
Otofag for children: instructions for use

"Otofag" is prescribed by ENT doctors both for various bacterial infections of the nose, throat and ears, and for their prevention. Such a remedy is considered by experts to be safe and effective, therefore it is used in both adult patients and young children.

Release form and composition

Otofag is produced in the form of a gel, which is sold in vials equipped with a dispenser. One package contains 50 ml of a transparent gel-like medicine. The active substances of the preparation are phage particles, represented by 32 types of bacteriophages. They are contained in saline solution, to which nipazole, carbopol, purified water and calendula extract are added.

Operating principle

The bacteriophages present in the gel help to normalize the microflora, as well as treat or prevent purulent infections of the ears, nose or throat. They are capable of inhibiting the growth of 12 types of bacteria that most commonly infect the ENT region. These include:

  • bacteroids;
  • neisseria;
  • proteus vulgaris;
  • klebsiella;
  • moraxelles catarralis;
  • Yesherichii koli;
  • pyogenic streptococci;
  • morganella blinking;
  • Röttger's Providence;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • hemophilic sticks;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Contributing to the destruction of pathogens, the active substances of "Otofag" do not have a harmful effect on the normal flora of the nasopharynx.


"Otofag" is recommended by specialists in such cases.

  • If a child has been diagnosed with rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, laryngitis, inflammation of the adenoids and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, provoked by bacteria. In such a situation, the remedy is advised to be used when the first symptoms appear in order to stop the development of the disease at the very beginning and to avoid the use of more serious medications (for example, antibiotics).
  • If the patient has chronic ear, nose, or throat problems. With such diseases, the use of "Otofag" will be a good prevention of relapses, and if the child has an exacerbation, then the use of the gel will help reduce the risk of complications.
  • If the child is sick with ARVI. In this case, "Otofag" is also used prophylactically to prevent the addition of a bacterial infection.
  • If there are factors that increase the risk of ear, nose or throat infections. Such factors include diabetes mellitus, decreased immunity, cancer pathologies, autoimmune diseases, fungal infections, and so on.
  • If the culture showed the presence of Staphylococcus aureus in the nose or throat of the child. Otofag helps to get rid of such bacteria so that the patient ceases to be their carrier and a source of infection for other children.
  • If the child is to undergo some kind of medical manipulation or surgery on the ENT organs, for example, removal of adenoids. In such cases, the gel is used prophylactically, as a remedy against infectious complications in the postoperative period.

At what age is it prescribed?

The use of "Otofag" in children is possible from birth. If necessary, such a remedy is prescribed even for newborn babies and infants under one year old. The gel is in demand in the practice of pediatricians and ENT doctors, as it prevents severe infections and avoids antibiotic treatment.

But, despite the harmlessness, the use of "Otofag" in children is recommended only as directed by a specialist.


The drug is not used if the child has hypersensitivity to any component of the gel. In addition, inflamed areas that do not have the ability to drain exudate (for example, a sutured wound) should not be treated with Otofag, as this will cause massive death of bacteria and increase edema.

Side effects

In rare cases, Otofag can cause a rash and other symptoms of intolerance. Swallowing the drug has no harmful effects and does not harm the child's body in any way.

Instructions for use

The gel is applied to areas of the mucous membrane, applying the drug directly from the bottle or using a gauze napkin. You can also use a spatula, cotton swab, or gauze pad for processing. The product should not be washed off for about 40 minutes after use.

The dosage and regimen of "Otofag" administration is influenced by the reason for the appointment.

  • If the drug is used for otitis media, runny nose, adenoiditis, sore throat, sinusitis, pharyngitis or laryngitis, then in the first two days the gel is injected with one click 3-4 times a day. From the third to the fifth day of use, the product is applied 2-3 times, and from the fifth day they switch to double use. The duration of such treatment is most often up to 14 days.
  • If the child has a risk of exacerbation of chronic pathologies of the ENT organs or there is a possibility of bacterial complications, for example, with ARVI or autoimmune disease, then the gel treatment is performed 2-3 times a day. One use provides one press, and the duration of use for prevention is not limited.
  • If Staphylococcus aureus is found in the child's nasopharynx, the agent is injected into the nasal passages, one press twice a day. In such a situation, "Otofag" is used for 7 days.
  • If the gel is prescribed for manipulations or surgery in the area of ​​the nose, ears or throat, then the dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor. Usually the product is applied a few days before the procedure and also 7 days after it.

After applying the gel, the dispenser nose must be wiped off the remains of the medication, and then tightly closed with a cap.

Drug interactions

According to the manufacturer's data, "Otofag" can be used together with any antibiotics. However, combined use with some antiseptics is not recommended, for example, with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or with preparations based on povidone iodine.

Terms of sale and storage

To purchase "Otofag" you do not need to take a prescription from a doctor, but an examination by an ENT doctor is desirable. The cost of one bottle of gel in different pharmacies ranges from 800 to 1200 rubles. Store "Otofag" at home in the refrigerator, but the manufacturer allows for short-term storage at temperatures up to +25 degrees, but after that the medication must be used within 60 days. The shelf life of the gel is 24 months.


Most of the reviews about "Otofag" call such a remedy an effective replacement for antibiotics and a good prevention of diseases of the nose, ears and throat. Mothers confirm that the drug helped prevent diseases of the ENT organs or accelerate recovery. The advantages of the product include a convenient dispenser, safety for children and good tolerance.

Among the disadvantages most often mentioned are the high price, as well as the need for storage in the refrigerator.


They do not produce products completely similar to Otofag, therefore, if necessary, replace such a gel with a similar drug, doctors use different antiseptic agents, for example, Miramistin, Tantum Verde, Lizobakt, Oralsept, Chlorhexidine or Hexoral. All these drugs differ in composition and dosage forms (among them there are solutions, sprays, lozenges, and so on), and also have different age restrictions, so the choice of an analogue should be made together with a specialist.

In addition, both for prophylactic purposes and for treatment, it is possible to use other bacteriophages, for example, "Staphylococcal" or "Sextaphage". Such solutions contain microorganisms destroyed by phages and are distinguished by a selective effect only on those bacteria that are in their composition. They can be used from birth, but are prescribed only after determining the sensitivity.

For information on how to properly take "Otofag", see the next video.

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