After childbirth

What makes any mom mad in 3 seconds: 7 household items

Everyday moments of a young mother's daily life, which anger and annoy a woman. Fatigue, helplessness and discontent are natural feelings familiar to every young mother.

Of course, for every child, the kindest, dearest and most affectionate mother is. However, very quickly she can turn into an evil fury, and at first glance, the simplest (according to the father and the child) little things can bring her to this state. Here are 7 insignificant trivia that will bring to white heat any, even the most patient, parent.

Things scattered around the room

Jigsaw puzzles, candy wrappers, pencils that are lying around the apartment are terribly annoying. It is especially annoying when the head of the family contributes to this mess by slipping a pair of dirty socks or shirts into the common dump (he could not bring it to the laundry basket), and a pet, throwing a gnawed bone or torn packaging from sausages into the toys. At such moments it seems that it is impossible to remove this mess, it is easier to make repairs in the apartment.

Ignoring mom's requests

Mom's requests to clean up or do homework are like a voice crying in the wilderness. It's good if for the twentieth time someone deigns to turn their head in her direction. This is usually followed by an ingenious answer: “Don't shout. Drink the valerian. "

Can't eat calmly

As a rule, it all starts when the baby begins to eat on his own. How interesting it is to get a spoon into Mom's plate! At first, mom is moved - hurray, he managed to eat a spoonful of potatoes! He liked the soup! Eat, eat, take more!

But after a while it starts to annoy. It is impossible to calmly drink a cup of coffee, eat a sandwich or just have a snack with fruit, if from morning till night a kid is following you with the words "Give me too!" As a result, a constantly malnourished mother has only two choices - or to eat completely indigestible foods that, in principle, no one likes. Or sneakily stuff themselves with sausages and sweets when the child finally goes to bed.

Can't get enough sleep

Especially on weekends. You can't get your household members to work, school or kindergarten. But on Saturday, from seven in the morning they will clap the refrigerator, drop something (of course, by accident), and whisper loudly about something. They may even turn on the TV or crawl under your blanket. And if mom decided to lie down during the day, it will raise a bunch of questions from all family members: “Mom, are you sick? And we just want to eat. And walk. And it's time to feed Barsik. And by the way, darling, did you iron my pants? "


By themselves, they are not annoying, but somewhere they even help to relax. But it just infuriates that before you get a dog / cat / hamster / parrot everyone promises that they will feed / walk / clean the cage, honestly, honestly, and even in the morning on weekends and in any weather.

In reality, it is mom who has to get out of a warm bed early Sunday morning and go for a walk with her beloved dog on a leash, yawning. Take your cat for vaccination on your day off. And try to wean the parrot from the curses that dad or the eldest son taught him.

Missing things

It is terribly annoying when, after washing, instead of four socks in the washing machine, for some reason, three are found, and all are different. Mom is terribly annoyed when the child constantly cannot find his things: gloves, a hat, a handkerchief. It enrages even more when keys, phones and tablets are lost. It just doesn't fit in my head - how can you be so irresponsible?

There is absolutely no time for yourself

With the birth of the baby, the mother has to forget about all the little joys for a long time - to lie down in the bathroom, watch her favorite TV series, hang out on her smartphone for half a day, and meet her girlfriends. There will be constant knocking on the bathroom door, cartoons will be watched on TV around the clock, the computer will be taken away, and there will be no time or energy left for friends. But instead of them, daddy's friends can easily appear with beer and roach.

Mom in the family is a round-the-clock concept. She is deprived of the opportunity to calmly rest, work, have fun and even get sick. Therefore, it is best to protect her psyche and not to upset her in vain.

Watch the video: NORMAL MOM vs SMART MOM. Parenting Gadgets, Hacks, DIY Clothes Ideas And Activities (June 2024).