Newborn care

For your baby to sleep soundly: 7 tips for new parents

With the advent of the baby, young parents mentally prepare for sleepless nights. But why, if you can just learn how to put your child to sleep correctly? Let's find out what affects the night's sleep of the baby, and what needs to be done to make it long and strong.

After a tiring day, children need rest. They restore strength during a night's sleep, which should be strong and long-lasting: at least 6-8 hours. A baby who sleeps is always in a good mood, he is cheerful and physically active. What can parents do when putting their child to bed to improve the quality of sleep?

There are 7 secrets to help your baby sleep soundly through the night:

  1. Before going to bed - only quiet games. Avoid high physical and emotional stress 2-3 hours before bedtime. They overexcite the child's nervous system, and he will not be able to sleep. Talk to your young dad about this if he comes home from work and plays overly active games with a toddler that he missed a lot during the day.
  2. The ritual preceding every night's sleep... This should be several activities before the rest, strictly in the established sequence. They develop the habit of going to bed at the same time. Certain signs will tell your baby that it's time to go to bed. Each family has a special ritual. This can include a light snack, watching a cartoon, bathing, changing a diaper, dressing up in pajamas, fairy tales or lullabies, etc.
  3. Bathing and massage... Water procedures in the evening soothe the child. Warm water relaxes the body, while the murmur and splash of water relaxes the nervous system. Excessive activity while bathing is not necessary. There should be only clean water in the bathroom, do not use herbs and solid soap: these products sometimes irritate the skin. If necessary, you can wash your baby with a baby gel. After bathing, massage your baby gently on the back and head. Mother's and father's touch always has a calming effect, which additionally sets you up for sleep.
  4. Room conditions... The main components of the microclimate that affect healthy sleep are temperature and humidity. The optimum air temperature for children is 19-22 degrees. Humidity can range from 40-65%. Such conditions have a beneficial effect on growth and development, therefore it is desirable to maintain them around the clock.
  5. Sleeping area... A child can sleep in a crib, cradle, stroller or even in the parent's bed. It depends on how you feel comfortable. But the following requirements are imposed on the baby's sleeping place: the mattress must be flat and hard. Babies in the first months of life do not need a pillow, and if the room conditions are met, then a blanket too. Baby bedding should be natural. There should be no foreign objects that distract attention.
  6. Feeding... The duration of sleep will directly depend on how well the baby ate before him. In order for him to be thoroughly refreshed before resting, you can even underfeed him a little in the previous feeding. Then by nightfall he will eat more intensely. Food should be light, it cannot be complementary foods. Then uninterrupted sleep for 6-8 hours is ensured. But this only applies to babies over 6 months old. It is at this age that the need for night feeding disappears. Until this moment, the child should not be denied milk or formula: he can wake up at night 1-2 times to eat.
  7. Good diaper... The strength and duration of sleep is badly affected by the feeling of irritation and moisture. If the baby is dry and warm, then he will sleep well.

It is not easy for young parents to get used to the new daily routine. But it is worth comprehending these seven simple secrets, and you will immediately see how strong and long a baby's sleep can be when nothing bothers him.

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Watch the video: Safe Baby Sleeping Tips for New Parents (July 2024).