Earnings for mothers on maternity leave

Business mom: how to achieve business success and be a good mom

After giving birth, many women face a difficult choice: be a loving mother or a successful business woman. However, both can be effectively combined! Young mothers often prefer self-employment instead of working in the office. They know the value of their efforts and time and are true multifunctional workers, accustomed to irregular schedules. If you decide to become a "business mom", you need to remember some important recommendations that will help you achieve success.

Get started today - don't wait for the right moment!

  1. Idea. Find your own niche based on your preferences, skills and talents. It is necessary to remember about the balance between reality and dream, but constantly strive forward. If at the moment you are unable to open your cafe due to lack of money, try baking pastries and cakes for sale at home. Or you can negotiate and deliver your products to a confectionery nearby.
  2. Theory. If you are an economist or manager by education and really did receive knowledge at the institute, then they will definitely come in handy. But even if you are an artist or a teacher who is far from economic calculations, you should not give up! Read some good books about starting and developing your own business, attend seminars and specialized exhibitions. This knowledge, multiplied by inspiration and desire, is quite enough at the initial stage!
  3. Practice. Of course, desire and book theory alone are not enough for a successful start. Try to find a real entrepreneur who has passed his way with ups and downs, talk with him, sign up for a master class. You need practical knowledge about the prospects of your idea, about the competition in this sector, the purchase of goods and the promotion of products. In any case, you will have to learn from your own mistakes, but it will be great if someone can ease your thorny path even a little.
  4. Documents. If you seriously decide to start your own business (for example, open an online store), then you will need to issue an SPD to pay taxes. You can learn this knowledge from other business moms. Their stories can be found on the internet. Many of these mothers blog, detailing their path, and are happy to answer questions online.
  5. Finance. Few mothers on maternity leave have extra money, so you need to start small: take small orders that do not require serious investments. The main thing is the perspective of your business, the possibility of development and expansion.
  6. Environment. It is very useful to communicate with energetic people who, like you, are eager to change their lives. This will help motivate yourself and not give up under the influence of laziness. A successful mother will be able to develop her business only surrounded by the same “ideological romantics” like herself. Do not think that there are no like-minded people around you. You can find them on the Internet in communities of interest and on specialized forums. Even in playgrounds, mums aren't all the same. Perhaps for some of them, your ideas will become an incentive for change and personal growth. Whiners and critics are the ones to avoid. They will only harm and sow doubts about the correctness of the path you have chosen.
  7. Dating. Help often comes from somewhere you don't expect. Therefore, do not lead a reclusive lifestyle: try to communicate more, maintain old and make new acquaintances - this can be very useful.
  8. To the previous point. For example, our mother, a forum member, Anna, says: “For a long time I have been regularly communicating in social networks with my friend who has moved abroad and is publishing her own magazine there. Once she announced that their publishing house is planning to expand and start publishing in Ukraine. Before the decree, I was an editor and wrote articles on various resources, so she offered me a well-paid job as an editor-in-chief. Really unexpected and pleasant news! ”
  9. Capabilities. You need to determine how much of your internal resources you plan to spend on promoting your business. You shouldn't take on too many tasks if you value a quiet family life. If you are determined to start your own business, then negotiations, time pressure, unhappy clients, sleepless nights, negotiations and finding a balance between work, family and children will become an integral part of your life. And your attitude to all this is extremely important. If you are not ready for such prospects, then you will not be able to be happy even if your financial situation improves significantly.
  10. Personality. If from now on you are not just a mother, but the face of your own business, then you must not forget about it. Several new rules must be followed:

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  • correct prioritization;
  • mastering planning and time management;
  • a civilized solution to all problems;
  • refusal of unnecessary emotionality when discussing work issues;
  • taking into account the interests of partners and clients;
  • punctuality in everything (do not be late, do everything on time and deliver the goods on time);
  • responsibility and fulfillment of one's own promises;
  • control over employees representing your team;
  • mastering the rules of business correspondence, as well as talking on the phone: correct pronunciation, intelligible competent speech, absence of mistakes and correct intonation is the key to success in your business.

Becoming a good mom and a successful business woman is an achievable task. You just need to make an effort and constantly strive for the goal!

Watch the video: Super Moms Pizza owner Gina Otilla-Leynes talks about the beginning of her business. My Puhunan (July 2024).