
"Nise" during pregnancy: instructions for use

While carrying a baby, a woman carefully monitors her health, but the occurrence of various kinds of ailments at this time is not uncommon. For example, the expectant mother may experience joint pain, headaches or muscle pain. Usually, pain medications, including Nise, help to cope with them, but during pregnancy there are serious restrictions on the use of this drug.

Features of the drug

"Nise" is presented in the pharmacy chain in several versions. Among them there are granules, from which a sweet suspension is obtained, and yellowish tablets dissolving when combined with water, and pillsto be swallowed.

In addition, the product comes in the form of a clear yellow gel, which is sold in tubes of 20 and 50 grams.

Any of these forms contains nimesulide as an active substance. Its dosage differs depending on the Nise option. For example, from 5 ml of suspension, the patient will receive 50 mg of nimesulide, as well as from one dispersible tablet. One regular tablet contains such an ingredient in a dose of 100 mg, and 1 gram of gel in an amount of 10 mg.

Operating principle

The active substance "Nise" affects the production and activity of prostaglandins, as a result of which the severity of inflammation decreases, pain is relieved and the body temperature decreases with fever... These effects are due to the action of nimesulide on an enzyme called cyclooxygenase 2. It is he who is responsible for the synthesis of prostaglandins in inflammatory and temperature reactions, as well as in pain.

When using "Nise" inside, it is actively absorbed, enters the bloodstream and transported to the site of inflammation or injury. After metabolic changes in the tissues of the liver, it is excreted in the bile and partially in the urine. The most common reasons for the use of tablets and suspensions are arthritis, bursitis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in which severe inflammation develops and pain occurs... For other types of pain and fever, the medication is in demand less often and only in situations where more effective or safe drugs are not available.

If a gel is used, then its action is directed only to the treated area and is most often manifested by a reduction in pain. By lubricating the skin over the joints, swelling and stiffness are also reduced. This version of "Nise" is used in patients with gout, osteoarthritis, myositis, tendon inflammation, soft tissue injuries and similar pathologies.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

The instructions with all Niza forms indicate that such medications should not be used while waiting for the baby or after childbirth, when the woman is breastfeeding. There is also evidence that nimesulide is able to affect fertility, therefore, in the form of a gel, tablets or suspension, the remedy is not recommended not only for expectant mothers, but also for women who are only planning to conceive.

Especially strict restrictions on "Nise" during the 1st and 2nd trimesters, when the organs most important for the baby are being formed.

Very rarely, a medication can be used once in the 3rd trimester in the absence of other analgesics at hand and only after consulting a doctor.

The use of "Nise" both inside and for processing the skin at any period of gestation without a specialist's prescription is prohibited. This is due to the high risk of negative effects of nimesulide on the fetus and the female body during pregnancy. It can affect the liver, blood clotting, the nervous system of a woman, cause swelling and allergy symptoms, provoke dyspepsia, anemia and high blood pressure. In the later stages, this drug is able to increase the risk of preeclampsia and affect the contraction of the uterus.


In addition to the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, there are many other restrictions for the use of Nise. For example, the drug is prohibited for severe kidney or liver disease, because this will affect its excretion. Inflammation of the intestines, bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, hypersensitivity to nimesulide, bleeding, and many other health problems are also reasons to refuse medication. In addition, it is forbidden to combine "Nise" with certain medications, including glucocorticoids and antiplatelet agents.

What to replace?

If the expectant mother has a need for pain relief or a decrease in body temperature, instead of "Nise" it is better to take other drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are not prohibited during pregnancy. First of all, we are talking about paracetamol-based products. They effectively relieve pain and normalize body temperature, are sold without a prescription, are available in several dosage forms in pharmacies, and receive mostly good reviews.

These include "Efferalgan", "Panadol", "Paracetamol" and other drugs. You can use any of them while carrying a baby in case of fever or pain, both in the early and late stages, but only after a doctor's prescription, because such drugs also have their own contraindications. In addition, in the 1st trimester it is best to avoid them, because this is the most important period in the development of the fetus, when any outside influences are undesirable.

Medicines, the active substance of which is ibuprofen, also have an analgesic effect.

They are used during pregnancy for acute respiratory infections, headache and toothache, as well as for joint inflammation and injuries. The doctor can prescribe such drugs in the 2nd trimester (in the early stages, like paracetamol, it is advisable to avoid ibuprofen), but before childbirth, their use is prohibited, since they can affect labor, causing dangerous consequences.

If topical application is necessary, for example, if a pregnant woman pulled a muscle or hurt her knee, instead of "Nise" you can take ointment or gel "Ibuprofen", "Dolgit" and "Nurofen Express". It is permissible to use such ibuprofen-based drugs in the 1st and 2nd trimesters, but at a later date, their use must be abandoned.

Besides, the doctor may recommend to the woman in position gels and ointments containing diclofenac... They are characterized by a strong decongestant and analgesic effect, are used for injuries and inflammations of the joints, myalgia, bursitis, neuralgia and tendovaginitis. These drugs, as well as local forms, the action of which causes ibuprofen, are prohibited in the 3rd trimester, but in 1-2 trimesters, their use during pregnancy is not contraindicated.

How to deal with pain?

Doctors advise expectant mothers with the appearance of pain the following:

  • do not take any pain relievers if the pain can be tolerated and it occurred once;
  • consult your obstetrician-gynecologist if pain does not occur for the first time or bother you constantly;
  • avoid any drugs for a short period of time, even those that a woman normally tolerated before pregnancy;
  • clarify the dosage of the drug with a specialist, since in most cases for pregnant women it will be lower than for other categories of patients;
  • exclude prophylactic administration of analgesics (do not drink "just in case");
  • carefully read the instructions for use for all products that are purchased in the pharmacy without a prescription;
  • refuse to take the drug if the annotation to it has not been translated into Russian (such a medicine may be available without registration);
  • try to eliminate pain first with non-drug methods.

See below for how to manage pain during pregnancy.

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