Child development up to a year

10 mistakes in potty training

Potty training is a painful topic for many parents. For some, this issue is resolved by itself, while for others it becomes a whole problem. And so, soon the baby will go to kindergarten, and he continues to do everything in his pants. Retraining a child can be more difficult than starting from scratch. In the upbringing of a child, inexperienced parents cannot avoid mistakes. Therefore, it is so important to warn them.

1. Too early

Sometimes new parents are too demanding of their child, trying to put the baby on the potty when he is not yet ready for this either mentally or physically. A certain maturity of the child is required for the conscious walk to the potty. Planting on a potty at an unconscious age of up to a year has nothing to do with meaningful going to the toilet. A child who can barely sit up is likely to simply not understand what is wanted from him. The victorious seizure of the moment will delight the parents, but will not mean anything to the child.

The kid must be physically ready for the pot: stand confidently, walk, sit quietly for about 10 minutes, stay dry for more than two hours. The baby's nervous system must also be ready. The child should begin to control the urge to use the toilet, develop reflexes of relaxation and patience.

Do not think that your child is lagging behind in development if peers are already asking for a potty, and your baby does not want to do it. Everything has its time. Violent actions can only harm the baby's nervous system. Be patient and try.

2. Wrong moment

It also happens that everything went well, the baby made the first successes in teaching, but suddenly everything changed. Perhaps the parents have chosen the wrong moment. The baby's psyche is very delicate, it reacts sharply to changes in the routine and usual life. You should not combine potty training with other training, changing the regime. It is worthwhile to wait with the pot during the period of the child's illness, or during teething. Any stress or excitement can interrupt addiction or even cause rejection to the pot.

It is important to choose the right moment and protect your baby from serious emotional outbursts.

3. A diaper anytime, anywhere

Often the use of all kinds of diapers turns into a manic idea for parents. Then the child is abruptly removed from what has always helped him to stay in comfort, and they demand to change habits abruptly. It doesn't work that way. A child who is accustomed to constantly relieve the need for a diaper takes longer to potty. Sometimes it takes a child up to six months to realize that the diaper is gone. Therefore, take off diapers more often, and if you are worried about carpets, laminate and furniture, sew covers, cover with oilcloth. Ideally, the baby should remain dry even at night, the use of diapers, of course, prevents this habituation.

4. Pot mania

There is a category of parents who are infected with the idea of ​​teaching their child to go to the potty. Manic planting every half hour, not allowing you to get out of the pot until you do your business, the ability to shame and compare with others. Such methods will not lead to the desired, but on the contrary, can cause denial and a clearly negative perception of the baby.

Always believe that your child is individual, he is smart and quick-witted, the time will come - and he will succeed.

5. Pressure

Excessive severity of parents, censure and even punishment for the inability of the baby to relieve himself, where it should be, traumatizes the psyche of the child. The kid closes in on himself, begins to fear the consequences. It is also possible that the child begins to endure, delaying the natural processes of the body, which is fraught with constipation and other problems with the intestines.

Remember that no baby sits on the pot at the same time, you need diligence and patience. Control your anger and irritation. Use the counting to ten technique. Your baby's health is more important than your preconceptions.

6. Mom will help

The child must learn to control the process of cleaning the intestines and urinary. It will be a mistake to constantly try to help him in this. Let the baby take off his pants, sit down on the pot, let him show independence. Choose the right clothes for your child. It is more difficult for a kid in a jumpsuit to take it off than pants with an elastic band. If the child did not have time for the potty, or did things on the floor, talk to him, take a rag together, immerse things in the washing machine. Let the kid learn to take responsibility for actions.

7. Here is a pot, there is a pot

Pay attention to the fact that the pot is not roaming around the house. Any child is very committed to various kinds of rituals and regimes. Therefore, if the baby does not find the toilet item in the usual place, you should not be surprised that he just pees in his pants. Determine the location of the pot with your child, be it in the bathroom, toilet or other suitable place, make sure there is free access to it.

8. Did the job in silence

Often parents, putting the child on the potty, begin to go about their business, or just silently wait for the child to finish the process. This behavior is suitable when your child is free, reflexively running to the pot at every demand of the body. While the training process is underway, create a playful atmosphere. Have something fun and enjoyable associated with potty sitting. But do not overdo it, the child must not forget why he is here. There is no need to reward the child in the form of sweets, other treats, gifts and cartoons. Your approval should be verbal, but very honest and straightforward. You should also not buy a pot-toy, the child should perceive the object in accordance with its purpose, and not associate it with entertainment. Otherwise, the training will be very delayed.

9. Away from embarrassment

In no case should you pretend that going to the toilet is something indecent and shameful. No need to "fukk", bend and run to run to pour everything into the toilet. Psychologists assure that children often see their secretions as part of themselves. Therefore, they are upset by this behavior of their parents. Let the baby look at the contents of the pot, and then go with you to take it out.

10. Lack of system

Planting a baby haphazardly may not be crowned with success. Take a closer look at the child. Children, one way or another, express their desire to go to the toilet. It can be grunting, certain sounds, "hanging", straining. If the baby is already talking, teach him to ask for a potty. It is clear that parents cannot watch the baby's reaction all day without looking away, but your efforts will definitely give results after a night's sleep, in front of him and after a long walk. Bring toys for instruction, let them also run to the pot during the game.

Do not listen to fairy tales, how other children ask for "pee-pee" for half a year, do not succumb to the manipulations of other people teaching you how to live and raise your child. Remember that only your great love, reverent attitude towards the baby and boundless patience will help the baby to overcome all stages of development successfully.

  • How to potty train a child: techniques and advice for parents
  • If the child is afraid of the pot: what to do

"Easy Potty Training Formula"

Does this sound familiar to you? -Your child screams, arches his back and categorically refuses to sit on the potty ... You are tired of constantly wiping puddles on the floor! You don't know how to help your child learn to “toilet business”? Tired of wasting tons of money on tons of diapers !!

We look how to potty train a child

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