
Video: 10 super life hacks for moms or what you need to know before the baby is born

Motherhood is a huge responsibility! But in order not to turn into a zombie woman, sometimes it is enough to know a few simple secrets. Here are 10 useful life hacks from experienced moms to remember before the baby is born:

  1. There is no perfect time management. Someone promises to teach you to do everything at once? He wants to make money on you. Make a rating of important things and do not be afraid to transfer responsibilities to loved ones!
  2. Everything can be rented. The child does not care whether you buy new things or borrow for a while. He will lose interest in many things after a month.
  3. Ignore other people's opinions. Your child - forget about what others think!
  4. Stay the same. Do you think life has changed dramatically? All hobbies can be adapted and done together!
  5. Travel from birth! There is nothing easier than traveling with a baby. After all, all he needs is a mom and a suitcase of diapers.
  6. Give your child a childhood dream. A child is a chance to fulfill your childish desires. Jump on a trampoline, climb mazes and rejoice!
  7. Don't compare your child to others. So you only sow uncertainty in the little man.
  8. Hygiene, but not germophobia. It's natural to wash your hands before eating. But do not disinfect and boil everything.
  9. All children are sick. Do not panic over every sneeze.
  10. The mode is a help, not a limitation. Teach your baby to sleep at the same time and you can plan your day!

The basic rule of a young mother is not to worry!

  • Video: Life hacks for moms
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  • "I'm tired of being a mom": 5 tips for improving life with a child after a year

Watch the video: 28 CLEVER LIFE HACKS FOR PARENTS (July 2024).