
What is the difference between the first, second and third pregnancies?

Of course, all pregnancies have a lot in common. In the end, the result is always the same - the birth of a long-awaited child. Only there are differences, because with each subsequent pregnancy, a woman grows up, gets new experience, her life attitudes change, and the state of health while carrying a baby is different every time.

First pregnancy

How others react: It is high time! Congratulations!

What a woman thinks when she learns about pregnancy: How would I be more beautiful and romantic to tell this news to my husband?

How loved ones react: Now you need to sleep and rest more, walk in the fresh air, and eat right.

Attitude to courses for pregnant women: Must go!

A look at clothes for expectant mothers: A woman begins to pick up a new wardrobe for herself as soon as the test shows 2 strips.

Thoughts on childbirth: Everyone is different. Someone is worried and afraid, someone is trying to stay calm - it all depends on the mood of the pregnant woman herself (5 fears of childbirth).

The first pregnancy is always alarming, exciting, but at the same time interesting, because it gives a new life experience. A woman tries to listen to her own feelings. She enters all kinds of communities of expectant mothers, knows exactly what is happening with the baby and how he has changed over the past week, and generally feels like a guru. A pregnant woman knows the answers to all questions - you can even get a medical degree. She has already determined where the child will sleep, what he will eat, picked up psychological techniques that help calm the baby. Just enjoy your first pregnancy until reality corrects your plans.

Second pregnancy

How others react: Have you decided on a second child? You are great! Do you want a daughter (son) now?

What a woman thinks when she learns about pregnancy: How to prepare a senior for the fact that he will have a younger brother or sister (My mother! Only mine! - or a few words about childhood jealousy)? And how can you explain to your child that you shouldn't talk about it with the kindergarten teachers?

How loved ones react: It will be so difficult for you to do everything! Don't forget the elder also needs attention!

Attitude to courses for pregnant women: What's the use of that? Half of what they say will not be useful, and the rest will go awry. And who will I leave the elder with?

A look at clothes for expectant mothers: I'll have to buy a pair of comfortable jeans, and I have the rest from my last pregnancy.

Thoughts on childbirth: I remember the mistakes I made. This time I won't let them.

Mom's second pregnancy is constantly compared to the first one. Then there were stretch marks - haven't they appeared now? The first time I put on weight by 5 kg, now - by 10. It remains only with nostalgia to remember the time when we could have plenty of rest on maternity leave, sleep and enjoy walks. All these are now only dreams. Mom is also worried that she will not love her second child as much as her first child. Such fears are unfounded. You will understand this as soon as you see the baby after his birth.

Third pregnancy

How others react: Wow! You are heroes!

What a woman thinks when she learns about pregnancy: How am I going to deal with everything now? How to find all the money and time?

How loved ones react: Everything will be fine. Your elders are already big - real helpers!

Attitude towards courses for pregnant women: I already know everything and can. If there is any reason to go to these courses, then only as a teacher.

A look at clothes for expectant mothers: How tired I am of her! It is better to think about what to wear after giving birth.

Thoughts on childbirth: How everything will be there is not at all clear. So let the birth go the way it should go, and I'll trust the doctor.

Taking care of the two older children, the third pregnancy will rush by unnoticed, and the time spent in the hospital will seem like a vacation at the resort - without constant cleaning, washing, cooking. You will understand that it is impossible to predict how the pregnancy will go, what the child's character will be. It is not necessary to know all this in advance, because uncertainty is fraught with a kind of mystery and surprise. True, there is something that remains unchanged - those around you will definitely ask when you decide on the fourth toddler!

Watch the video: Best Hip and Back Stretches for Pregnancy UPDATED (July 2024).