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Mom's experience: 5 easy ways to put a child to sleep during the day without tears and whims

Hello girls. Therefore, they came to the kindergarten only at 12 o'clock, when all the children are already asleep. Our dialogue: "Olga, come on, raise your hands, take off your blouse and run to sleep." - "Of course, I understand that I need to sleep, but I don't want to." - "Olga, you need to sleep, all the kids are sleeping, that's it, let me kiss you, the kids have a quiet hour, go to bed and fall asleep."

And so every time. In order to put Olya to bed on the weekend, I have to sweat a lot and try, then she wants to go to the toilet right away, then she wants to eat, then she wants to drink - anything, just not to go to sleep, does not like a quiet hour, even though you crack. I can't imagine what to do. Let's ask a professional:

- Olga Aleksandrovna, since she doesn't want to sleep so much, since she comes up with different excuses, maybe it's not worth putting her to bed already? After all 5 years already.

- Of course it's worth it. Preschoolers need a day's sleep in order to replenish the energy they spend running and playing. During games, the muscles of the arms, legs, back, as well as the heart and liver get tired. A tired child loses his appetite, because the stomach does not produce enough gastric juice. The brain especially needs rest.

So, no matter how Olya was against it, she cannot do without daytime sleep, but how to help a mobile child fall asleep?

1. It is important to equip the baby's crib so that it is comfortable and cozy. The bedroom should be cool, the air temperature should not exceed 18 - 22 degrees Celsius.

2. Before bedtime, it is important to create a positive emotional background to relieve excessive excitement and activity of children. Already during lunch you can turn on relaxation music, and in the bedroom you can tell the children a good fairy tale or sing a lullaby.

3. The child grows, and the need for daytime sleep is becoming less and less. If at the age of 3 to 5 years old children need to sleep from 2.5 to 3 hours a day, then 6-year-old children need 1 hour.

4. A ritual will help your fidget fall asleep, for example, teach him that he always eats after a walk, then listens to a fairy tale and immediately bainki.

5. And here is one pedagogical trick: Sometimes it is easier to send a child to bed, giving him the illusion of independent choice. For example, you can ask him: "Do you want to go to bed now or in 5 minutes?" As they say - choice without choice.

And one more effective method, with the help of which my daughter is put to bed in the kindergarten: - "Olga, are you not sleeping?" - "Yes". “Let's take a deep breath. Inflate a warm yellow balloon in the tummy. And take another deep breath. The balloon pouted. Now lie down on your right side, hands under your cheeks so that they do not interfere with you, and I will stroke you a little. You will dream of a kind fairy tale. The dream fairy is coming. "

Well, that's it, my Olga, finally fell asleep, and now I can run to work with a clear conscience.

On the topic of sleep:

  • An ingenious trick - how to put a child to sleep in 1 minute
  • How to put a child to sleep without tears and whims;
  • We teach the child to sleep in his bed separately from his mother (video, real stories);
  • Whether to rock the child before going to bed: how old can you rock the child;
  • The child sleeps only in his arms, and if you put it, he wakes up - a problem or not;
  • At what age a child can sleep on a pillow.

Watch the video: ADHD Strategies How Turn Chaos Into Harmony (May 2024).