
Massage for colic in a newborn - massage the tummy of the baby

Newborn pediatricians are well aware that almost all babies begin to suffer from colic at some point. Over time, the child's painful condition stabilizes. It takes patience and calmness from parents to wait out this difficult period. Young mothers worry about the health of their child and begin to look for ways to calm him down during attacks. Experts offer different options for alleviating the condition of the crumbs, for example, massage for colic in newborns is considered an effective remedy.

Colic appears in many babies due to imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract

Causes of colic in newborns

Colic in the baby's tummy does not occur immediately after birth, but during the neonatal period, that is, within the next three weeks. Attacks become more frequent and acute by two months. The main reason for their appearance is that the infant is exposed to bacteria that are completely unfamiliar to his immune system. They enter the body of a newborn from the environment, it is impossible to avoid this and, according to pediatricians, it is not necessary. The immune system must work as quickly as possible. However, under favorable conditions, bacteria actively multiply, since the baby's body is an ideal environment for them.

Note. Pediatricians explain to parents that newborns do not yet have useful intestinal microflora. The baby's defense system is just being formed, so too few enzymes are produced for proper digestion. As a result, dysbiosis or imbalance of the intestinal microflora occurs, which impairs bowel function. Gas accumulates in it, their passage is difficult, and the newborn has sharp paroxysmal pains. This is approximately how infant colic is described in pediatric practice.

Experts note concomitant reasons that inhibit the formation of the correct microflora and cause colic. These reasons lie in prematurity, occur with infectious diseases, allergies, while taking antibiotics. Influence on the appearance of colic air ingress into the stomach during feeding, if the baby does not properly latch on to the breast. Air often enters the gastrointestinal tract and with artificial feeding.

Most often, pain symptoms go away on their own after a while. The baby's digestive system gradually adapts, the number of bifido, and lactobacilli grows, starting to restrain the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Until this fertile moment, a third of babies under the age of 4 months necessarily suffer from colic.

A nursing mother needs to properly form her diet.

Many experts, in particular, children's doctor Komarovsky, associate the appearance of colic with the mother's unhealthy diet. Spicy, fried, or fatty foods, smoked meats, unprocessed vegetables, baked goods, sweets, or caffeine can aggravate the colic situation. Dr. Komarovsky believes that colic will go away on its own if a nursing woman adheres to a diet and organizes a full-fledged diet for the child.

Signs of colic in infants

It will not be difficult for parents to understand that the baby has colic. Experts describe signs that indicate a problem:

  • Expressed anxiety in the behavior of the baby is observed already two weeks after childbirth, it is at this time that colic begins;
  • Pain in a newborn during colic is usually paroxysmal. Most often they begin in the evening and last for several hours, leading the parents to great excitement;
  • During colic, the specific behavior of the child appears. He presses his legs to his tummy, touches them, while crying a lot. Even mom's milk will not calm him down at this moment;
  • During periods of seizures, the tummy of the newborn is enlarged and swollen, with tactile touch it is quite hard;
  • Immediately after a bowel movement or flatulence, the baby is relieved and calmed down.

The effect of anti-colic massage on the intestinal system of the baby

In infants, tummy pains associated with colic, gas and constipation begin to bother from the first month after birth, as soon as the navel has time to heal. Usually baby colic disappears after four months and does not entail any pathological consequences.

However, even one loving mother is unlikely to be able to indifferently look at the discomfort of her child. And the night awakening from the restless crying of the baby also worries the parents. There are several ways to relieve your baby at such times. The most effective way is to massage the tummy for colic in a newborn or special exercises to relieve pain.

The characteristic signs of his behavior can tell about the appearance of colic in a child.

Note. On the Internet, you can find special video courses, after studying which, parents will learn how to properly do anti-colic massage for a baby. It is not difficult to learn this procedure, it is much more important to be careful and safe so as not to harm the baby.

How to do massage for colic in a newborn

Colic massage for babies can help deal with major digestive problems such as gas, bloating, and constipation. Before performing the facilitating procedure on your own, you should study the massage technique in order to avoid gross mistakes.

The massage session is carried out in a properly prepared place. It is very important that exercise is enjoyable for the child, so it is not recommended to exercise immediately before and immediately after eating, before lying down or after waking up.

Massage conditions

Specialists in baby massage tell you how to properly create conditions for massage against colic in newborns, so that instead of pleasure and help you do not get anxiety and crying of the baby:

  • For the session, a bright, ventilated room is required, the air temperature should be 20-22 degrees;
  • Make sure to find a level place to exercise. A changing table is well suited for the procedure;
  • It is important to observe the correct direction of massage movements. All basic movements go only clockwise, which corresponds to the physiological location of the intestine;
  • You do not need to focus on the massage for a long time, seven minutes are enough for one session;
  • All exercises are done 30-40 minutes before feeding.

Preparation for massage

Before the session, children's masseurs are advised to carry out special training in order to create maximum comfort for the baby:

  • At the beginning of the procedure, apply a warm diaper to the baby's tummy for a few minutes to warm up the muscles;
  • Do not forget to put a diaper under the back and buttocks, as during the procedure, the baby's intestines can empty;
  • Before the massage, hands should be warmed up, for example, put on a warm kettle or rubbed one against the other. Touching a newborn's skin with cold hands causes anxiety;
  • Mom can use baby powder to clean her hands.

