Earnings for mothers on maternity leave

The story of how I made money on the Internet

A huge number of people every day wonder how you can make money on the Internet. There are many ways to make such money, there are also fraudulent schemes. Each option has its own strengths and weaknesses. I want to share a story about how I made money on the World Wide Web. Working on the Internet attracted me because I can decide for myself when and how much I will work. The need to care for a 1.5-year-old child has become a serious argument in order to venture into this type of income.

Captcha input

To begin with, I decided to try to make money on captcha input. It seemed to me that it is very easy, does not require special knowledge and skills and brings, albeit small, but stable income. Captcha is a security code in the form of a set of characters or an image. It is needed in order to identify who the user of the system is: a computer or a person, and prevents the sending of various spam. It was necessary to recognize the captcha and enter this code.

In reality, it turned out that this work is very dreary and thankless. You don't always have time to enter the code, you waste time for recognition, and in the end you lose money. In addition, you can be blocked for a large number of mistakes.

As a result: I lost several months on this, earned pennies, lack of self-confidence and the possibility of earning money on the Internet. But the need for money made me look for new ways.


The next option for making money on the Internet was copywriting. Copywriting is writing articles for websites. I have always loved to work with words, once I even dreamed of writing a book. There are several exchanges on the Internet for writing custom texts and selling ready-made articles.

After registering on two content exchanges, I started working. To my surprise and, I will not hide, pleasure, very soon customers began to praise me, and some of them offered constant cooperation. Now I'm not looking for orders - customers find me themselves.

The disadvantages of copywriting include the fact that at first you need to gain a rating for yourself, and on some exchanges to undergo mandatory initial testing and literacy tests. But this is necessary, because there are a lot of illiterate and frankly weak texts on the Internet. In addition, it is not so much time-consuming to write an article as to adjust to a certain percentage of uniqueness that is required by the customer. For some reason, I often met customers demanding 100% uniqueness, and this is quite difficult to achieve.

As for the income, it is directly proportional to the number of articles written. It is not always possible to find time with a small child, so I had to refuse to cooperate with some customers. But, as they say, you can make money on hairpins, pantyhose.

We read in detail: Earning money for mothers on maternity leave by writing or rewriting articles

Exchanges where you can earn by writing articles:

  • ContentMonster
  • Etxt
  • Advego
  • Miratext
  • Earnings from writing articles - real and honest
  • How to make money on the Internet by writing articles. Article business from zero to 1000 $ in 2 months
  • How and how much you can earn on the Advego article exchange. The Golden Beginner's Guide

Making money on culinary sites

In addition to writing articles on topics close to me, I tried to make money on culinary sites. Basically, this is a kind of copywriting. You just need to write an article on the step-by-step preparation of any dish, and provide it with unique photographs. There are also specialized exchanges for this type of income.

Describing culinary recipes also seemed like a tedious task to me. After all, you need not only to prepare a delicious dish, but also to photograph every step, with high quality and beautiful. However, if cooking is your calling and you have a solid camera, then this job is for you.

Earnings on your own website

Having tried the listed options for making money on the Internet, I concluded: you can earn real money by creating your own website. Oddly enough, but creating a website turned out to be not so difficult. When I entered a search engine, I received a bunch of links on how to do this. After methodically studying the instructions for creating sites for experienced bloggers, understanding the HTML markup language, I created my own site!

It turned out that it is not enough to create your own Internet resource in order to receive income. It is necessary to fill it with interesting and unique information, to attract the target audience - in a word, to promote it. This is what I am doing now. Today I get a little money from advertising on the site.

The Internet provides a sea of ​​opportunities for both additional and basic earnings. If you set yourself a goal and invest in achieving it, then you can find a hobby that generates income. Go for it, and everything will definitely work out!

  • Can mothers on maternity make money by writing articles on the Internet: personal experience
  • Why did I start copywriting and what was I afraid of?
  • How copywriting became my only source of income
  • Ways to make money on maternity leave
  • Mom is a copywriter on maternity leave or is it really possible to make money on the Internet by writing texts
  • Ways to make money via the Internet for mothers on maternity leave. (Without pyramids and MLM)
  • Work at home for mothers on maternity leave without cheating and investments - 8 best vacancies for 2018
  • 10 helpful tips for a mom working from home

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