
Top stupid gender planning tips

Many young parents try to "plan" not only the birth of a baby, but even what gender it will be. Future moms and dads use tables, calendars, and follow various signs. Trying to conceive a child of the desired gender, they are ready to follow many recommendations, eat according to special rules and engage in love on a schedule. Looking through all the possible tips - we have selected the most popular silly omens among them.

  • Funny beliefs in a "sunny" country.In China, many people believe that if on the night of love you turn your head to the north, you will be able to conceive a boy, but if you go to the south - a girl;
  • Secret weapon.Some people still use the sign that if you put a pink ribbon or scissors under the pillow - this is the birth of a girl, well, if a hammer or an ax - to a boy (well, at least not a chainsaw);
  • More often or less often.Parents who want a son - they should make love more often, and if a girl - the less often, the better;
  • Food affects the gender of the unborn child.It is believed that if parents want a girl, then mom should eat chocolate, nuts, cottage cheese, white meat, fish, and drink cocoa or mineral water, replace coffee with tea, and refuse ice cream and cheese. If you want a boy, then mom needs to eat pickles, potato and mushroom dishes, red meat, bananas, apricots, and dates more often;
  • Calendars and plates.When planning to conceive a son: you need to plan conception in odd months in an even year of the mother's life, or, conversely, in odd years - even months. If the parents want a girl: the conception of even years should be in even months, and in odd months - in odd months. No logic, but beautiful and clear;
  • Fortune telling on the "chamomile".It is generally accepted that girls are born to couples where a woman loves her husband more, and boys - if the weaker half has a "colder" heart than the stronger sex. But how to measure it?
  • The moon is in the right phase.In order for a future defender to be born in the family, you should have sex at night, with the window open. A new moon should appear in the sky, but the weather should be free of snow and rain. If the parents want the house to be filled with girlish babbling - the sky should be illuminated by a full moon, the weather should be bad: rain and snowfalls. The window should be kept closed;
  • Daddy's head is to blame.It is believed that if a dad thinks exclusively about sex, conception, a son will be born. If the father's thoughts are concerned with work, the position of the family, an heiress will be born.
  • How to plan and conceive a girl: all known ways
  • How to plan and conceive a boy (all known ways)

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