
10 tips for those who can't get pregnant

Do you want to become a parent but are having trouble conceiving a baby? With these ten tips, you will achieve your goal very, very soon!

Have you made the decision to become a parent, but you still can't conceive? Then read on "I'm Your Baby" 10 tips to help speed up this process.

1. Medical examination

Before becoming a parent, undergo a complete medical examination, and if any violations are identified, then the course of treatment. This advice applies to both men and women.

Do not forget to ask your doctor about taking vitamins - this is a very important factor in maintaining health. In this case, it is worth giving preference to prenatal drugs, which include folic acid. They reduce the risk of fetal neural tube defects such as digestion of the stomach or congenital nephrosis.

And further! Those who want to get pregnant as soon as possible should significantly reduce the intake of potent medications. The only exceptions are those cases when the attending physician prescribed the medication. Remember, overuse of antibiotics, pain relievers, and antihistamines is bad for egg maturation.

2. Monitor your ovulation

The most favorable time for conception is the period of ovulation, so every girl who dreams of becoming a mother is simply obliged to closely monitor her own menstrual cycle. As a rule, in women with a cycle of 28 days, the release of a mature egg occurs on day 14. However, sometimes ovulation may shift in one direction or another, or it may not occur at all. In such cases, it can be extremely difficult to trace it. The ovulation test, which is sold in any pharmacy, will come to the rescue.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy such a test, use the method of determining the basal temperature (body temperature measured in the rectum). It is the same throughout the cycle, but after ovulation, this temperature increases by 0.3 - 0.4 degrees). To obtain the most accurate results, measurements are carried out for 3 cycles. It is impossible to use the data of one procedure - they will be unreliable.

3. Experiment with poses

You can find photos of the best sexual positions for conceiving a child on the Internet, but believing them blindly would be a huge mistake. Modern medicine does not distinguish between good and bad positions. The fact is that a woman's cervix is ​​almost always in the same position. Therefore, whatever position you choose will not affect your partner's ability to conceive.

But what should not be forgotten is the law of gravity, which acts in certain positions and slows down the flow of sperm.

4. You don't need to raise your legs

Many people believe that in order to get pregnant faster, a woman needs to lie down a little after intercourse, lifting her legs up. This is the biggest misconception I've ever heard!

In fact, raised legs will not change the position of the pelvis, and therefore will not affect the likelihood of conception. It will be much more beneficial to just lie in bed for 10-15 minutes. This will make it easier for sperm to enter the uterus.

5. Don't overdo it

Exhausting a partner with sex during ovulation is not a good idea, because too frequent ejaculation degrades the quality of sperm. It is enough to do “it” just once a day - with feeling, with sense, with constellation.

Among other things, a man should revise his wardrobe and give up tight-fitting trousers and jeans. Too tight clothing reduces sperm activity and leads to a decrease in their number. The quality of the genetic material can also be affected by such factors as frequent bath visits and the habit of carrying the phone in your pocket or on your belt.

In the case of women, some of them face insufficient natural lubrication. If you are accustomed to solving such problems with the help of lubricants, urgently give them up - lubricants lead to the death of sperm. Better see your doctor and find out the cause of this problem.

6. Avoid stress

Unsuccessful attempts to conceive a baby become a lot of stress for both partners. Increased nervousness has a negative effect on ovulation in women and can lead to the development of sexual disorders in men.

In order to relax, use any healthy methods - massage, walks in the fresh air, sound and long sleep, a couple of sips of red wine.

7. Change your lifestyle

Get rid of bad habits (alcohol and smoking), switch to healthy food, exercise, and replace public transport with walking - this will improve your health and facilitate conception.

But with excessive physical exertion, you will have to wait. Fanatical sports will cause you to not ovulate, so if your workouts last about an hour a day, reconsider your regimen.

A healthy lifestyle is not a fanatical exercise. Half an hour aerobics or walking, healthy eating - that's what really helps to conceive a child.

8. Eat rationally

Avoid diets - Eating low calorie foods and losing weight caused by chronic malnutrition negatively affects the production of hormones responsible for fertility. Here you will have to choose - either a thin waist or future motherhood.

If you chose the latter, take care of proper and balanced nutrition. But it is better to forget about snacks on the go and harmful fast food. However, being overweight also reduces your chances of getting pregnant, so try to clean up yourself.

9. Use traditional medicine

The most effective means for successful conception is considered to be a decoction of one-sided ortilia. It is easy to prepare:

  1. Pour 2 tbsp. l. leaves and flowers of ortilia 30 ml of boiled water.
  2. Place the container with the mixture on low heat and cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Insist the broth for half an hour.
  4. Filter through cheesecloth.
  5. Take 3-4 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon.

Pumpkin pulp is no less useful. It contains a huge amount of vitamin E, which regulates the hormonal balance of a woman's body. In addition, apple cider vinegar can be used for female infertility. Mix it with honey in equal amounts (2 hours at a time) and add to the broth of ortilia or drink it neat with water. This should be done before eating.

10. Let go of the situation

As much as you want to become a parent, pregnancy shouldn't become an obsession. Relax, enjoy life, enjoy intimacy, devote time to family and friends. Let go of the situation, look ahead with optimism and trust that you will succeed!

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