
Rinzasip for children: instructions for use

In the period of flu and colds, a fast-acting, effective and tasty remedy is needed to treat babies. It is delicious so that children can take it with pleasure. The best solution is powders for making hot drinks, such as Rinzasip for babies. While drinking a raspberry-flavored drink, children do not perceive it as medicine, but they quickly begin to get better.

Release form

"Rinsasip-kids" - a complex remedy for colds and flu for children - is available in the form of a powder for preparing a drink. Each dose is packaged in a sachet or sachet. The package contains 5 or 10 sachets.


The main active ingredient of Rinzasip for children is paracetamol. This substance, which is simultaneously an analgesic and reduces body temperature, is used in the manufacture of most drugs for the flu and colds, and is approved for use in children. Paracetamol is on the list of essential medicines compiled by the World Health Organization. The sachet contains the optimal dose for simultaneous administration of the drug - 280 mg.

Paracetamol is fortified with 100 mg of ascorbic acid as part of Rinzasip for children. This substance is also well known to doctors and pharmacists as a source of vitamin C. In combination with paracetamol, ascorbic acid improves overall well-being, gives strength.

The powder also contains 10 mg of pheniramine maleate - an antiallergic agent that helps fight swelling of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, makes breathing easier, and eliminates nasal congestion.

As auxiliary substances, a natural dye and flavor are added to the Rinzasip powder for children, so that the drink acquires a pink color and raspberry aroma. To neutralize the sour taste of ascorbic acid, the sweetener aspartame is added to the preparation. Another supplement, magnesium citrate, promotes healing at the cellular level.

Operating principle

The complex action of Rinzasip for children simultaneously reduces fever, relieves headache and joint pain, as well as sore throat, relieves the nose, facilitates breathing, and promotes a surge of energy and strength. As soon as they finish drinking, the children begin to warm up, their chills and febrile syndrome disappear.

Besides, the vitamin C content contributes not only to getting rid of the symptoms of colds and flu, but also to a faster recovery.


Powder "Rinzasip" for children can be given to children with colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, flu. With hypothermia, when there are no obvious symptoms of a cold yet, you can also give this drink. It will relieve pain and add strength to fight the disease.

One of the first symptoms of a cold or viral infection is a runny nose, since it is the nasal mucosa that usually takes the "first blow" during contact with the infection. Therefore, a runny nose, including an allergic one, that is, appearing after contact with an allergen, is also an indication for taking Rinzasip for children.

At what age is it prescribed?

Rinzasip powder for children is used to treat babies over 6 years old. Other special medications should be used to treat younger children. It is not necessary to give Rinzasip-kids from the age of 3: the content of medicinal substances in such a powder is too high for the baby, as a result of which he may develop symptoms of an overdose.

From the age of 15, a teenager can be given adult Rinzasip powders or Rinza tablets.

It is important that Rinzasip powder for adults has a different composition, in particular, it contains a much higher dosage of paracetamol and caffeine, so it should not be given to children.


"Rinzasip" for children is not used for treatment if the child is under 6 years old. You also do not need to give this drug if it is known that children have an individual intolerance or sensitivity to one or more of the components.

Since the components of the drug are excreted from the body with the help of the liver and kidneys, Rinzasip is not given to children with severe chronic diseases or dysfunctions of these organs. The medicine is also contraindicated for children with various blood diseases. The instructions for use do not specify the name of these diseases. But if there is a serious chronic disease in the anamnesis, then only a doctor can prescribe any medicine to him, taking into account all individual indications.

It is important that Rinzasip is not given to children at the same time or on the same day with other medicines that contain paracetamol. Despite the prevalence of this medicinal substance and its beneficial properties, in large quantities it can be dangerous to the health of children.

Side effects

Sometimes children experience side effects when taking Rinzasip. This can include dry mouth, skin rash, itching, headache or nausea, or some other symptoms.

If the medicine is taken longer than prescribed in the instructions for use, then blood tests may reveal anemia, when the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, or leukopenia, in which the number of leukocytes in the blood decreases.

If parents notice these or other symptoms, then, first of all, you need to stop taking the drug, and then seek medical help.

Instructions for use

Before use, the contents of one Rinzasip sachet are diluted in about a glass of water, ideally at 200 mg. But if it is difficult for children to drink such a volume, then you can either slightly reduce the amount of water, or give the drink not immediately, but by dividing it into 2-3 servings. The water should be warm enough to completely dissolve the powder, but not hot, so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the mouth.

As a rule, if the doctor has not prescribed a different procedure for admission, children from 6 to 10 years old drink a drink twice a day, children over 10 and under 12 years old - three times a day. Over the age of 12, up to four sachets can be given per day.

It is important to ensure that at least four hours pass between doses of the medication. If during this period the sick person feels unwell again, the body temperature begins to rise, chills and fever appear, then there is no need to give "Rinzasip" or another medicine containing paracetamol.

In this case, you can use one of the popular ways to lower the temperature, for example, apply ice or do cold rubbing. If your body temperature is critically high, you need to seek emergency medical help.

The total recommended duration of treatment is 5 days.


An overdose is manifested, first of all, of paracetamol. Her symptoms: nausea, gastrointestinal complaints, sweating, weakness. If an overdose occurs after a single use of a large dose of Rinzasip, you need to wash the stomach within 1-2 hours, and then start giving activated charcoal.

If the overdose accumulated gradually, for example, with prolonged use of the drug, then the parents on their own are unlikely to be able to help him. In this case, you will need medical assistance in a hospital setting.

Interaction with other drugs

Rinzasip for children affects the effectiveness of other drugs. In particular, the drug enhances the action of diuretics. Therefore, when taking Rinzasip for children, it is better to reconsider the dosage of diuretics, otherwise a lack of fluid may develop.

Terms of sale and storage

Rinzasip for children is sold over the counter without a prescription. You can store the medicine for three years. Optimal storage conditions are dry and cool, room temperature. You don't need to keep the bags in the refrigerator.

Considering the possible consequences of an overdose, the storage place must be out of reach of children.


Most of the reviews on the use of the drug "Rinzasip" for children are positive. Parents write that the medicine helps to stop acute respiratory infections at the very beginning of the disease or not to get sick at all if treatment is started in a timely manner. But Rinzasip works in the midst of the illness, when the high temperature has already risen, the head hurts, and the chills torment. After taking the drug, the chills disappear, nasal breathing appears and, most importantly, appetite. The effect of the drug, as a rule, lasts all night and allows the sick person to get enough sleep.

Parents note that the medicine cannot be attributed to the most inexpensive. Thus, the price of a package containing 10 sachets of Rinzasip powder for children in Moscow is about 300 rubles. But even if there are more budgetary analogues, parents are ready to pay more, since they have already become convinced of the effectiveness of the drug at different stages of the disease.

Also, parents are confident in its safety, since Rinzasip is produced by one of the world's largest corporations in the healthcare sector, which guarantees compliance with production technology and quality control at all stages.


In terms of active ingredients and therapeutic effects, Rinzasip analogs for children are:

  • "Coldrex", including "Coldrex Junior Hot Drinks" - a powder for preparing a drink for children from 6 years old;
  • Coldrex tablets;
  • "Paracetamol Extra for children";
  • children's forms "Tylenola", "Panadola".

Doctor Komarovsky will tell you in what doses you can give your child antipyretic drugs in the video below.

Watch the video: WatchPAT ONE - Step by Step Instructions - Spanish w Captions (September 2024).