
60 lessons with a child according to the Montessori method

Every parent strives to make their activities with their child very effective so that their child gets the most out of them. But, unfortunately, a huge number of methods of working with children sometimes confronts parents with a difficult choice of the “right” way of teaching. The book "60 lessons according to the Montessori method" will be an excellent assistant for moms and dads.

Benefits of the book "60 Lessons in the Montessori Method"

The name Maria Montessori has gained popularity all over the world. The main reason for this is her method of working with children, which is aimed at developing the potential of the child inherent in him by nature (details about the method). The book will help organize work with children, starting from their earliest age, because this time is incredibly important for the development of a happy, harmonious, free personality.

Thanks to the book "60 lessons according to the Montessori method" you will be able to organize such a harmonious space that will surround your baby literally from the first days of his life. The manual will help you make unique educational materials with your own hands (for example, the popular Munari mobile, which helps an infant to learn to recognize colors, shapes, sizes and distances between objects). Thanks to this unique technique, you will be able to promote the development of intelligence and fine motor skills of the baby, help him become independent.

READ ALSO: Do-it-yourself Montessori technique: organizing a developing environment at home

But do not worry: to work with this technique, you will not have to spend money on any expensive devices. The materials you need are in every home. The main thing is to remember that for the successful development of your child, you need to surround him with love, care and patience.

Who should read the book?

The unique book "60 lessons according to the Montessori method" is suitable for absolutely all parents of toddlers who want to help their children to reach their full potential. Also, the book will be useful for educators and employees of out-of-school educational institutions.

Watch the video: The Montessori Language Program (July 2024).