
29 things only pregnant women can understand

The sea of ​​negative moments of pregnancy pay off in full with the joy of waiting for your baby. Even constant nausea, fatigue, wadded feet and all the other "charms" of this expectation will not overshadow the moment when a woman becomes a mother. It is worth highlighting 29 things for which you need to thank pregnancy.

1. Pleasant excitement and fear on an equal footing fit in the head of the future mother. How it feels to be afraid and anxious at the same time.

2. Morning sickness is only called so, in fact it will follow throughout the day. Every hour, that morning!

3. When the menstrual cycle stops, the woman thinks that the pads are no longer needed. But that wasn't it, ladies.

4. The expectant mother can fully feel the consequences of diapers for children. But she doesn't wear them, where does the diaper rash come from in the most unexpected places?

5. Ugh, what nonsense is this mucous plug?

6. There is an opportunity to feel like Pamela Anderson. But big breasts, like not the best friend, disappear when all the interesting things are over.

7. Looking at endlessly swollen legs, a woman may think that she is turning into an elephant.

8. Penguin gait is a personal feature of pregnant women.

9. The realization that a new life is born in your body makes you drunk without wine.

10. Soon to expect the most severe pain in life.

11. Even if ice falls from the air conditioner, you will still be unbearably hot.

12. A child's nighttime bladder dances are not so fun for mommy. She sees the toilet more often than the bed. Like when you have to pee every 15 minutes. Everything. Long. Night.

13. Cry, because the cafe waiter wrote down your order incorrectly and immediately yell - we can, we can, we practice.

14. Constantly fighting the urge to kick people in the neck, who notice out loud how big you are now.

15. It is urgently necessary to rearrange all the objects in the apartment: even those things that have been on the balcony for years.

16. Feel the first movements of your baby - to tears and goosebumps.

17. Stand up for the protection of the forests, even if on our own feet. How to shave "thickets" that you can't see?

18. Look at Jabba the Hutt and understand for the first time how this alien creature from Star Wars feels.

19. Love fiber, because your child does not care about your eating habits.

20. This awkward moment when the child imagines himself a circus performer and makes somersaults in the uterus, along the way touching the bladder.

21. That before leaving the house, you make a plan of clean toilets on the way of your route.

22. To love this petty fighter inside, who covers the stomach from the inside with blows of his fists.

23. For the first time to be delighted with diarrhea, because this is a sign that the child is almost ready to meet you.

24. Get used to the fact that every time you cough, laugh, chew or just breathe, you get a little fat.

25. Cry as soon as you see a social video about animal cruelty.

26. Understand how people feel in films where an alien grows in them, and then tries to get out into the wild.

27. A princess with a belly should sleep only on a bed of a myriad of pillows.

28. It doesn't matter if all the things in the kitchen are out of place. The mom-to-be may be a little distracted.

29. You have never thought that you can love another person so much even before you meet him.


Watch the video: THINGS Only GIRLS Will Understand. Part - 2. Anaysa (July 2024).