
Expert answers to 5 interesting questions of the expectant mother

The nine months while you wait for your baby are filled with thrill, joy, planning and excitement. Your body is changing, emotions are exacerbated, and even if this is not your first pregnancy, you are still worried: you read articles, forums and social networks to better prepare yourself.

Recently, the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber" published a useful book for parents "I will be a mother." It was written by sisters Marina Vogl and Dr. Chiara Hunt, founders of the Bump Class in London. Their goal was not so much to practically and technically prepare young parents for the birth of a baby, but to help them fully experience the joy and happiness of the waiting period, instill in them calmness and confidence. Especially for mothers from Russia, the book is supplemented with useful information from domestic experts: advice and recommendations are given by physiotherapists, obstetricians, anesthesiologists, breastfeeding specialists and pediatricians. We answer 5 interesting questions for expectant mothers, based on information from the book.

How much should I gain during pregnancy?

On average, weight during pregnancy increases by 13.8 kg. Approximate weight gain by trimester: 1st trimester - 3 kg; 2nd trimester - 6.5 kg; 3rd trimester - 4.5 kg (more in the seventh to eighth months and less in the last).

Weight gain is individual for each woman, in addition, changes in body weight occur every week. Women with initially low weight gain more; overweight women - less. Tall women tend to gain more weight than short women. In women who have a large increase in breast volume, body weight usually increases along with this. On average, a normal-weight woman should expect her pregnancy weight gain to be between 11 and 16 kg.

With a healthy diet, you don't need to "eat for two." On average, you only need 100 more calories per day. Eat if you are hungry, but keep it healthy. You should not consider pregnancy an excuse to pounce on "harmful" foods, or in general eat more than your body and baby need - most women then regret it very much.

Do you exercise during pregnancy? How intense should the physical activity be?

Endurance and strength are not only useful to you during childbirth: in the last months of pregnancy, when you gain weight, you will undoubtedly need additional strength. And the burden of caring for a newborn will compete with any sports competition.

Expectant mothers often put exercise at the bottom of an endless to-do list, but exercise should be a priority: a healthy, strong mom who can handle the physical burden of motherhood will be able to take better care of her baby.

The intensity of exercise during pregnancy depends on your pre-physical fitness. As a rule, at the very beginning, you should perform up to 80% of the load that you coped with before pregnancy, and then adjust it. Always trust your intuition: if you feel pain while doing some exercise, switch to something else. On average, the heart rate during sports should not exceed 140 beats per minute. Or, be guided like this: the exercises should be performed in such a rhythm so as to maintain a conversation with another person without any problems.

Should be avoided:

  • Contact sports.
  • Sports with a high risk of falling, such as skiing, horse riding, cycling.
  • Scuba diving.
  • Strenuous sports if you haven't done them before, such as running.
  • Exercises that require lying on your back (after 16 weeks of gestation).

Please note that from about the 8th week of pregnancy, the hormone relaxin begins to be produced in your body, due to which the muscles, joints and ligaments are softened, which allows the body to adapt to the growing fetus. This increases the risk of injury, so don't overdo it.

What shoes should you wear during pregnancy?

In an ideal world, all pregnant women will immediately give up high heels and switch to safe and comfortable shoes. But in real life, we do not always lean towards the most reasonable option, sometimes because of the desire to look beautiful, short or our own whim.

If you prefer to walk in heels, for example at work, buy low-heeled shoes. The heel should be as stable as possible - instead of a stiletto heel on a strap, choose shoes with a platform, with a thicker heel or wedge. When wearing high-heeled shoes, carry an extra pair of shoes with you. Thin ballerinas are not ideal for pregnancy as they do not provide enough support for the leg. But you probably won't be able to cram your favorite pair of sandals into a handbag, so ballet flats are better than nothing. Try not to walk in high heels for very long and sit more. If you're on a long hike, it's time to consider a comfortable pair of shoes. Put on your running shoes and change them to other shoes if necessary when you reach your destination.

How to get comfortable in bed?

When a woman's tummy grows and her weight increases, she becomes uncomfortable lying for a long time. If your limbs are numb, try a soft mattress or use a duvet under the sheet. You may find it more comfortable to have additional support for your abdomen and core. Many women enjoy using a maternity pillow, while others place a duvet or pillow under their belly or back. Ideally, a woman should get used to sleeping on her left side. According to research results, this position is optimal for both the expectant mother and the child, but you can sleep on your right side.

How to deal with “helpful” advice?

The more noticeable the pregnancy is to outsiders, the more advice, recommendations and opinions you will hear from others. They will often be contradictory, inaccurate, and unsolicited. Identify one person whose opinion will be decisive for you - it might be a prenatal teacher, a good friend, or a doctor - and ignore other counselors.

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