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6 life hacks for quick cleaning in the nursery

How to quickly put things in order in the nursery? We have put together a few tricks for you that will help you clean your baby's room quickly and efficiently.

The floor in the nursery is littered with toys, and small details from the constructor and pieces of puzzles crunch underfoot? The picture is, without a doubt, familiar to every parent. So it's time to clean up! And our life hacks will help you put things in order in the nursery quickly and effortlessly.

Enemy number one when cleaning a baby's room is "quiet rubbish": things and toys, of which the child has already grown, but it is a pity to throw them away. They are stored on shelves, in drawers and bedside tables, dressers and racks, gradually replacing age-appropriate toys and things. As the child grows, the amount of "quiet trash" increases, but the space in the apartment does not increase. And not everyone has a dacha to which you can take out some unnecessary things. So what do you do? There are few options: give, sell, or throw away. Choose the one that is closest to you - and get down to business! Otherwise, you will not even notice how all this "let it lie, it's a pity to throw it away" occupies your apartment.

Well, now let's get back to our problem. It is best to put things in order in the nursery in the evening: there are more chances that order will last at least until the next morning. First of all, we prepare the necessary equipment: a large box or basket for large toys, several containers for small items and a garbage bag. Now we estimate the scope of work and get started!

Life hack number 1

The best cleaning assistant is a good mood. Turn on your favorite music and set a timer for 20 minutes - during this period you can do a lot and not waste all your energy. When the allotted time comes to an end, stop and evaluate the result. If you still have strength, continue. If you feel tired, it is better to leave everything as it is and finish cleaning in the morning.

Life hack number 2

Get your child involved. Of course, you can do it yourself, but you do not plan to clean the nursery yourself throughout your life. The child needs to be gradually taught to clean. You can ask him, for example, to collect all the parts from the designer into a container. Children strive to help their parents in everything. The main thing is to direct this striving in the right direction. Now that the child is in business, you can safely continue putting things in order.

Lifehack number 3

Take a large basket or box and put together all the big toys: cars, dolls, teddy bears, dogs and other "treasures" of your child. You can think about how to store them in a more organized way a little later: a separate box for soft toys, a separate one for cars or dolls.

Lifehack No. 4

Put books in a separate container that have already been torn or are no longer of interest to your child - you will think about how to deal with them (glue, throw away or give) later. Books that have not yet bored the baby can be put on the shelf - only so that the child can reach them himself.

Life hack number 5

Put all the little things that you have not yet had time to figure out in a separate container: pens, pencils, chips and cards from board games, parts from toys and puzzles. You will definitely decide their fate, but this can be done a little later.

Life hack number 6

And now it's time for the garbage bag. Mercilessly send all the scraps of paper, candy wrappers, old coloring books and broken toys into it. Let's be honest: if you didn't fix the car right after it broke, then most likely you will never fix it.

Are you finished? Now take a look around - surely the children's room looks much cleaner and neater. And if you organize such quick cleaning every day, then very soon putting things in order will take you much less time and effort.

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Watch the video: SIMPLE LAZY CLEANING LIFE HACKS AND TRICKS. DIY Best Funny Home Organization Ways By 123 GO! BOYS (July 2024).