
TOP-20 best films for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a very responsible and difficult time for a woman, when hormonal storms are raging in the body, mood changes 100 times a day, and sometimes not the most pleasant and useful thoughts come to mind. The emotions of the future mother are directly reflected in the baby's condition, making the baby nervous, spinning and kicking. To raise your spirits and morale, there is nothing better than watching positive and kind films with a happy ending, especially if they are dedicated to pregnant women, children, love, kindness, funny adventures, funny situations and leave pleasant emotions behind. We present to your attention a selection of the 20 best films for pregnant women.

1. A little pregnant (2007)

The prime loader and careerist Alison. What can they have in common? - A child who was born after one single night. Will young parents be able to raise their unexpected child and establish a difficult relationship?

2. Junior (1994)

Two male doctors are working on a new miscarriage drug. Studies have been completed, tests on monkeys have been successful, but the supervisory board freezes the project. Dr. Arbogast incites his colleague to an unthinkable scam - testing the drug on humans, or rather, on Dr. Alex himself! To do this, he steals a donor egg from a university laboratory, fertilizes it and inserts it into Alex's abdominal cavity ...

3. Nine months (1995)

A happy young couple from San Francisco, child therapist Samuel and dance teacher Rebecca have been together for five years. Rebecca, like any normal woman, dreams of a child. Samuel is afraid of change. The countdown of nine months of pregnancy begins. Samuel's friend, a failed artist, broke up with his beloved because he did not want to have children. He says that an unexpected pregnancy is a knife in a man's back, and only low and mean women are capable of this. Quarrels begin between lovers, because it is necessary to look for a big apartment, a big car, get rid of the cat. Rebecca decides that she will leave Samuel if he does not accept the thought of a child ...

4. Juno (2007)

Sixteen-year-old schoolgirl Juno McGuff learns that she is pregnant from her friend Paulie Bleecker. At first, she wants to have an abortion, later abandons this thought and decides to give the child up for adoption. But in the future, everything will happen differently ...

5. Who would speak (1989)

Meeting clients is bad form, and getting pregnant is a bad thing. And so it happened. Albert, a former lover, throws Molly in position, choosing a new object to admire. On the way to the hospital, Molly meets the kind taxi driver James. The doctors allowed the young man to be present at the birth, deciding that it was her husband. But childbirth is only the beginning of the adventures of James' nanny and the baby who was born ...

6. Plan B (2010)

Artificial insemination is the only chance to become a mother for a single 30-year-old Zoe. The plan was a success, the long-awaited pregnancy came, but then Zoe meets the love of her life ...

7. For how long? (1988)

Another story about teenagers, where young heroes decide to give birth to a child against the will of their parents. Young people have just graduated from high school and received scholarships at prestigious universities, but their fate is completely different. Sten's hard work and Darcy's depression after childbirth are not an easy burden on the shoulders of youth ...

8. Big Daddy (1999)

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Sunny Koufax, 32, is a big kid, putting all the chores on the shoulders of his girlfriend. By chance, he needs to look after a little boy. Sunny's life is full of entertainment, he drags the boy with him everywhere, he allows everything, and he himself is delayed to the fullest, but gradually he realizes the responsibility for the child ...

9. Intuition (2001)

It is Christmas Eve, and there is a turmoil all around, because everyone is in a hurry to buy presents. It was at this time that fate brings together the heroes of the film, two complete strangers. Jonathan and Sarah meet in a store while trying to buy the same gloves. They spend a wonderful evening together, during which they talk incessantly, getting great pleasure from this, and after all, a loving person is waiting for each of them at home. However, when the time comes to say goodbye, they are faced with a difficult choice: to continue the relationship or forget about everything, and live on as if nothing had happened. And then Sarah offers to leave the decision of this dilemma to fate, because if she pleases, then they will certainly meet ...

10. You've got a letter (1998)

Joe Fox and Kathleen Kelly are texting over the Internet. Joe has a girlfriend, Kathleen has a boyfriend, but they can only pour out their souls to each other. Kathleen owns a small children's bookstore called Around the Corner, which she inherited from her mother. For her, her three employees and customers, this is not just a place of work - it is an oasis of warmth, humanity and culture. Joe owns Fox & Sons, a huge book supermarket chain. He opens such a complex next to Kathleen's store and comes to her supposedly to buy several books for children. This is how their "live" acquaintance took place. A little later, Kathleen learns that Joe is the owner of the supermarket, which threatens her with inevitable ruin - the prices there are much cheaper. Naturally, she immediately hated a soulless competitor. And on the Internet, their romance continued ...

11. Love and Doves (1984)

A simple village man Vasily, the head of a large, friendly family, lives an ordinary life, loves his wife and children, work, and he has a wonderful hobby - he breeds pigeons. The wife does not always share this hobby, sometimes they even swear over what she thinks is a waste of time and money on fiddling with birds. Once Vasily, after an injury at work, gets a ticket to a sanatorium, leaves for the south, and there he meets a woman who, under the influence of the moment, seems unusual to him, understanding him ... And from the resort he goes not home, but to her. His family takes such a betrayal terribly, and he, being cut off from his usual life, would be glad to return himself. Because in a new, incomprehensible life, there are no loved ones, no wife, no pigeons ...

