Good to know

5 things kids don't owe their parents

An ancient Indian proverb says: a child is only a guest in your home, he should be fed, taught and released. Modern psychologists agree with this wisdom.

What a child does not owe to parents

Many people with children expect future rewards for their parenting efforts. But even the ancients said that a child is a guest - he needs to be fed, taught and released. Many modern psychologists support this postulate, arguing that you should not rely on the fact that children will live by your rules and meet expectations. Each parent should remember 5 points of the rules, which should not be required from their child.


There are certain norms and standards by which a child is assessed as soon as he is born. Having emitted his first cry, the baby must: comply with the norms of weight and height, eat and sleep for hours, at a certain age, learn to potty, learn to wipe the bottom, start talking, etc.

Of course, there are certain standards and norms by which the level of development of a child is assessed, but at the same time it is worth remembering that even the smallest person is an individual with its own characteristics.

And there is no need to panic if the baby somewhere falls short of the “norms”.

Frankness with parents

Any person has secrets, something very personal, belonging only to him. If a child is small, this does not mean that he should share all his thoughts, experiences and secrets with his parents. Adults should take this for granted and respect the child's personality. In order for a son or daughter to want to share the details of their life, you need to show an example of your own frankness. Children love to listen to their parents' stories about life and always feel fake.

Even the most loving and open child will not share everything with you. Take this for granted and do not meddle with the grown child in personal things.

Respect someone just because they are older

From time immemorial, it was believed that old age in itself deserves respect, that is, if a person has lived longer, then he is smarter, better, more correct, and the elders must certainly be listened to and respected. This is only partly true, since often parents do absolutely nothing to earn this very respect. They should become a whole world for the baby, a support, but in fact, sometimes they only deliver pain and suffering.

Do you want your child to respect you? Respect him!

Meet hopes

Even when the child has not yet been born, future fathers and mothers imagine how they will make him an athlete, musician, politician or manager. Psychologists have found that almost 80% of people see children exclusively as an extension of themselves, raising them as their continuation and expecting success in areas where they themselves have not achieved.

It must be remembered that a child is a separate person, with his own character, desires, inclinations and aspirations. If he does not want to become an engineer, as his parents dreamed, but has a penchant for music or drawing, you cannot ruin his plans, put pressure on him.

Let his talents unfold, perhaps an artist will grow up in a family of “physicists”, or a future great financier or programmer is living next to you in a bohemian apartment. Relax and let the personality grow.

Be comfortable with others

Your child doesn't have to grow up comfortable with those around them. Try to remove the concept of "behave yourself" from the vocabulary and thoughts. If a child drops out of music school or refuses to perform at the lineup, this does not mean that he is bad. Always be on the side of your child in order to remain his support and support throughout his life, a person whom he completely trusts, even if everyone is against him.

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