After childbirth

Mom's personal space: 7 rules for psychological comfort

All people need personal space. This is a zone in which a person is left to himself, can calmly engage in a hobby or just think about something. The desire to spend some time alone is not at all equal to the desire to isolate yourself from others. According to experts, this need helps to maintain balance, feel psychological comfort and become happier.

Each person sets their own boundaries for personal space. It depends on the character, temperament, lifestyle. If personal space is constantly invaded, it causes psychological discomfort and neuroses, followed by more serious health problems. According to scientists, violation of personal space can even shorten a person's life.

A young mother is constantly with the child, adjusting her schedule to the baby's regimen. Often, not feeling support and help from loved ones, a woman simply dissolves in the needs of her child and loses herself. At the same time, mother, like all other people, it is vitally necessary to be alone with herself from time to time in order to restore the emotional background.

How can a mom organize her personal space?

There are several rules that every mother should adopt:

  1. Appreciate your personal space. You need to realize that you need it. Even if you sleep with your child, it is not at all necessary to deprive yourself of an intimate relationship with your spouse. This is the choice of adults.
  2. You should have personal items that no one else can touch. Never, under any circumstances. Even a baby needs to be explained that this is mom's cosmetics. It shouldn't become a part of a child's life, because it is a part of your life.
  3. As the baby grows older, he should realize that in some situations the mother cannot be distracted. Neither dad nor grandmother, no one at all. It's only mom's time: whatever they do, she has a right to it.
  4. Learn to respect your child's privacy. If he doesn't want to hug now, don't force him to do it. If a toy is very dear to him, in no case throw it away, even if it seems to you that it is old and worthless.
  5. Explore your inner world. Ask yourself from time to time if you are doing what you really want to do. If not, be sure to find a way and time to achieve what you want. Defend your interests in the family. It is very important.
  6. Do not inflict corporal punishment on a child or use force against other family members. This will destroy the baby's sense of security, and in the future he will treat himself as a person whose value is very conditional. His personal space will be destroyed in a barbaric way. It turns out, is it possible? Now the child will begin to think that it is quite permissible to slap his mother or bite his brother.
  7. Accept help and don't let yourself feel like you didn't deserve it. If the grandmother wants to nurse the baby, let her. She herself will enjoy communicating with her grandson. Ask your husband to run into the supermarket after work and buy minced meat for his favorite cutlets. And also remember how nice it is to give yourself at least 15 minutes before bed to make a mask or apply a scrub. Enjoy these procedures, do everything without haste.

There is even such an anecdote. Children knock on the kitchen door, where mom has closed, and ask: "What are you doing there?" Meanwhile, she sips tea and cakes and says: "Children, I am making you a good mother."

A contented and happy mother is the key to a comfortable atmosphere in the family. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of being alone sometimes and relaxing over delicious tea and cakes.

  • 10 tips to teach your child not to violate your personal space
  • Mom's personal space. wives, women: what is it for and how to achieve it
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Watch the video: How to Become a Better Parent. Dr. Shefali on Impact Theory (July 2024).