands - just do not wet the injection site. Sweat is also liquid, so try to avoid making your child sweat a lot. If the Mantoux test gets wet, it may increase too much, exceeding the permissible rate (read about the Mantoux test).

After BCG vaccination, a purulent pimple may appear. This is the normal response of the body to this vaccine, so if you notice a pimple like this, don't worry. You can bathe a child after such a vaccination.

After an injection against DPT, a slight swelling, swelling or redness of the skin may appear. There is nothing wrong with this either - such a reaction occurs quite often. You can apply a warm water compress to this area to help reduce the swelling faster.

From the forums:

When can I bathe my child after getting used to DPT if there is no temperature?

- Yes, even at once

- only on the day of vaccination is not allowed, the next day you can

- The next day you can definitely

Can i bathe my baby after polio vaccination?

Only on the day of vaccination is it impossible, if the injection was given if the droplets are allowed

- It's just important not to steam the injection site, that's why they say that you can't bathe. But! if the child normally tolerates vaccinations, then the next day you can definitely

- On the first day, you definitely do not bathe, but you can briefly under a NON-HOT shower. if there is no temperature, it feels normal, then it tolerates well. even if a small temperature rises for a short time, it's not scary. but for the sake of your own peace of mind, you can limit yourself to rinsing on the second day)

Is it possible to bathe a child after vaccination against measles, rubella, mumps

- if there is no temperature, then you can

Mommies' opinions on bathing after vaccinations

Most mothers advocate water procedures after vaccinations on the same day or, as a last resort, the next (for safety reasons, so to speak), considering them safe for the baby's health. In reviews on the Internet, you can read that many of them do not see any danger in the usual rules of personal hygiene and consider it normal even a slight increase in temperature after an injection. Moreover, some mothers claim that this is an indicator of the correct reaction of the immune system to the vaccine, which means that the body of the crumbs is developing correctly.

The opinion of doctors

Many therapists and pediatricians advise to refrain from water treatments after vaccinations. But now such advice is given by doctors less and less, since there are no negative consequences for the child's body from contact with water. If children do not bathe for too long, do not allow hypothermia and immediately wrap in a towel after bath procedures, the risk of catching a cold is very small. Doctors recommend not bathing the child after vaccination in order to additionally prevent and avoid fever, cough and runny nose.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that if the baby is doing well after vaccination, then there is no need to impose restrictions. You can continue to live as usual, go for walks and swim.

Output: bathing after vaccination does not pose any threat to the health of the baby and you can swim. The main thing is the normal body temperature of the baby, just watch his well-being and do not allow hypothermia. By observing simple precautions, you can continue to carry out water treatments as usual.

Watch the video: To Vaccinate or Not? Two Mothers Debate (July 2024).