
9 life hacks to find a common language with any child

You can establish contact with any child with the help of simple rules that every adult should know. These life hacks will help to gain the baby's trust and grab his attention.

Many adults have to interact with other people's children from time to time. These can be friends of your own child's classmates, small relatives, or just kids on the playground. To become your child's friend in a short time, you should learn nine basic life hacks. Each of them contains useful advice that helps to establish contact with the child and show the baby that adults and children are much alike.

1. A smile will make the world brighter

A smile is a universal means of communication that helps to establish contact with any person, both large and small. If the kid is scared or shy of an adult, then a smile can defuse the situation. To do this, you need to become funny for the little man, to amuse him. All children love to play peek-a-boo, when an adult covers his face with his hands, says peek-a-boo, and then removes his palms. The child laughs out loud.

2. Become one level

If you imagine yourself as a small child who moves among huge adults and sees only their legs, then you can feel what unpleasant sensations the little man experiences. To achieve location, you need to become with the baby of the same height, for example, kneel down and look into his eyes.

3. Adult communication

A child is the same person, only small, so you need to communicate with him in the same way as with your adult friends and acquaintances. There is no need to lisp and use diminutive-affectionate and distorted words - "go baiushki", "come on yum-yum." A child is more likely to recognize a friend in an adult if they communicate with him on equal terms.

4. Equality of emotions

Children are very sensitive to emotions and mood swings. He will not trust you if emotions do not match, for example, a child is crying, and an adult is laughing at this time. If the kid tells something funny for him, then you must definitely laugh. The face of an adult should reflect all the emotions of the crumb.

5. Look at the subject

This method is perfect when dealing with an overly shy child who does not know how to communicate. In this case, you need to shift your attention to one subject: “Look, what a beautiful dog”, “Your backpack is not heavy”, “Do you want a glass of lemonade?”.

6. Praise not the child, but his thing

If an adult wants to praise something, there is no need to focus on the smallest man: "What beautiful eyes you have", "How big you have grown, already taller than me." There is always a sense of falsehood in such statements. A shy child may close down completely. To interest a little acquaintance, you should boast of an item belonging to him: "You have a cool scooter", "What fashionable sneakers."

7. Talk about things that are interesting to the child

Every person wants to talk about what is interesting to him and the child is no exception. If an adult starts discussing political issues or talking about making soup, the kid will instantly get bored. But the conversation about cartoons, children's games and books will interest him. You need to listen with special attention when a child tells how he won a competition in the sports section, or what game his dad bought him.

8. Play according to children's rules

If an adult has started to play something with children, then you should not set your own rules. Any game has several options, so the kid needs to be given the opportunity to act in a familiar environment. For example, if a child, playing a board game, is accustomed to calling its characters or objects somehow in their own way, it is not necessary to prove that this is wrong. Just support your little partner and accept his rules.

9. A gift is happiness

Everyone is pleased to receive gifts. It is worth setting a rule for yourself - never come to a child empty-handed. Let it be a small car, a puzzle, soap bubbles or sweets - the baby will be delighted with this no less than an expensive present.

Making friends even with an unfamiliar child is not at all difficult. The main thing is to experiment and put your soul into communication with a little person.

Watch the video: 23 BEST SPY HACKS THAT YOUVE EVER SEEN (July 2024).