Good to know

How to celebrate the New Year with a baby

The most magical, bright, cheerful holiday is approaching. Yes, the baby is very small, and young parents will have to correct the usual New Year's rituals. New Year with a baby - what a family with a small child can afford. Recommendations, the observance of which will allow you to celebrate the celebration, without getting out of the usual rhythm and without harm to the baby.

The appearance of a baby in the family makes its own adjustments to the usual life, and more often parents have to give up fun parties. But the New Year is a special celebration and you want to spend it in such a way that everyone, and especially the baby, is happy. It is not difficult to achieve this - following the most simple recommendations of child psychologists and pediatricians will allow the New Year with the baby to be spent so that the holiday does not leave sad memories.

New Year photo session

The first New Year in the life of your baby is, one might say, an epochal event, worth to be captured in the family chronicle. If possible, order a festive photo session from a professional photographer. But you can completely do without your own strength. To avoid scaring the baby, turn off the flash and use natural light. If it's cloudy outside, turn on all possible lights in the room, bring lamps and floor lamps. Come up with a fabulous plot, choose funny costumes for the little one - a fairy or spiderman, a pirate or a little red riding hood. Various attributes of the holiday - Santa Claus's hat, deer horns, a wig and decorative snowflakes will come in handy here. Think over each shot to the smallest detail, because the success of shooting depends entirely on your imagination.

We decorate the apartment

The symbol of the New Year is an elegant Christmas tree decorated with balls, tinsel and garlands. But if a small crumb appears in the house, then you should not:

  • Buy a live Christmas tree. The needles from their branches will certainly fall to the floor and the falling needles will be easily carried throughout the house by slippers and pets, which means they can very quickly end up on your and children's clothes, as well as in the baby's crib and on his toys. Agree, it will be extremely unpleasant if the baby pricks or, what good, decides to eat with spruce needles;
  • Install the Christmas tree on the floor, especially this rule should be observed if the baby is already crawling. The kid can grab a tree and drop it on himself, break toys;
  • Using glass Christmas tree decorations, they can fall, break, and then it is extremely difficult to collect the fragments;
  • Hang tinsel and garlands at the bottom of the tree. A crawling baby can easily pull on them and drop the tree;
  • Sprinkle the tree with sparkles, artificial snow and other small accessories. Very often, such products provoke allergies in a child, in addition, the glosses easily enter the respiratory system, causing a cough and other troubles.

When decorating the house for the holiday, for safety reasons, do not hang crumbs on the crib, and wreaths and other accessories above it. And, of course, electric garlands and burning candles should be located as far as possible from the baby.

Intense flashing of a bright garland does not have a very beneficial effect on the vision and nervous system of babies, so you should not turn it on too often or you need to purchase the model where the glow of the flashlights is soft, muffled.

The safest Christmas tree for a family with a baby is an artificial tree installed on a dais. From jewelry, preference should be given to plastic or soft toys, sweets. Hang wreaths and tinsel on walls, doors, or furniture so high that your little one cannot reach. Decorate windows and balconies with electric garlands.

Choosing a menu

If the baby has already given up breast and is completely on artificial nutrition, then the mother can afford any, even the most exotic dish and a little alcohol. A properly selected menu will be required if the baby continues to eat breast milk. Naturally, mom wants to relax and pamper herself with something tasty and not too healthy. But one must remember that some of such food will certainly enter the child's body, and this can lead to both a banal stool disorder and severe intoxication and allergies. Naturally, a sick baby is not the best start to any New Year. To prevent this, a breastfeeding woman should not eat:

  • Seafood;
  • Exotic fruits and citrus fruits;
  • Fatty and fried foods;
  • Salads with mayonnaise;
  • Semi-finished products and canned food;
  • Shop cakes;
  • Alcohol.

However, even without these traditional New Year's table dishes, there are many healthy and at the same time safe dishes. A nursing woman can cook baked or steamed meat and fish, vegetable salads with vegetable oil. It is allowed to eat cheese and not spicy side dishes, bananas, pears and apples will not bring harm, and you can drink it all with compote, fruit drink or juice.

Guests for the holiday

Even if it seems to you that the baby is constantly sleeping and still does not see well, so he does not care about the guests, this is not so. Babies are able to physically sense people, distinguish them by smell, voice and tactile sensations. For this reason, you should not invite too many guests to the holiday, especially those people who are not familiar to the baby. Loud voices and laughter, as well as walking from hand to hand (they still want to hold the baby) can bring both a newborn and a one-year-old toddler to hysterics. By the way, the most traumatic company for the psyche of babies is preschoolers. Noisy kids trying to play with a baby on equal terms are unlikely to set him up for a restful sleep. Well, a nervous mother who rushes from one guest to another, trying to have time to change dishes on the table, is unlikely to find the time and energy to calm down a crying child.

