After childbirth

How long after childbirth can you have sex?

After giving birth, a woman must follow the doctor's recommendations so that the body is fully restored. Therefore, you will have to endure restrictions, which, among other things, relate to intimacy. You can not have sex for the first time after childbirth. This ban is due to a whole range of reasons.

Why is sex immediately after childbirth dangerous?

Sex in the first time after childbirth is fraught with irreparable harm to women's health. This is due to the fact that the uterus is still very vulnerable: it contracts intensively in order to push out the remnants of amniotic tissue and blood that formed during the period of gestation. This process is called lochia. They usually last about 2 months, but they can end earlier, although this is still not a reason to resume sex life.

Sex can cause sutures to rupture, which are often placed on the perineum or cervix for women in labor, which can lead to complications and an increased risk of infection. Against this background, an inflammatory process can develop. Usually it is eliminated by taking antibiotics, but the young mother will have to interrupt breastfeeding. This will stress the baby and can negatively affect his health.

Even if some time has passed after giving birth, sex can still provoke painful sensations. Because of this, both partners remain dissatisfied, which can result in conflicts in the family. So in the recovery period after childbirth, abstinence is in the interests of both. A man should show respect for the mother of his child and realize the vulnerability of her current position. It is worth succumbing to momentary weakness - and a woman's health can be seriously affected.

How long should you abstain?

There is no universal answer to the question of how long after the birth of a baby you can start having sex. It depends on the state of health of the young mother and on how difficult the birth was.

After a cesarean section, recovery is longer. A woman cannot lift weights, do physical exercises. Sexual relations are also prohibited.

The optimal abstinence time is 2 months, if there are no complications. During this period, lochia is usually completed, all sutures dissolve, physical well-being is normalized. In principle, a young mother herself will understand when her body will recover and will be ready for intercourse. Still, it is better to go to an appointment with a gynecologist, pass the necessary tests and undergo an ultrasound scan to make sure there are no inflammations and other problems.

What if pain appears?

Women who have recently given birth sometimes experience pain during intercourse. This is normal. The first sex after childbirth is equated to the very first in a woman's life. This moment is exciting for both partners, so experts advise to prepare for it and devote time to foreplay.

If, in addition to painful sensations, a woman notices bloody discharge, the intimacy must be interrupted. Then you should go to the gynecologist to find out the cause of this phenomenon. Bloody discharge may indicate that unhealed genitals have been damaged. Then you should try to have sex again later.

The postpartum period is characterized by dryness in the vaginal area. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. A woman should not be intimidated by this process. It's just that during intercourse it is worth using lubricants that are designed just for such cases. It is better to choose products that do not contain hormonal additives, artificial colors and flavors.

Signs of problems

Complications after childbirth can appear in any woman. After all, the birth of a baby is a serious load on the body, which increases its susceptibility to various diseases. Sexual relationships after childbirth can sometimes be quite risky. A woman should be alerted to the following symptoms after intercourse:

  • itching and burning;
  • yellow or green vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • unpleasant odor from the genitals.

Having noticed these signs, it is imperative to go to the antenatal clinic for examination. Most often, atypical discharge and discomfort in the vagina indicate the penetration of infection into open wounds. if left untreated, it could even threaten the life of a young mother. So in the postpartum period you need to be especially attentive to your health.

The nuances of intimacy after childbirth

It is important not only to comply with the recommended abstinence period after childbirth, but also to have sex correctly at first. This should be done very carefully. Recommended positions are missionary and lying on your side (positions where penetration is less deep). Movements should not be fast and rough, since the first sexual intercourse after childbirth can be traumatic.

Sometimes women are worried about the volume of the vagina, because after labor, it remains strongly stretched for some time. This provokes various fears and complexes. Nevertheless, gradually the muscles of the vagina return to normal, and Kegel exercises help to speed up the process. To do them, you will need vaginal balls or other devices. The essence of the exercises is the rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the vagina. Yoga has a good effect - it also helps to restore muscle tone.

Subject to all the rules and precautions, sex after childbirth does not pose a danger to women's health. The first closeness after the birth of a baby becomes a kind of indicator. If everything goes well, then a regular intimate life can be resumed. The further emotional state of the young mother and the ability to avoid many crises in the relationship depend on how successful sexual adaptation will be.

At first, intimacy may not give a woman the same pleasure it did before giving birth. This is quite natural. The main thing is to remember that libido will recover over time. Until that happens, set yourself up to be positive.

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