Newborn health

Colic in a child: 10 common misconceptions

Colic is a common problem faced by parents of babies. And in connection with it, there are many of the most common myths and misconceptions, for example, that every newborn has colic, the appearance of colic depends on the mother's diet and the baby's feeding regime (whether you are breastfeeding or formula). Below we will debunk the most common misconceptions about colic in newborns.

1. Colic is a must for every child

This is not true. Indeed, most children have this problem. But there are also those kids whom she bypasses. And doctors cannot say why this is happening. It is important to remember that if in one family the first baby did not have colic, then they can disturb the second, third child.

2. Colic requires treatment

In fact, the reasons for their appearance are physiological, natural for the body of a newborn, and they do not require treatment. Colic is associated with the immaturity of the newborn's digestive system. By 3 months, the problem disappears by itself. Colic can also occur if the baby is incorrectly applied to the breast (or a poor-quality nipple on the bottle with the formula), as a result of which the baby swallows air along with milk.

The cause of colic is mom's wrong diet

Of course, a nursing mother should adjust her daily menu. But the mother's diet does not affect the appearance of colic in a child. After all, milk production is regulated by hormones, and its quality only to a small extent depends on the products that the mother uses.

Dill water will relieve colic

For a baby in the first months of life, the only source of food and liquid is breast milk. And he does not need other additives, because breast milk contains all the elements important for its development. Other foods only upset the natural balance. No water needed!

Colic is the main reason a baby cries

The kid can cry from anything. Perhaps he is really tormented by colic, or maybe he is hungry, he is hot or cold, or he just needs attention from his mother.

Massage and gymnastics - the best remedy for colic

In fact, these procedures really help relieve pain and are generally very beneficial for the child's body. But they are not a panacea.

A healthy baby does not have colic

This is not the case, colic can even bother children who do not have any health problems. After all, the main reason for the appearance of colic is the immaturity of the digestive system of the newborn. And this phenomenon is normal, colic disappears by 3-4 months.

Feeding on demand causes colic

On the contrary, if you feed the child by the hour, he, getting hungry, pounces on the chest, takes large sips, swallowing air together with milk. And this is one of the reasons for the appearance of colic. Therefore, in order to prevent such a situation, you need to feed the child when he wants to.

Colic is less common in formula-fed babies.

This is not so, because together with the milk from the bottle, the baby swallows more air, as a result of which the baby is worried about the pain in the tummy.

The tuners disappear by 3 months

In most cases, this is the case. Usually by 3 months the baby's digestive system is fully mature. But the body of each child is individual, so for some babies this process may take a little longer.

Most of the statements discussed above are characteristic of the Soviet period, when there were still no high-quality milk formulas, good feeding bottles. In fact, breast milk and contact with mom are the best methods to help raise a healthy baby.

  • Colic in a newborn: symptoms, reasons, how to relieve the baby from pain when they pass
  • Myths about infant colic
  • Quick help for colic - lifefakes from moms
  • Colic massage

Watch the video: Colic in Babies Causes, Signs and Remedies (July 2024).