Earnings for mothers on maternity leave

Work as a copywriter on the Advego stock exchange: how to organize a mom's earnings on maternity leave

Copywriting is the most affordable way to make money on the Internet. Anyone (including a mother on maternity leave) who has a laptop, Internet access and a sufficient level of literacy can start making real money. How I started working as a copywriter at the Advego exchange.

Making money online is a reality. On the copywriting exchanges, even a mother on maternity leave can find a good part-time job, working at a convenient time.

Ekaterina, 32 years old

I have an economic education, my main specialty is an accountant. In childhood, she felt a persistent aversion to writing, describing the paintings or actions of literary heroes caused despondency. I wrote competently, and received good grades, but I myself always considered myself an absolute techie, alien to lyrics. In middle and high school, where the compulsory program involved 5-6 essays a year, these same 5-6 times a year I was depressed and depressed. It was easier for me to prove theorems and solve problems in algebra, physics and memorize chemistry. There was only one hope at school: I would enter the University and start to study only my favorite numbers and no essays there ..! She entered, successfully graduated with honors and got a job as an accountant in a reputable company. I love my job, I am happy to do reports and credit debits, but my story is not about that.

How it all began

When I saw two stripes on the dough, I realized that life would soon change. In 7 months I will need to go on maternity leave, which means that our family will have to live only on my husband's salary. Of course, there are also maternity benefits and benefits, but compared to my usual earnings, this is not much at all. We are not spoiled by the support of our parents, and rely only on our own strength.

As soon as the toxicosis is released, i.e. at 4–5 months, I began to think about how I would earn money while sitting at home and not in my profession. Unfortunately, freelance accountant in our country is not in demand. So what else can I do? Yes, essentially nothing. 🙂 Okay, as they say, “if you don’t know how, go to trade”. Well, I went to trade ... on the Internet. Like many people looking for opportunities to earn money remotely, she began to try to sell some goods via the Internet - she bought wholesale (on wholesale sites) T-shirts, sweatshirts, bags, and sold them at retail. I chose good quality hot goods, and I was not ashamed to “sell” it, bought myself and dressed all my relatives. But there was a lot of fuss with this trade, and the earnings ranged from 30 to 50 dollars a month. This did not solve our problems.

Having knocked out a debit with a credit (I can do that), I realized that I was greatly mistaken with the choice of the way to earn.

I also sent my resume to various freelance exchanges for advertisements “employees are required for typing ...” (I type quickly and assumed that I would earn more than $ 50 per month), but often there was a demand to pay an “entrance fee”, and it immediately became clear to me that this "firm" is not looking for employees, but is practicing one of the methods of taking money from the population.

So, as usual I was googling the request “How to make money on maternity leave”, I came across an article that talked about this kind of earnings as copywriting. At first I didn't like the thought of having to write articles to order. I was confused by phrases such as: "Write articles", "write articles to order", "write articles to order on a given topic."

I?! Write articles ?! It's hard to imagine that I will write articles! I immediately remembered school compositions. But something caught on then ... simple, without pretentious words, promises of millions ... I was attracted by the fact that the author did not promise mountains of gold, but shared one of the ways to make money online. The girl was engaged in copywriting for 2-3 hours a day and earned up to $ 150 a month. Having studied the topic, I realized that this is an opportunity for real earnings, and the plus is that I can do this in my free time, I myself build my work schedule and can write whenever I want.

My first Advego exchange and my first orders

In the article about copywriting, the author mentioned several exchanges, I decided to register on Advego... And on the very first day, we managed to take two small orders. It was posting (reposting) news to my VKontakte page. The cost of such orders, of course, is not great, it came out only 12 cents (why in cents and dollars? - just for Advego only this currency), but the time to complete the task took literally 5 minutes.

The next day I took two more similar orders, plus I took 2 work on writing messages on the forum (a forum on children's topics, my baby was then already 6 months old and I already had some experience in caring for a child 🙂), I also took another one order for rewriting articles (also on children's topics). For the article, I received about $ 1.5, that is, exactly 10 more than for likes, re-posts and comments, which I never wanted to do.

Text rewriting is the processing of the original text in order to obtain a unique article, identical in meaning with the original. That is, this is a rewriting of the article from the source / from the source in your own words.

First good orders

The first solid order was a series of articles on tourism. I had to describe resorts and hotels in the first person. Of course, I have not been to all these places that needed to be described, but I took the order responsibly: I looked for information on various travel sites, looked for high-quality photographs, real reviews of tourists, watched videos on YouTube. These works took a lot of time, but the income became stable. I was able to take up to 15,000 signs a week, for which I received $ 30-35.

