
"Stodal" during pregnancy: instructions for use

The immunity of a pregnant woman normally decreases, since this is important for the successful bearing of the fetus. However, this situation contributes to the emergence of colds and SARS. One of the symptoms of respiratory diseases that is dangerous for expectant mothers is cough. He should not be ignored, because with a debilitating and prolonged cough, the risk of various complications increases.

To make a woman forget about such a symptom faster, they use means that can affect both the respiratory tract itself and the secret produced in it. Sometimes they also resort to homeopathic treatment, for example, a doctor prescribes Stodal. The decision on whether it is permissible to use this syrup in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of coughing is taken on an individual basis. If the drug is still prescribed to a woman in position, she should read the instructions for use and read the review of the reviews.


Stodal is a homeopathic remedy from the famous French manufacturer Boiron. It is a sweetish syrup with a pleasant aroma, yellow-brown color and caramel flavor. The liquid is clear and slightly viscous. It is sold in a 200 ml glass bottle. To easily dispense the drug, a measuring plastic cap with 5 and 15 ml marks is added to the Stodal package.

The action of the syrup determines 10 active ingredients at once... These are substances that are obtained from Ipecacuanha, Bryony, Lobaria pulmonary, Mexican cochineal, Lumbago, curly sorrel, emetic stone, sea sponge and sundew, as well as a substance called Myocarde. The amount of each of these ingredients per 100 g of syrup is 0.95 g, but the homeopathic dilution of different substances is different.

Additionally, two more syrups were included in Stodal - polygal and tolu. Each of them is presented in an amount of 19 g per 100 g.

In addition, the preparation contains caramel, ethanol (the amount of alcohol per 100 g of the product is 0.34 g, and the concentration is 96%), sucrose syrup and benzoic acid.

The drug is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription, costs about 300 rubles and is stored at room temperature for up to 5 years from the date of manufacture.

How does it work?

Stodal is a symptomatic homeopathic medicine used to eliminate coughs. This symptom can occur with diseases of the ENT organs, inflammatory processes and allergic reactions in the respiratory system. Thanks to its many ingredients, the syrup provides a comprehensive effect on coughs.

If we consider individual substances in the composition of the drug, then it is known that Antimonium tartaricum helps to eliminate spastic cough, and Coccus cacti helps to facilitate the discharge of excessively thick phlegm. With Rumex crispus and Bryonia, the solution helps with dry coughs that occur when talking and inhaling very cold air. Thanks to Spongia tosta, the drug is effective for unproductive barking coughs, and Sticta pulmonaria improves tracheitis.

Taking "Stodal" with a dry cough will soften the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and reduce the activity of inflammation. Using a syrup will help to moisturize your cough faster and relieve shortness of breath. If the remedy is prescribed with a wet cough, it will reduce the viscosity of the secretion and fight the stagnation of phlegm in the bronchi. Under its influence, the bronchial tree will quickly clear of mucus, and the inflammation and swelling will disappear, thanks to which the recovery will accelerate.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

There is no strict prohibition on using Stodal while carrying a baby, but before using it, a doctor's consultation is required, who must decide whether it is advisable to drink such a syrup.

It is also important to take into account the fact that the product contains ethanol, which should not be consumed during pregnancy, even if its amount is minimal.

Due to the presence of ethyl alcohol, taking Stodal in the early stages is not recommended... Whether the expectant mother should drink the drug in the 2nd or 3rd trimester should be decided by a specialist who monitors the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The main reason for prescribing Stodal for a woman in position is a cough of a different nature. The tool can be used in the treatment of bronchitis, acute respiratory viral infections, tuberculosis, colds or bronchial asthma. It is prescribed to relieve the condition with a reflex or allergic cough.

The drug has shown itself well for cough, which is called unproductive or dry. With this symptom, the patient practically does not produce sputum due to its small amount or very high viscosity. Stodal is no less in demand in case of wet cough, when there is a lot of bronchial secretion.


The use of syrup is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients. In addition, since the composition of Stodal contains sucrose, this remedy is not prescribed for patients with diabetes mellitus or hereditary diseases of carbohydrate metabolism.

Side effects

According to the annotation, Stodal does not provoke any negative reactions, however, in rare cases, allergic symptoms may occur to the syrup. If, after the first use or some time after the start of treatment, any ailments appear, the expectant mother should immediately consult a doctor.

In case of individual hypersensitivity, the doctor will cancel Stodal and select a suitable replacement instead.

Instructions for use

The tool is taken up to 5 times a day. The exact number of Stodal's receptions per day is determined by the doctor. Use a measuring cap for dispensing. The standard adult dosage is 15 ml, so the solution is taken up to the 15 ml mark, and then taken orally.

The duration of treatment with syrup is specified by a specialist who made a decision on the appointment of such a drug during pregnancy. It is enough for some women to drink the drug for only a few days, while others have to take the drug for several weeks. If after 3-5 days from the beginning of the reception there is no improvement in the condition, or, on the contrary, it has worsened, the pregnant woman should inform the attending physician about this.


There are various reviews about the use of Stodal while carrying a child. In some, the drug is called effective and safe, and is also praised for its pleasant taste and good composition. In others, they complain that the remedy did not help in any way with the cough, because of which they had to buy another medicine. The main disadvantages include the presence of ethanol and sugar in the composition. Negative reviews also note that the syrup is quite expensive, so many women prefer similar products that are more affordable.


If it becomes necessary to replace Stodal with another drug, the doctor will recommend one of the medicines to help get rid of the cough.

  • "Lazolvan". The drug is not used in the 1st trimester, but it can be prescribed to women in a position at a later date with bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases of the respiratory system.

The medication is represented not only by syrup, but also by solution (it is used orally and used for inhalation), and tablets. The active substance of any form is ambroxol hydrochloride.

  • "Mukaltin". The basis of such tablets is marshmallow extract. The drug is prescribed for pregnant women when indicated, for example, if the expectant mother suffers from an unproductive cough. Under the action of the tablets, the sputum is thinned and the mucous membrane softened.

  • "Dr. Theiss plantain syrup"... Such a remedy affects the respiratory tract due to the plantain extract, which has an expectorant, mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect. The medication is prescribed for diseases manifested by a cough with excessively thick sputum. During pregnancy, it can be used under the supervision of a specialist at any time.