
"Troxevasin" during pregnancy: instructions for use

The circulatory system of the expectant mother is exposed to increased stress during the entire period of pregnancy. Due to the increase in blood volume and weight of a woman, the heart and blood vessels are forced to function in an enhanced mode. Because of this, many pregnant women complain of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, their swelling, frequent cramps at night, the appearance of spider veins, and sometimes hemorrhoids.

With these symptoms, your doctor may recommend strengthening the blood vessels with an angioprotective agent called Troxevasin. This medicine reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels, prevents problems with veins, relieves the manifestations of varicose veins, but it is not worth using it without a doctor's prescription while waiting for the baby.

Features of the drug

Troxevasin is available in two dosage forms... One of them is capsulesto be swallowed. They are characterized by a dense yellow gelatin shell and a greenish-yellow powder inside. Capsules are sold over the counter in boxes of 50 and 100.

The second form of "Troxevasin" - gel for skin treatment. This is also an over-the-counter product that is sold at 40 grams in laminate or aluminum tubes. In appearance, such a medication is a brownish or yellow gel-like substance.

The action of both versions of the drug is provided by the same substance called troxerutin. Its content in 1 gram of gel is 20 mg, in 1 capsule - 300 mg.

Separately produced a drug called Troxevasin Neo. This is a gel containing, in addition to troxerutin, two more active substances - dexpanthenol and sodium heparin. Such a transparent, yellowish mass is sold without a prescription in tubes of 40 and 100 grams.

Operating principle

The main ingredient "Troxevasin" belongs to the group of flavonoids and is a derivative of vitamin P (rutin). It affects the capillaries and veins, increasing the tone of these vessels and increasing the density of their walls. Under the action of troxerutin, puffiness is eliminated, and the capillaries become less fragile. This substance also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

As part of the "Neo" gel, its effects are enhanced, since heparin is an anticoagulant - it prevents the formation of blood clots, increases blood flow at the treatment site and reduces inflammation, while dexpanthenol forms pantothenic acid in the skin, which stimulates metabolic processes and tissue regeneration.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

In the annotation to the solid form of "Troxevasin" it is noted what a medicine is it is forbidden to use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Although the main component of the drug has no toxic effect on the body of the expectant mother, its effect on the fetus has been poorly studied, so doctors do not risk it - such capsules are not prescribed in the early stages.

In addition, in the first months of pregnancy, the load on the vascular system is still low, so the use of Troxevasin in capsules is usually not required. In 2 trimester the doctor may prescribe this drug for severe venous outflow disorders. As for third trimester, then oral administration requires increased caution. To reduce the risk of bleeding during childbirth, Troxevasin is used in the last weeks of pregnancy after additional tests.

The use of the gel is not strictly limited. Such "Troxevasin" is allowed during the entire period of pregnancy, including the first weeks of gestation, and the period before childbirth. However, this does not mean that troxevasin ointment (as the drug is often called in everyday life) can be used at will without consulting a doctor. Although such a remedy is referred to non-prescription, you should not buy it yourself and use it without an appointment.

The same recommendations apply to the Troxevasin Neo gel.... The manufacturer notes that the drug can be used during pregnancy, but only after a medical examination. Despite the fact that it contains more active substances, such a gel acts mainly locally and does not harm the fetus. However, its use both in the early stages and in the middle or at the end of pregnancy must be agreed with your gynecologist.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

Since Troxevasin has a pronounced effect on the veins, the main reason for prescribing such a medicine to a woman in a position is problems with these vessels. The use of the drug helps to eliminate edema, a feeling of heaviness in the legs, soreness, cramps and other signs of venous insufficiency.

During pregnancy, these symptoms appear as a result of the pressure of the growing uterus on the veins that run into the pelvis. Impaired blood flow worsens the condition of the venous system of the lower extremities and small pelvis (including the rectal area). Weight gain by the expectant mother, decreased mobility, inappropriate shoes, and prolonged work in a sitting position also contribute to the development of problems with veins.

Due to the effect on the condition of the veins, "Troxevasin" is in demand for varicose veins and effectively copes with trophic disorders caused by varicose veins. It is also prescribed for patients with thrombophlebitis and periphlebitis... The same indications are noted for the gel with the "Neo" prefix.

No less often the drug is prescribed and with hemorrhoids, since under the influence of "Troxevasin" such unpleasant symptoms as itching, pain and bleeding, quickly smooth out and subside. Local gel treatment is prescribed and with injuriesthat cause swelling and pain, such as sprains or bruises.


"Troxevasin" should not be used by patients with hypersensitivity to both troxerutin and any auxiliary component of the drug. The preparation in the form of a gel is contraindicated to be applied to damaged skin if its integrity is violated.

Drinking the product in capsules is prohibited for women with exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If the expectant mother has renal dysfunction, the use of "Troxevasin" inside requires increased caution.

Side effects

During treatment with any form of Troxevasin, symptoms may appear allergies components of the drug, for example, skin rash or itching. The use of "Troxevasin" inside (in capsules) may also cause nausea, loose stools, or heartburn. These side effects usually disappear quickly as soon as the woman stops taking.

Instructions for use

Gel "Troxevasin", like the medicine "Troxevasin Neo", is used topically - only the affected areas (painful and swollen areas) are lubricated with the drug twice a day. How long to use this remedy is decided by the attending physician. If after a week of daily processing there are no improvements, a second specialist consultation is needed.

If the doctor decided to prescribe the drug in capsules to the expectant mother, then such "Troxevasin" is drunk with meals, swallowing the drug whole and washed down with clean water. The treatment regimen is selected for each patient separately, but usually the drug is prescribed in a certain dose for 2 weeks, after which the doctor evaluates the effectiveness and either cancels it or sets the minimum maintenance dosage. The course of admission usually lasts 3-4 weeks, but it can be longer if the specialist sees such a need.


There are mostly positive reviews about the use of "Troxevasin" while waiting for a child.... Expectant mothers call such a gel formulation convenient and effective. According to them, the drug is quickly absorbed, does not have an irritating odor, and has an affordable price. As noted by most of the patients, the gel eliminated heaviness in the legs, night cramps, swelling and pain, and also helped with hemorrhoids.


In the absence of "Troxevasin" in the pharmacy, it can be replaced with drugs with the same active ingredient. These include "Troxerutin Vramed", "Troxerutin Zentiva", "Troxerutin-MIC", "Phlebopress" and some others. Most of them are presented in capsules with a dosage of 300 mg, but there is also a gel that is used externally. In addition, for vein diseases or for their prevention, the doctor may prescribe other means.

"Dr. Theiss Venen gel"... Such a gel based on extracts of calendula and horse chestnut can be used on the recommendation of a doctor at any stage of pregnancy.

"Phlebodia 600"... These tablets containing diosmin are contraindicated in the 1st trimester, but in the later stages they are used to eliminate acute hemorrhoids, microcirculation disorders and venous insufficiency.

"Lyoton 1000". Such a gel, the action of which is provided by sodium heparin, is prescribed for varicose veins, superficial thrombophlebitis, hematomas and edema after bruises or blunt trauma. It is used in pregnancy after a doctor's prescription.

Video about the use of Troxevasin during pregnancy.

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