It would not be the best idea to spend the New Year at someone's house: with a high degree of probability, in an unfamiliar environment, the baby will behave differently - sleep and eat worse, be capricious.

Instead, celebrate the upcoming New Year with your family and closest adult friends. A relaxed atmosphere, casual conversations and a calm pastime are what not only the baby, but also his parents need.

Possible entertainment

We all remember from childhood that "the diet must not be violated." And sleep - even more so. For this reason, it is not worth planning a cultural program without considering the baby's schedule. No matter how you want to have fun and relax, the baby should eat, bathe and go to bed at his usual time. This is a holiday for parents and a day off, and the baby is unlikely to be in the mood to sing songs and dance all night.

Mode is sacred

The first New Year with a child is an important event. But let's be honest and admit: a holiday with a baby is not fun, but rather quiet family gatherings, during which it is important to observe the sleeping and feeding regime of the baby. Adults can walk until the morning and eat and drink a week's ration of food in one night. And this is strictly contraindicated for children.

The topic of prohibitions, of course, is unpleasant, but let us recall a couple more "no".

  1. If you are a nursing mom, forget about alcohol. Doctors assure that even one glass of champagne will certainly fall into the milk, and if it makes you have fun, then the baby is unlikely.
  2. On New Year's Eve, you should not give the baby new products, and even more so delicacies from the common table. You don't want to look for a doctor for a child covered in a rash on the first day in a panic?
  3. And the last thing - do not take the baby out into the street to watch the fireworks, this can scare him greatly.

If you plan to invite guests, try to organize everything so that the baby does not sit at the table with you all evening: even if he manages to fall asleep in a child's chair or deck chair, this dream will be shallow and restless.

So that the baby is not frightened and not overexcited, give up noisy entertainment: karaoke, dancing, active games, launching fireworks. Watching action movies, celebrating the New Year on Red Square, and midnight tubing down the hill should also be postponed until better times.

Instead, give preference to New Year's comedies and melodramas, board games, quiet music and slow dancing (if they do not interfere with your baby's sleep). It is better if the baby spends most of the evening not in the center of events, but in a quiet nursery. It is not so difficult to arrange this: for example, mom and grandmother can take turns sitting with a baby, returning from time to time to the table.

If this is not possible, the best place for a newborn at the festive table is in the arms of the mother or in a sling. And an older baby will feel comfortable in a cozy playpen with favorite toys.

We are going to visit ...

If, nevertheless, the parents decided to go on a visit, then you need to think not only about the mother's food, but also about everything necessary to care for the baby. If the child is breastfeeding, then you do not need to worry about his nutrition, but if the newborn is on artificial nutrition, then you need to stock up on the necessary amount of formula and baby drinking water. In addition, be sure to take with you several diapers, bodysuits or blouses, rompers, several diapers, wet wipes. It is better to take a couple of baby toys with you so that he does not feel so painful the changes in the environment. It is also necessary to provide the child with the comfort he is used to, so that he does not show anxiety. To do this, you can take a portable cradle bed in which the baby sleeps with you.

If you decide to go on a visit, then you need to remember that the child needs the same daily routine, as well as the usual diet, despite the large number of new entertainment that has appeared.

Do you think that New Year with a baby is boring? Relax, kids grow up fast! Before you have time to blink an eye, your child will run away to celebrate the holiday with friends. So enjoy every moment and tangerines and champagne will wait until next year.

  • New Year with a newborn: 13 secrets of the perfect holiday
  • New Year with a baby: how to catch everything and enjoy the holiday
  • Whether to observe the regime of the child's day in the New Year

Inessa Shevchik's consultation: How to celebrate the new year with a child

How to properly spend New Year's holidays with young children, the head of AiF told the readers. department of the 4th pediatric department of the 8th city children's polyclinic in Minsk Inessa Shevchik.

From forums

Marina: The first NG son was 3 months old. We celebrated together with my husband, and after 00-00 a friend came with her husband. Everything was bathed, fed, laid down according to the regime. But at night he still “walked” with his ancestors, woke up from the explosions of fireworks and fireworks.

That year it was 1.3. Grandparents arrived. As usual, they bathed and laid. I slept until one in the morning somewhere, and then I didn’t leave my grandfather a step away (this is our sacred thing) I looked out the window with fireworks, smacked my glass with compote :)) and went bainki in three-cheyir.

