
20 habits of children that are unnerving and annoying

Conflicting parental feelings towards their own children. Childish behavior that annoys mom and dad.

They are cute and funny, you love them. Very. But sometimes you are also very angry. Why it happens?

They scatter everything

You woke up in the morning in a perfectly clean apartment. But then your three-year-old runs out, and your house instantly turns into the decoration of some kind of horror movie. Scene 1 - a dump of toys, bits, a construction set, scattered things, legos and puzzles cover the carpet with an even layer. And God forbid to remove anything! Screams, tears and protest.

They scream and argue for any reason

No, don't take the constructor! Don't pick up toys from the floor! No need to wash your hands! There is one answer to all - no, no, no! What would you do: feed, dress, undress, wash, take out for a walk, put on a carousel, remove from a carousel - everything will cause a loud protest!

They want to dress like freaks

You have been choosing this T-shirt for these shorts for a long time, but this does not bother anyone. After all, your daughter's favorite is a dress worn to holes, on top of which your Mademoiselle will put on a train from an old cloak and complement the image with worn-out slippers. And try it, take it off!

They don't like to wash and comb their hair.

And also put on clean clothes and brush your teeth. Passers-by on the street look at the kid with bewilderment and a smile, and you are terribly embarrassed for the protruding hair and grimy face of your princess.

They take your food away

As soon as you pour yourself a coffee, make a sandwich or take out a cookie, they will immediately take away half. The rule to feed the child first, then eat by itself - does not work. After all, mom's always tastes better!

They don't like sitting in their grandmother's arms.

And if you are to blame - you were poorly brought up, you did not teach to respect the elders. And why is the kid so spoiled anyway? Have seen enough smart gears! However, as soon as the grandmother leaves, the child begins to loudly demand her back!

They want to be understood

How can you understand what ba, na and ka means? And for a full hour, everyone has been trying to decipher under a loud cry of a crybaby, which means this ba-na-ka! It never occurred to you that it was just a magnet on the refrigerator.

They grow out of clothes

Of course, children grow up, and it's great, we understand that the child is not guilty here at all! But it's so offensive when you bought in advance that expensive suit that you liked, and it suddenly turned out to be small!

They touch us all the time

There is even such a thing as tactile fatigue (being touched), when a child constantly pulls by the hand, touches your face or hair, climbs into your lap. Yes, I love you very much. But you can rest for at least 5 minutes!

They demand to read the same tale

They are ready to listen to their favorite fairy tale, song or rhyme around the clock. Fly-tsokotukha you will remember for life.

They don't let you take a bath

Or go to the toilet. The child will stand under the doors and wail sadly, as if you flew into space. By the way, space is a good idea, you have to think.

They don't let go anywhere

You feel like a traitor with a stone heart, when a tear-stained child, clutching your leg, plaintively says: "Mommy, don't go-and-and!" The grandmother adds fuel to the fire, who reproachfully keeps silent: “Go, go, since there is such a need! After all, only six months ago I went to a hairdresser, and again! "

They instantly memorize bad expressions.

You can study a verse for a children's matinee for a month - and it's useless. However, your kid will remember the curse that accidentally escaped, and even tell all neighbors and relatives what you taught him.

They keep us awake on weekend mornings

A common thing: if you don't have to get up anywhere in the morning, the baby will definitely wake up at 6.00. And then he wants to drink, eat or walk.

They don't eat what we cook

And yesterday the baby was eating soup with meatballs and mashed potatoes. Today the same is smeared on a plate with a shout: "I don't want, I won't!"

They will be worn out in stores

And not only because of another doll or car. And, for example, a kid wants to carry a cart on his own, put food in it, and do not try to help him!

They demand to be picked up when you have heavy bags.

Just when you are carrying two heavy bags, your baby says that she is very tired and asks to pick him up. The kid sits on the ground and cries. But it is worth crossing the threshold of the house, all fatigue takes off like a hand!

They spoil your things

Of course not on purpose. It's just that the beads are so beautiful, the pencils are so bright, and the gum just happened to be on the new couch. And who is to blame for you, you should have looked after the child better!

They demand attention just when we are on the phone.

Just a minute ago, your kid was calmly assembling a construction set, but as soon as your phone rang, he urgently needed you. And so on until you hang up.

They grow up

And they no longer demand, do not scandal, do not ask for pens, and you are no longer the center of their Universe. How quickly you start to miss everything that used to be annoying.

Watch the video: 10 Good Habits Parents Must Teach Their Kids (May 2024).