12. Love with and without rules (2003)

Playboy and conqueror of women's hearts Harry, even in adulthood, is not ready to part with his passion. After a stormy night, he suffered a heart attack. Young Marin leaves her lover in a country house with her mother Erica. Ladies of the same age were not to the heart of a womanizer, but then he looked at women in a different way ...

13. Oh, Mommy (2008)

Two completely different women in the same apartment and nine months that will change their lives forever. The beautiful, successful and lonely businesswoman Kate (Tina Hay) has always put her personal life in last place. And now, at 37, she finally realized that it was time to have a baby. Her chances of getting pregnant are one in a million, and Kate decides to hire the reckless Angie so that she carries the child for her ... But Kate's calculated plan and well-organized life go to hell when a pregnant Angie, who has nowhere to live, appears on her doorstep ...

14. While you were sleeping (1995)

Shyness prevents lonely Lucy from meeting the man of her dreams, whom she sees every morning. But chance helps, and the girl saves the stranger's life. Now she can admire him all day: rescued Peter lies in the hospital unconscious. The family mistakenly takes her for a bride, and Lucy does not want to dissuade these lovely people. After all, she had already managed to become attached to them, especially to Peter's brother. And while the unsuspecting “groom” is sleeping, his “bride” no longer believes in a wonderful dream. Soon Lucy will have to choose between a fairy tale and such a real love ...

15. Best friend (2000)

Years go by forever. All the attempts of the fading beauty Abby to both succeed in business and find the perfect husband are still in vain, and there is less and less time left to have a child. The only close soul, in whose vest you can cry, who will help in word and deed, is Robert's best childhood friend. True, he is gay, but for the sake of friendship he is ready for a lot ... A way out of this situation was found unexpectedly quickly ... In the evening - a festive feast with his best friend, in the morning - a blackout in the memory of both of the events of the previous night, and after a while the diagnosis - Abby will become a mother. How to get out of this juicy situation? Life required making difficult decisions ...

16. Offer (2009)

Margaret is not just a boss. According to subordinates, she is a real bitch. They are afraid of her, they hide from her, they hate her. Margaret's assistant, Andrew, is forced to fulfill all her wishes and requirements - from a cup of coffee to after-hours work. He is tired, but the dismissal is not in his plans. Fate unexpectedly changes everyone's life: Margaret is threatened with deportation, and she persuades Andrew to a fictitious marriage. Andrew is taking his "young wife" to visit relatives who are confident in their universal love.

17. The Naked Truth (2009)

The main character named Abby Richter works in television. She is producing the morning show and prides herself on her resourcefulness - a quality that is irreplaceable in such a job. Alas, in her personal life she has nothing to be proud of: for some reason, she cannot find her love and build a happy and long relationship. Abby seems to be haunted by failure: every date turns into a real disaster. Recently, not everything has been going smoothly at Abby's work: ratings are falling, and the channel's management hires Mike Chadway, a special correspondent who begins to host a show with the telling name "The Naked Truth", in which, in his usual provocative manner, he tells women how to attract and keep the man. The style in which Mike conducts the show, and the dirty jokes plunge Abby into shock, but she has nowhere to go - she has to share the studio with Mike, because with the advent of his show, the channel's ratings skyrocketed. Maybe Mike's advice will come in handy for Abby herself?

18. Michael (1996)

His name is Michael. He lives somewhere in the backwoods, in a burning motel in the middle of Iowa. He is a lover of booze, women and the idle life. He's just an angel ... Don't you believe? He, as it should be, has wings ... Three losers disappointed in their lives are given the task of bringing him to the editorial office ... The sensation hunters are met by a man in a dirty T-shirt, with a penchant for cigarettes, drinks, women's charms, foul language and an idle life, but with huge white wings ...

19. Where the heart is (2000)

17-year-old pregnant girl Novalie travels from Tennessee to California with her boyfriend. However, in the town of Sequoia, the boyfriend decides to leave her. The girl does not know what to do, but finds an original way out of the situation: she hides in one store and secretly lives there until she has a baby ...

Iris Simkins works for the London Daily Telegraph and runs a popular wedding column, lives in the English countryside and loves a man who does not reciprocate. Far away in Southern California, American Amanda Woods finds herself in a similar situation. She owns a successful advertising agency and does not complain about her career, but problems have emerged in her personal life: it turned out that her lover is cheating on Amanda. Both women dream of a change of scenery and go on a little vacation, and their search for a possible vacation spot leads them to a housing exchange site. Having met on the Internet, Amanda and Iris immediately feel kindred spirits in each other and decide to switch houses for two weeks. Amanda finds herself in a snow-covered English province, and Iris - in an ever-sunny state to celebrate Christmas and tune in to a new mood. And fate gives each of them a little Christmas miracle: it allows them to find love and feel joy again.

Positive emotions from watching kind and bright pictures will help to correct the depressed mood, which so often changes during pregnancy. And bright thoughts, reminiscent of love and kindness, will give strength and help to withstand pregnancy and the upcoming birth with dignity.

Educational and educational films can be interesting and useful for pregnant women: “Waiting for the stork”, “Three periods of labor”, “Conversations with Dr. Komarovsky”, “Happy pregnancy”.

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Watch the video: Top 10 Movies to Watch When Youre Pregnant! (July 2024).