Important! It is not recommended to lubricate the palms with oil to massage the tummy, as it is difficult to control the force of pressure.

Anti-colic massage of the baby is carried out only clockwise

Massage technique

To understand how to massage for colic in newborns, you need to study the technology of the procedure. It is not difficult if you follow the step-by-step explanation:

  • It is imperative to warm up the baby's body, then hold your hands with a "house" over the stomach for a while to even out the temperature of the adult's hands and the baby's body;
  • Start in a clockwise direction, slowly and gently massage the tummy with rounded movements, repeating the outline of the baby's body, avoiding the right hypochondrium - the place of the liver;
  • Then, while maintaining the position of the hands with a "house", gently and briefly massage the stomach from right to left along the course of the large intestine;
  • Go to lightly stroking the tummy clockwise and from top to bottom;
  • The stroking movements can be varied by massaging the oblique abdominal muscles. It should be borne in mind that one hand of the mother must constantly be on the tummy of the baby;
  • The following movements go clockwise, they describe a square or semi-square around the navel, which should already heal (this is important!);
  • Counter movements are performed with the palms of both hands at the same time, one hand goes up, the other down;
  • Circular stroking clockwise must be performed first with one hand, and then with both hands;
  • In the final exercise, it is useful to include bending the legs of the child at the knees and bringing them to the tummy for 30 seconds to remove gas. After that, the legs need to be massaged to relax;
  • At the end of the massage, light stroking of the tummy is performed.

Gymnastic exercises

In addition to the fact that a special massage is carried out for colic in a newborn, daily gymnastics is included in the children's regimen to relieve bloating and remove gases. Gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines, and also trains the vestibular apparatus of the baby. An explanation of the exercises can be found on children's websites, each mother will be able to choose them individually for her beloved child.

Experts offer effective and well-proven exercises that a mom can include in her daily gymnastics:

  • Exercise 1 "Frogs". The child lies on his stomach, the adult bends his legs and spreads them so that the knees are as wide as possible to the sides, and the feet are closed. Then the adult gently presses his palm on the feet and encourages the baby to push off. The exercise can be performed as a gas massage for newborns, regulating the work of the intestines, and at the same time training the abdominal muscles.
  • Game 2 "We fly by plane". An adult puts the baby with his chest on his hand, the other supports his tummy from below, holding his hand between the legs. It is necessary to lift the child and slightly circle around the room, imitating "flight". To give the exercise an element of play, you can stop at toys that are interesting for the child to examine and grip with their pens.
  • Exercise 3 "Butterfly". The movement can be used as a gas massage for newborns. The baby is put on the back and the legs are bent at the knees. Then, holding your knees and feet with your hands, spread them apart at the same time.
  • Exercise 4 "Swimmer". The baby is laid out on the tummy, with one hand holding it from below by the chest and tummy, with the other - supporting the feet. It is necessary to raise the baby so that he has the opportunity to raise both his head and legs at the same time, slightly arching his back.
  • Flips of the baby from back to stomach and from stomach to back can also be used as exercises. With their help, you can strengthen the oblique muscles of the abdomen and relieve gas formation.
  • Laying the baby on his back and raising to a sitting position helps to massage the tummy and train the vestibular apparatus. An adult gently supports the baby on both sides, helps to rise, holding it for a few seconds, and returns to its original position.

Exercises "Butterfly" and "Bicycle" effectively help with colic and gas removal

Exercise bike

Cycling is ideal for relieving tummy bloated. Mothers note that children like this game with their feet very much, they, as they get older, love to “ride a bike” on their own.

For the correct execution of the movements, the adult bends the child's legs and makes movements with them either with the left or with the right leg, imitating a bicycle ride. In the future, you can diversify the movements by pulling your knees to your chest and stomach. Exercising before colic attacks will amuse and enjoy your baby. During an attack, it can be used to gently massage from gazes for newborns.

The exercise "Bicycle" stimulates digestion, strengthens the abdominal muscles and amuses the baby by adding playful elements to the necessary actions.

Contraindications for massage

Baby massage is carried out only in the absence of contraindications

Important! Before carrying out any type of massage, strengthening or anti-colic, it is necessary to examine the child by specialists who will confirm the absence of contraindications to exercise. They will also tell you which parts of the body should be emphasized. As with any other method of medical intervention, massage has its own contraindications.

Contraindications are:

  • period of acute infectious diseases;
  • current paroxysmal pain in the tummy;
  • increased bleeding or ongoing bleeding;
  • pathology of the kidneys, liver, heart failure;
  • inflammatory lesions of the skin or lymph nodes;
  • severe forms of hypotrophy;
  • congenital malformations.

Note. Massage is strictly forbidden for colic in a newborn, if there are pathologies of the cardiovascular system, there are signs of an unstable state in chronic diseases. Exercise is contraindicated in low-weight infants, in the presence of all kinds of hernias, as well as in children with severe neurological disorders.

If the child is about to have routine vaccinations, or he is in a stressful state and has a negative attitude towards classes, it is better to temporarily postpone the massage.

Pediatricians warn parents that the independent use of massage with gaziks in newborns can lead to adverse consequences. Therefore, only mastering the basic techniques and techniques of massage will help parents cope with the problem of colic in babies.

Watch the video: Infant Massage - Tummy (July 2024).