
5 unusual tricks to stop baby tantrums

Ways to calm a crying baby without yelling or punishing them.

Any parent can cope with child hysteria. There are many non-standard and at the same time effective ways to help stop the flow of tears and sobs of the baby.

Distract the baby with an unexpected request: "Blow on my forehead / nose / cheek"

The exhalation technique is a proven calming technique. In this situation, the crying child should breathe out, not mom and dad. It is difficult to explain this to the baby, but he will most likely be able to fulfill his mother's request. Ask the whimsical to blow on your face. Such a request will amuse and laugh the child and distract him from sobbing.

The kid will like this activity, and most importantly - with each exhalation he will calm down.

Caress the baby

Baby tantrums often annoy the mother and make her want to punish the child immediately. It is imperative to overcome this negative impulse and drown the baby in your arms: hug, kiss, caress.

Children often throw tantrums due to lack of parental attention and lack of tactile contact. The more often you squeeze your child in your arms, the better. The child will feel much calmer and more confident.

Arrange games on the floor

The essence of this method is to go down to the level of your crumb and give him the palm in the game. Let your child lead the process and give commands. The initiative must come entirely from the child. The main rule in this venture is strict obedience to the little commander.

As soon as his desire to command is fulfilled, the sobbing will end by itself.

Lingering hum or hiss

You can use the method of separation of feelings. The method is rather non-standard, but very effective. The principle of this method is to try to pull consonants. You can hiss, hum, and you need to make sounds a couple of tones quieter than the sounds of a baby. After some time, the capricious will calm down.

When the child is crying loudly, you can try to pronounce vowel sounds, for example, "oh-oh-oh" or "ah-ah". If the sound hits the beat of the baby crying, the baby will adjust to it and quickly subside.

Pronounce words in an unfamiliar language

Not all moms and dads will be able to apply this method, because not everyone speaks a foreign language. Although you will very much surprise the baby with this. If a parent suddenly speaks a foreign language, the effect will be enormous. The kid will begin to listen to the mysterious dialect of his parents, and will forget about hysteria and crying.

Emotions are an integral part of our life. It's just that the little man does not yet know how to manage them. A tantrum for a baby is often the only way to convey important information to us. And we, adults, need to be attentive and patient to our children, keeping inner peace in any situation.

  • 2 types of tantrums in children (hysterics of the upper and lower brain) and the correct reaction of the parents
  • How to deal with child hysteria: advice from a psychologist
  • Children's tantrum: how to calm a child down in 2 minutes
  • 5 good reasons for baby tantrums
  • Why does a child bang his head against the floor and walls: reasons and how to react
  • Baby tantrum in the store: how to react to parents
  • 6 tips to avoid baby tantrums at the grocery store

Watch the video: how to handle stubborn toddlers - toddler discipline techniques (July 2024).