After about a month, having emboldened, having dealt with the exchange as much as possible, earning positive reviews and a normal rating, I began to take on everything: tasks about boat motors, organizing cargo transportation, about medical centers and beauty salons, reviews about hotels, articles on ventilation of buildings , forex robots, houseplants, fireplaces, frame houses…. etc….

When you understand the principles of copywriting, it doesn't matter what to write about, the subject matter of the article no longer matters. Naturally, if we are talking about standard content for sites, and I'm not talking about author's analytical articles or highly specialized consultations on the topic of medicine and jurisprudence. But, on the whole, we have experience in many areas: we saw and did something ourselves, they told you about something. For example: I wrote about the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai. I've never been there, how can I convey the atmosphere of the place? The video on YouTube about the construction of the "sail" helped. Very high quality material turned out, the customer even gave an award 🙂

Gradually, the value of my orders grew, and I gained the necessary experience. The work usually took no more than 4 hours a day, and somewhere in 3-4 months I was already earning plus or minus $ 300 a month. And for a year of work, I managed to earn more than 3.5 thousand dollars. This is a very substantial amount for our family budget. I began to write literally every free minute, it was already impossible to stop: I wrote on vacation on the beach, I wrote when the child slept during the day, wrote late in the evening, when the child and husband peacefully snuffled in their cribs, sometimes wrote early in the morning, while the family had not yet woken up ...

What difficulties do you face at the beginning of your work?

  • search for orders - the hand is not full, the eye is not trained, it takes a lot of time to read the task, to understand what they want from you. Good orders are sorted out quickly, and at first you have to grab any job in order to increase your rating. It takes a lot of time to complete an order. Newbies are not yet very well versed in what copywriting and rewriting are, how to search for information and how to process it, but over time, the speed of writing articles increases;
  • lack of knowledge of the basics and terms of copywriting. At first, I was scared by phrases such as SEO article, anchor text, keywords, nausea of ​​the text, but over time you figure it out;
  • fear of taking an order - and suddenly I can't cope, and suddenly they refuse, and suddenly I disgrace myself ... (although in front of whom? You don't know anyone, nobody knows you). I also had to deal with my own fear that I would not be able to cope, take an order and write some nonsense. There was also fear about orders from a new category: copyright, SEO article, text for the landing page. It was a shame not to cope and to be disgraced. Although I myself understood that these fears are irrational: before whom is you ashamed? I don’t know the customers, they don’t know me ... Gradually you begin to adequately assess your own strengths, self-confidence and even excitement appear, allowing you to take on difficult tasks and successfully cope with them.

To summarize

I have been working as a copywriter for 4 years. And I can say with confidence -copywriting is addictive... I am sincerely carried away by this work, it brings me not only money, but also pleasure. I write on vacation (I forgot when I went to sea without a laptop), I write in the evenings and on holidays.

And, of course, I am happy to share information about copywriting with friends and colleagues. I'm not afraid of competition: there are enough orders for everyone! I am always actively campaigning to try, because we do not lose anything) And if you need a job, register on copywriting exchanges and go! You don't need to invest any funds to get started. All you need is a computer / laptop and internet. And from the costs, only the exchange commission and the commission of your bank when withdrawing funds. But here we must accept and regard them as a production necessity.

I really hope that my experience will inspire other mothers like me on maternity leave and those who are in a difficult financial situation. Making money on the Internet is a reality! I wish you all good luck!

P.S. And, by the way, I told my husband and relatives about my occupation only when I took out my first $ 500 and showed my husband real money 🙂. I believe that this saved me from unnecessary reproaches (about the fact that I sit at the computer and do nothing) and predictions about whether I will succeed or not. Like this.


  • Advego
  • Content monster
  • Etxt
  • Miratext
  • How copywriting became my only source of income
  • Why did I start copywriting and what was I afraid of?
  • Can mothers on maternity earn money by writing articles on the Internet: personal experience
  • The story of how I made money on the Internet
  • Mom is a copywriter on maternity leave or is it really possible to make money on the Internet by writing texts
  • Earning money for mothers on maternity leave by writing or rewriting articles
  • Work at home for mothers on maternity leave without cheating and investments - 8 best vacancies for 2018
  • Working on maternity leave: useful tips for moms


  • Earnings from writing articles - real and honest
  • How and how much you can earn on the Advego article exchange. The Golden Beginner's Guide

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