Newborn health

Why a baby doesn't need a massage: 5 myths about massage for a baby

Experts say that massage will not help with tears, poor sleep and muscle tone. And healthy children simply do not need professional massage.

Myth No. 1 "Massage is necessary for all children"

Massage for babies, according to many mothers, is an absolute find. Experts, in turn, say: massage is not a panacea for tears, poor sleep and muscle hypertonicity, and the concept of "preventive massage" does not exist at all, as a result of which healthy babies do not need massage.

Myth number 1 "Massage will help the baby to develop faster"

This is one of the most common myths. According to experts, the benefits of massage appeared only if the baby's mother did the massage. The point, as you know, is not in the professionalism of the massage therapist, but in tactile contact and attention to the child.

Myth No. 3 "Massage promotes the accelerated development of new skills"

The opinion that massage helps a child learn a new skill faster is also among the myths. There is no evidence for this. The child will sit down, crawl and walk when his body is ready for this. But being in the play area, preferably on the floor, will be beneficial, since experts consider the floor to be the best developing surface.

Myth number 4 "Massage strengthens the muscles"

The massage does not strengthen the muscles, in this the baby is helped by active movements that he performs independently, and muscle hypertonicity is a normal condition for most children under 3 months. As the baby grows, it will gradually settle down.

Myth number 5 "It's okay if the baby is crying"

You've probably heard the opinion that even if the baby cries during the massage, it is worth continuing the session. In fact, if the child cries during the entire massage, it means that the stress is too great for him, and against the background of severe stress, the loss of skills already acquired may occur.

Massage performed by a professional is not required, but it is a great way for a mother to interact with her baby. Regular touching of mom's hands reduces the level of stress hormones in the child's body. Babies who feel more bodily contact with their parents have a higher level of emotional regulation, but this is no longer about massage, but about maternal love.

Watch the video: Everything about breastfeedingTamil (July 2024).