Baby feeding

10 rules for complementary foods according to Dr. Komarovsky

So, friends, talking about food, talking about the first meal - in fact, it's complementary foods - it's an exciting topic for everyone. Probably, the pediatrician has several such topics - such as "Treating diarrhea", "Treating snot", "Treating cough", "Complementary food" - wake up at night, we will tell you how to live with it.

I ask you to write down 10 simple rules:

Rule # 1. When to start

The most important rule of thumb is when to start? I used to say this: from 4 to 6 months, the baby does not need complementary foods, it is needed for the mother.

Now I will say this: there is no complementary feeding until 6 months. You see, medical science does not stand still, and there is more and more evidence that these experiments are not needed until the child reaches 6 months. Okay?

Rule # 2. Independence from the type of feeding

It is very important to immediately forget that the feeding system has something to do with the timing of complementary feeding:

  • We are artificial, we need complementary foods from 3 months!
  • We are breastfed, we will generally start a year. Up to a year - only mom!

My friends, regardless of the type of feeding, the optimal time to start feeding is 6 months.

Rule # 3. Do not experiment with a sick child

Complementary foods and new foods in general are given when the child is healthy. If the child is sick, something is wrong - let's not experiment with the patient.

We already know three rules - well done!

Rule # 4. Calm environment

Again, why do you need these experiments, if you went somewhere to visit, are going on a trip - tomorrow we are going somewhere, but today let's give something, and we will treat diarrhea all night! Therefore, if we are going to give any new products, let's adapt to the circumstances and not conduct experiments when it is inconvenient for any of the family members.

Rule # 5. Complementary food first, then main food

What is very important? Complementary foods are still given when the child is really hungry, that is, they give him before feeding him the main food. It is clear that if you put him to your chest, then after he has eaten, it is already very difficult to conduct any experiments with new, unusual food. Therefore, once again an important rule is first complementary foods, then the main food.

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Rule # 6. If the child refuses to eat new foods

Another rule - if he refuses, you shouldn't be upset, but you shouldn't close this topic either. Refuses - repeat after some time, suggest, suggest, suggest.

What is also very important - if you really want him to eat it, but he does not eat it, eat it yourself in his presence. This is very helpful.

Rule # 7. Monocomponent of new complementary foods

One more rule: everything new is mono-component. That is, if we decided to give porridge, then we do not need to give porridge from 7 cereals, and then guess which one did not suit us. Did you agree? Well done.

Rule # 8. Gradual transition to complementary foods

If we replaced one of the feedings with complementary foods, then we will start experimenting with the other only after that. That is, it is not necessary to conduct experiments every feeding. Let's eat mom in the morning, the second feeding is complementary foods, mom. And when we completely replace the second feeding, then we will conduct some experiments on the third, fourth. This is desirable. Did you agree? Well done!

Rule # 9. Gradual menu expansion

There is also such a rule that it is advisable to listen to - as a rule, new products that the child has never tried before (and there may be several such products at once) should not be given with an interval of less than 5 days. That is, you don't need something new every day. Then again, it will be difficult to figure out who is really to blame.

Rule # 10. The term for a complete replacement of feeding is a week

By and large, I must tell you that, as a rule, for a complete replacement of feeding - for example, we decided to give the child oatmeal - as a rule, the optimal time to replace the mixture with oatmeal completely is about a week. Clear? That is, we know that the child is eating this formula. Today they gave 20 grams, tomorrow 40, the day after tomorrow 80, etc. - a week to replace feeding.

The rules are over. Now, very interesting things, because, again, medical science does not stand still.

Complementary foods and allergies

For example, in the United States, a very acute problem is associated, for example, with peanuts. They have a very common - you probably know - peanut butter. They have a huge number of children with peanut allergies. And all their life they told mothers: “Never give peanuts to small children! This increases the likelihood of allergies! "

And suddenly, literally a lot of recent studies prove that it turns out that if children from 6-8 months are given small amounts of peanuts, then this dramatically reduces the likelihood of allergies later, when he is older.

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That is, this is how everything changes. Another question is that if there are people with allergies in the house, if this topic is in principle relevant for the family, then it is better not to conduct such experiments.

Why am I saying all this? Very often, right now, your doctor can advise you on what goes against what is written in many books. But science does not stand still and everything changes.

For example, fish. In many books they write that fish is better after a year: we start feeding with meat, and then fish. And now, if a child receives fish soup or pieces of fish in broth, starting from 8 months, it turns out that there will be nothing wrong with this - please, health!

And one more last piece of advice to you.

Complementary feeding, as knowledge of the world

You know, it turns out that almost the most chic in complementary foods is the very process of eating, when the child himself is hands, a spoon. But here, quite often, complementary foods look like this: they sat down, wrapped them up, shoved a horn, 2 horns, and then a bottle.

Guys, already at 6 months try to do this - complementary foods at 6 months, when he starts eating this curd - this, as you understand, has absolutely nothing to do with calories, with food. Yes, this is actually the knowledge of the world, new ways of eating.

Therefore, they already seated such a little one, put a plate in front of him, gave him something that looked like a spoon, and let him try to eat. Yes, it will be all from head to toe in this spoonful of curd. Sooner or later he will get dirty, but, nevertheless, it is very great for his development, for motor skills, for intelligence.

  • How to teach a child to eat independently and accurately - complete instructions for parents
  • How to teach your child to eat with a spoon - 10 simple tips

It is very cool when a child learns what he will eat himself. It's better than watching cartoons on TV together. I draw your attention to this. You want to give the child curd - you made the child sit down, gave him a plate, sat down opposite with exactly the same plate with curd, and eat this curd. He looks at you and repeats.

I really want your kids to watch you, not the cartoons on TV. Explain to your dad that he needs a personal example in the process of feeding much more than all Masha and the bears combined.

  • When and where to start the first complementary foods, how to properly introduce new products: basics, tips and rules
  • 8 signs it's time to introduce complementary foods
  • Dangerous complementary foods: TOP-5 mistakes of parents
  • Complementary feeding according to the rules - a few simple points