Newborn care

7 claims that a kid would voice if he could speak

It may seem to you that babies are content only with food, sleep and crying. Do you think they don't need anything else? Or maybe everything is completely different, only the baby is not able to express his wishes and emotions. What would they say if they could speak? Surely he would have a lot of claims even to the most ideal parents. What would he say? The list would consist of the following claims:

"When will you learn to understand me?"

I tried everything: I shouted loudly, quietly, in a high squeaky voice, in a bass, whimpering, tried to point my fingers - but no, you don't understand me and that's it. I want to not only eat and sleep. I still want to be in my arms, I want to swim, talk to you, and you swing a rattle in front of my face. Of course, I will not refuse food, but you'd better be a little more discerning. It's time for me to learn to speak!

"Why am I eating milk alone?"

I see my mother crunching cookies, grandma peeling some pleasant smelling orange fruit, and my father eating chicken wings. Do you think I don't want all this? I may not have teeth, but my grandfather with his three teeth does not drink milk from a bottle like me! Hopefully at least 4 months I will try the vegetable puree. (article about complementary foods)

"Stop ignoring me, I'm actually here!"

I noticed that our cat has earned more respect in the family than me. When she sits next to her, you don't tell the guests how well she went to the tray in a big way? And when I'm around, then you can gossip about me, and tell about my personal things in detail? And how dad tickles mom with his mustache, he thinks I can't see. And whispers with her at night when I try to sleep. Didn't you think, maybe I also want to be taken to your bed and tickled a little?

"Why am I constantly rocked or shaken?"

When I am in a bad mood or upset, you rock and shake me. Do you really think that this will solve my problems? Didn't you think that I might want something? The next time Mom asks Dad for gold earrings for her birthday, I will hint that he shake her a little, and if she starts crying, then let her shake her a little, maybe then she won't want anything!

"Would you wear such clothes yourself?"

People have different tastes, I understand that, but would you wear what you are wearing on me? Ruffles, colored pom-poms, pink floral tights. Okay, dressing me up with a hare, a teddy bear is somewhat interesting. But why am I a pumpkin on Halloween and a tree on New Year's? Will not work!

“Don't try to deceive me!”

I wonder if it's just my parents who cheat me all the time, or is everyone doing this? Do you think I can’t tell my mother’s breast from a pacifier? Yes, anyone will understand that nothing flows from there! Come on mom, paint your nails at home, why do you need a salon. And you dad, drink tea with crackers instead of beer when you watch football! Do not want? How do I feel?

"I am helpless, but this is temporary!"

You so enjoy taking advantage of my helplessness! Why are you showing me toys that I can't reach? On TV, turn on what you like, because I don't know how to use the remote control yet. Or you turn me over, like a toy, on my stomach, and make me crawl, while still having fun. When I grow up a little, and that's it, I myself will switch channels on the TV and climb on all the sofas and chairs until you see I will play with your things as much as I want!

Watch the video: lecture 7 I The Lateral and the Approximants I Dr Papori Barooah (July 2024).