This year, we will also be at home for the whole family :)) We have already prepared gifts, we will put them under the Christmas tree at night, and we will open the first one together)))

For the first year we did not decorate the Christmas tree. But we decorated the apartment, hung garlands and bought live spruce branches. That year we bought a new artificial tree, but put it so that the child would not get enough :))) And this year it is on the floor. dress her up)))

Lena: We will celebrate the 2nd year with the baby.

And in pregnancy, and last year, and this will be at home.

In the past, there was a tree, garlands throughout the apartment and balconies)). The kid was just learning to walk up to the tree and could not reach and was not particularly interested in the wires.

31.12. it was an ordinary day for him (we didn’t want to knock down his biorhythms and overstrain his nervous system by going to visit, to visit relatives, and even more so to restaurants). They bathed, fed, put to bed, as always. Themselves celebrated in the next room.

This year, it seems, the Christmas tree will not be put up - the Boy is in a hurry afraid, or he will fill it up, or crack toys, or pull / gnaw the wires))).

I take him to a matinee in a smart Mickey Mouse costume in a nursery next to the house, and to a matinee for kids at my work. We will receive gifts, try to "enter" with new little brains (if possible) into all this festive tinsel with Santa Claus and, like last year, 31.12. - swam, sucked, fell asleep. And mom, dad and sister will quietly meet another NG at the festive table at home.

Sveta: The child will be two months old, guests are coming to us. I don’t bother with cooking, they carry it with me. We only have booze. I'm purple on her, I'm feeding the baby. Children to sleep, celebrate themselves. I'm used to not sleeping at night. So, I think the holiday will be successful.

Zhenya: Our first new year was 3 months old. We were so glad that the children fell asleep before the chiming clock and let my husband and I even meet NG. So they quietly listened to the president, congratulated each other almost in a whisper, presented gifts. When they went to bed, the child woke up. So I had to get up again and entertain him. And as luck would have it, on that very night, he did not want to sleep at midnight. So I was exhausted then.

Lisa: Fu, what are you all boring! Or are you all over 50 who gave birth to their first child? What is it to meet 12 and sleep faster. We sit at least until three. My daughter is 2 years old, if she is not put to sleep as usual, she will fall asleep by 23.00 And you won't wake up with a gun, let alone fireworks. And you sleep, sleep like grandmothers ((((((

VERDICT: How to celebrate a holiday with a baby, the main tips for parents

  • Decorated with bright toys and garlands, the Christmas tree will cause a storm of positive emotions in the baby, which can influence the further attitude towards this winter holiday.
  • The forest guest must be placed in such a way that the baby cannot reach it and drop it on himself.
  • Do not hang breakable toys on the lower branches so that your baby does not break them or get hurt.
  • The baby's regimen should not be violated. This is especially true for the baby's nutrition and sleep. It is very important that the child is comfortable.
  • Give your baby a gift that matches his age - a toy, a developing book or a rattle.
  • Santa Claus under 1.5 years old should not be invited. The child may be scared.
  • If the baby is barely six months old, it is better to invite guests to your place.
  • It is important that the holiday is celebrated quietly and without alcohol.
  • The menu should be formed taking into account breastfeeding.
  • If the baby is only a few months old, then it is best to refuse the presence of strangers and celebrate quietly, in a family atmosphere. In winter, there is always an increase in all sorts of colds, and this is completely unnecessary for the child. In addition, up to 6 months, the child's regimen is being established, he does not yet have a specific "schedule" of wakefulness and sleep. If you do not want to get a "night night", it is better not to break the already established habits.
  • If you vaccinated your child a few days before the holidays, you should also avoid the presence of strangers.
  • If you are going to visit with a baby, then it is best to visit close relatives, for example, a grandmother. This will provide you and your baby with a cozy, homely atmosphere and will help the mother not to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.

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If you nevertheless decide to celebrate the New Year in the company of friends and want to go on a visit with a baby, be sure to clarify a few important points.

  1. Find out how many guests will be there, are they healthy or not, and if there are smokers in the company. Remember that tobacco smoke is not allowed in the room where the child is.
  2. Take with you not only the necessary things for the baby, but also a "travel" first aid kit with the most necessary medicines.
  3. It is important that a room can be allocated for the child where the mother can feed him, put him to bed.
  4. Provide a comfortable sleeping place for your baby.Best of all, if it is a familiar cradle from his stroller, where the baby is comfortable and he feels safe.
  5. Be sure to take your favorite toy with you so that the baby feels calm.
  6. Bring a couple of sets of clothes and diapers, as well as tissues.
  7. If your child is an artificial, do not forget the formula, as well as the breeding water that the child is used to, as well as his favorite bottle.
  8. Do not forget about safety rules, especially if your friends do not have small children. In someone else's apartment, the baby needs to be looked after more carefully.

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