Parent stories

5 my phrases that will put in place insolent mother-in-law

Phrases that will help repel an overly annoying mother-in-law, without offending or humiliating her at the same time.

At women's forums, the participants do not stop discussing the mother-in-law's arrogant behavior. And I am no exception, because my mother-in-law loves to teach me, her son and grandchildren. Maybe when my son gets married, I can understand her. But I certainly won't allow myself to be boorish. Here are 5 ways to intelligently fight back insolent mother-in-law.

Learn to say "NO": "No, because ..."

In Russian there is a simple, understandable and short word "no". And every person, having heard unsolicited instructions and advice, has the right to utter this word. If it is impossible to come to an agreement with your mother-in-law, then try to explain your point of view to her by saying something like “I understand you, but ...” or “I don’t think so ...”, and then argue your answer.

For example, my husband's mother every time tried to put on an extra blouse on her grandson, or wrap him up in a blanket, lamenting at the same time: “The baby is cold! Where are the parents looking! " Here's how to behave in such situations? After all, the mother-in-law wishes the baby only good! I had to explain my position long and tediously, waving a volume of Komarovsky. Gradually, I defended the right to decide for myself how many sweaters to wear on my child.

"You need to envy in silence"

After giving birth, unlike many women, I lost 15 kilograms. Chronic lack of sleep also affected, and the diet of a nursing mother also affected. The mother-in-law found in this an excellent reason for inappropriate jokes. From time to time she tried to offend me with jokes like: "A man is not a dog, he does not rush to a soup set," or even better: "A skinny cow is not a gazelle yet." And all with a sweet smile: "Don't you understand jokes?"

One day my patience ran out, and I answered her: "Envy in silence!" It also seemed to be a joke, only the mother-in-law for some reason did not laugh. The phrases addressed to me stopped immediately.

"A man chooses a woman who looks like a mother"

I am very annoyed by the remarks of my mother-in-law about what kind of mistress I am. I don't cook like that, I clean the apartment poorly, I talk to my husband incorrectly (while everything suits him). In general, everything and always I do wrong.

At first I wanted to tell her the banal: "Look at yourself." But then I decided that it was somehow completely childish. I was looking for a suitable phrase for a long time, and finally I found it. I replied to another remark of my mother-in-law as follows: “Psychologists believe that a man chooses a woman who looks like a mother!”. The meaning is the same, but how elegant it sounds!

"Don't judge by yourself"

Once we had a serious fight. The main thing is because of some trifle. I cooked something wrong and heard in my address that my hands did not grow from there. In general, they started up with nothing.

- Yes, you are nervous, the psychiatric hospital is crying for you, - said the mother-in-law.

- Thank you, but you don't need to judge by yourself, - I answer.

- It's impossible to talk to you! It's useless, - the beloved relative waved her hand, and left. And that's all I wanted.

“Say goodbye to your grandmother for a long time, son. We won't come here soon ”

The worst is when the mother-in-law interferes with the upbringing of the grandson. No matter how you explain that she has already raised her son, nothing helps. The mother-in-law strives to show amateur performance.

We prohibit our son from sweets, chips, salty croutons and fast food. Grandmother is just waiting for our arrival to shove some chemical muck to her beloved grandson from the doorway.

At home, we try to limit the amount of time we watch TV. You can watch cartoons at your grandmother's place around the clock.

We do not forbid our son to express emotions if he is upset. For example: "You can cry if you are upset, but you only eat ice cream after lunch." But the grandmother is ready to stand on her head and fulfill any whims of her grandson, so long as he does not cry.

And then the parents have to treat allergies, and the baby is forced to wear glasses from an early age, since the vision from constant cartoons begins to deteriorate. Since my reasonable arguments did not help, I used heavy artillery. After another trip to my grandmother, I told my son:

- Dear, hug your grandmother tightly. Because next time we won't come soon. Maybe when you're 15 years old.

The mother-in-law, of course, was offended. But at the same time she became thoughtful. And now from time to time he is interested in what is allowed for the grandson and what is not.

Of course, you won't be able to communicate with your mother-in-law at all. However, if you want, you can make her respect your views on family life and raising children.

How is your relationship with your mother-in-law? A thin world or a good war?

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