
15 phrases a child should hear every day from mom and dad

Parental words and phrases that have a great influence on the formation of the personality and character of the child. The importance of psychological support for mom and dad for the full development of a little person.

Often, parents do not think that every word or remark said to the child leaves a trace in his soul for life and forms his character. We bring to the attention of parents a list of phrases that will help the baby achieve great success in life.

1. I love you

A child should hear these words every day, regardless of age. Of course, any phrases are good when they are supported by actions. Spend more time with your baby, participate in his life, take an interest in his problems. Let your every day begin with a declaration of love. When children know they are loved, they grow up calm and confident.

2. It's so good that you were born

We are all unique, no two people are alike. It is very important to instill in the child from birth that he is the one and only in the whole world. A child should know that his birth is the best thing that could happen in the life of his parents. It is especially important to know this for those children who have a younger brother or sister. A small person should be sure that parental love is enough for everyone.

3. You will succeed

Any, even the most elementary, task may seem insurmountable to a child, since babies vaguely imagine the limits of their capabilities. Therefore, it is so important to remind the baby more often that he will succeed.

4. I believe in you

Family trust is very important. When you tell your little one that you believe in him, you need to be sure that he is able to cope with the task at hand. The trust of the parents inspires the little person, instills in him confidence in his own abilities and fosters a sense of responsibility for his decisions and actions.

5. How nice when we are together

Repeat these words more often: the baby is very pleased to hear this, because he also loves to be with his mother, and verbal confirmation will fill his heart with happiness.

6. Thank you

Remember to praise your child for cleaning toys, washing dishes, or sweeping floors. First of all, thank him for his willingness to help. And only then you can point out the mistakes if something did not work out for the baby. Thank you is a magic word that teaches you to be polite and motivates.

7. How can I help you?

Help should be offered tactfully and carefully so that the child does not lose the desire to act independently. Give the kid the opportunity to do something himself, or at least try. Help in the event that the child really does not cope with the task, so that next time the child will complete the task on his own.

8. I want to tell you

Live communication between parents and children cannot be replaced by any books, cartoons and educational games. Talk to your child, tell stories and real stories from your family's life, talk to him about the time when you yourself were a child.

9. I will always be there

If the child is going through a difficult situation, it is important to support him. Even if children do the wrong thing, they need to talk about it with maximum tact. If the baby is sure that in a difficult situation relatives will come to his aid, he will cope with difficulties much faster.

10. Good morning / good dreams

It is very important to start a new day with a smile and good morning wishes. Let the first thing that the baby sees after waking up is mother's happy face and pleasant words. Peaceful Dreams is like an evening ritual that sets the child up for relaxation. This phrase actually has a deep meaning, the mother, as it were, says to the baby: "I am near, we say goodbye for a little while, I love you and guard your sleep."

11. You are my pride

Any achievement of your child, even the smallest, is already a reason for parental pride. Tying shoelaces, learning a rhyme, performing at a matinee in kindergarten for a kid is a huge step forward. If the baby sees how highly his parents appreciate his success, this will give him strength for new achievements and discoveries.

12. Don't give up

Any difficulty seems like a catastrophe to the baby. It depends on mom and dad how he learns the "never give up" principle. Remind your child of this with every failure, even if at first glance the situation seems hopeless. Anyone has the right to make a mistake, and if the child is not told about it in time, he will have an inferiority complex. The knowledge that your family will understand and support you in any situation is the most important value for a person at any age.

13. Help me

Children need a sense of their own worth and need no less than adults. Let the baby help you with household chores a little bit, but every day.

14. Let me hug you

Studies by American psychologists show that a child needs to be hugged 4 times a day for health, for peace of mind - 8 times, and for a successful personality formation - 12 times every day. Hugs relieve tension, contribute to the mental and physical development of a full-fledged person.

15. How are you doing?

Ask this question to your child every evening, because surely something important happened for him during the day. This will teach your baby to discuss with his parents what is happening in his life. Be sincerely interested in his affairs, even if you are tired and want to rest, and the child gets confused and confused, telling you about some event. If you want to keep in touch with your teenagers, heart-to-heart conversations should be a habit since childhood.

It is important for all parents to remember that for their child they are the most important people in life, from whom the child expects protection and advice, and not criticism and humiliation. Therefore, no matter what happens, you need to find the strength to tell the child: "I am with you, I love you, I am on your side."

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Watch the video: VIBAL DAY 4. Mother Tounge, English and Filipino with Bro. Aguirre. Teacher Clara (July 2024).