Baby feeding

TOP 5 adult products: food from a common table that should not be given to children

In pursuit of modern fashion trends, parents do not always correctly assess the risks and benefits of introducing new educational methods. For example, pedagogical complementary foods, which were invented for a faster adaptation of a child to adult food, often become a source of health problems for a baby. Mothers try to give their children a taste of heavy, hard-to-digest food, because it seems quite harmless to them.

1. Meat from the common table

You can give your baby a taste of meat only when it is boiled or steamed. If the mother has a fried pork chop on her plate, then the child will not receive anything from it except carcinogens. Even if the baby does not yet have teeth and he can only suck on a piece of meat, then all the most harmful substances formed during frying will easily enter his body.

2. Canned food

Preservatives in any food are contraindicated for a fragile child's body due to their carcinogenic effect, negative effects on digestion and a high risk of allergies. In addition, cans are often coated from the inside with a special compound containing Bisphenol-A - also a very harmful compound, which, according to the results of a number of European studies, increases the risk of cancer, causes developmental delay and diabetes.

3. Sauces

Mayonnaise, ketchup, salad dressings - this is a list of foods that, as a rule, children like very much, but are harmful not only to themselves, but also to moms and dads. In most cases, store-bought sauces contain artificially synthesized substances that cause allergies, disrupt digestion and lead to obesity. In the event that you make homemade sauces from products from your garden, you can be sure that there is no extra "chemistry" in their composition and they will not harm the child.

4. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are very heavy food. To digest them, the body needs to use a large number of enzymes, which are simply not enough for the child. Until the age of three, the digestive system is considered immature for such experiments. It should also be borne in mind that even 100% edible mushrooms can accumulate toxic substances if they grow along highways, next to industrial enterprises. Buying such products "off-hand" you need to be very careful.

5. Semi-finished products

Any semi-finished products (dumplings, khinkali, fish and meat cutlets, meatballs, nuggets, etc.) contain chemicals that are harmful to the child's body: preservatives, flavor enhancers, soy additives. Soy is especially dangerous for boys, as it increases the content of female sex hormones in the body and can cause disruption of puberty. We must not forget that all this "bouquet" of additives often serves one purpose: to mask the taste of a low-quality product. Thus, manufacturers get rid of the "stale" goods.

Additional list

It can take a long time to list foods harmful to children, but in order to create a short memo for mothers, we will mention the most dangerous of them:

  • sweets - it is strictly forbidden to be under three years old;
  • pastries and cakes, especially with flavors and colors;
  • sweet carbonated water, harmful to both children and adults;
  • alcohol - it goes without saying!
  • 5 harmful tips for mothers of babies about complementary foods
  • Dangerous complementary foods: TOP-5 mistakes of parents
  • 9 tips to help your child love healthy food

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