After childbirth

And it's scary and I want a second child. Help mom make a choice

In fact, making this decision is not so difficult, it is enough to make out a few important points that will help parents in their choice ...

In fact, making this decision is not so difficult, it is enough to make out a few important points that will help parents in their choice:

1. The physical readiness of the mother.

The very first thing that is worth making out is whether the mother is ready to physically take on the next pregnancy, will she not harm her and the future baby? This issue is especially true for women who have undergone a cesarean section, women over 40 years old or have had a recent birth.

If the mother has pathologies, then it is worth listening to the doctor and waiting for the complete restoration of the reproductive system.

2. The psychological readiness of the mother.

If a mother is physically ready to give birth, now you need to understand whether she is ready for this emotionally? To do this, answer these questions:

  • Do I want a second child?
  • Does my husband want more children?
  • Will I love my children the same? (Of course you will)
  • Am I ready to take care of myself for the next 9 months as a child?
  • Am I ready to sacrifice my figure?
  • Am I ready to feel severe labor pain again?
  • Am I ready for another sleepless nights and screams?
  • Am I ready to devote myself to two children?
  • Am I ready to spend the next 3 years in complete everyday life?
  • Am I ready to fight dual illnesses? After all, if 1 child is sick, then the second is likely to get sick.

If the answers to the questions were more positive, then you are ready to replenish the family and it remains to understand whether your family will be able to pull this important event financially.

3. Material well-being of parents.

You have already understood that you definitely want and can give birth to a child, but one "BUT" bites - money. Here a bunch of advisors immediately appear in the face of friends, parents: “Where do you want the second? You and one are cramped in the apartment "," And what are you going to feed the second one? "," You can't get a kitten! "

But it’s true, how can a young family get along in a one-room Khrushchev building for four? The salary is barely enough for food, the head of the family can hardly manage to provide four mouths. A hopeless situation? Of course not! Whining about "No money" can be endless. Even millionaires “cry” that they have little money and do not have enough. You just need to learn how to spend money wisely, to plan a family budget. Mom can start earning money at home at the computer without looking up from the children. And the most important plus is maternity capital. Thanks to him, parents will be able to expand their living space.

There is no need to buy a crib, baby clothes either - all this is probably left from the first-born.

Benefits with a second child:

  • It will be great for your children to grow up together (if the difference is no more than 5 years).
  • Again on maternity leave! This can also be considered a plus.
  • Maternal capital.
  • Benefits for rent and garden.
  • Again the first "Agu", a naive loving look, the first steps ...

Something not worth considering:

  1. Advice from family, friends, etc. To give birth and raise YOU, not friends, so listen only to your husband.
  2. The presence of pets. The fact that the baby will be allergic to wool is 5%.
  3. Children cannot get along together. Well, this is sheer nonsense. Everyone gets along together, even cats and dogs.

Previously, in Soviet times, all people did not live richly, but they all had two children - this was the norm. So, if it is true that you both wanted a second child, go boldly forward and do not listen to anyone!

  • 7 reasons to have a second child
  • 10 arguments in favor of a large family

Second child. What is the best age difference between children?

Watch the video: 10 THINGS I WISH I KNEW BEFORE HAVING A 2ND BABY (September 2024).